Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 228: have a little brother

Tang Xiaonan couldn't help shaking, and her back shuddered. The deeper she analyzed it, the more terrifying she felt that Huang Fengxian's family, and Shen Yuzhu, who also had the malicious genes of the Huang family, so what the author said was bullshit.

Shen Yuzhu is definitely not as beautiful as the author said.

Tang Xiaonan gritted her teeth, she had to think of the worst in everything, and now she felt that Shen Yuzhu's family were all sinister, vicious and cunning villains, including Shen Yuzhu.

These medicines must not be eaten. According to the time, Shi Lan should already have a baby in her stomach. No wonder she looks so bad. She ate very little at dinner before, and stopped after moving a few chopsticks.

"This medicine was introduced by Huang Huailin's mother? Mom, can you believe what she says? You can't take this medicine." Tang Laigui frowned, he also didn't like Huang Fengxian's family.

And there was one thing he never said, that is, what Huang Fengxian pestered him at the beginning, Tang Laigui even had a feeling that Huang Fengxian didn't really like his eldest brother, it was just to disapprove of him.

But Tang Laigui wasn't sure, plus Tang Laifu was so committed to Huang Fengxian at that time, he was worried that speaking out would affect his brother's feelings, so he kept refraining from speaking. Fortunately, Huang Fengxian didn't marry in, otherwise he would have to deal with it for the rest of his life.

"Why can't you eat it? Liu Xiangu is really famous in Liuxia Village, and it's not Madam Huai Lin who said that alone. I went to Liuxia Village to inquire about it, and it's really effective."

Zhang Manyue was unhappy. She spent ten yuan for this medicine. She could not spend ten yuan for half a year at home. It hurts more than gouging out a piece of her flesh, but in order to hold her grandson, she has to ask for it no matter how much she hurts.

"You are almost forty now. If you don't have another child, you really can't have one. No matter whether it's a boy or a girl, you have to have one. No child is like a home, and it doesn't even have a human flavor."

Zhang Manyue was still working hard, but when she said that she was anxious to get angry later, her voice became much louder. Shi Lan immediately said that she would definitely drink it, no matter if it was useful or not, just drink it, so that her mother-in-law would not be unhappy.

Seeing Shi Lan's obedience, Zhang Manyue's expression softened a little. In fact, she didn't want to force her daughter-in-law, but who made Shi Lan's stomach not live up to her expectations, she couldn't give birth after more than ten years of marriage, and she had to leave early in someone else's home.

"There is a little brother, and the second uncle's family has a little brother." Tang Xiaonan suddenly shouted loudly.

She suddenly felt that she was too prescient, and made a character of the reincarnation of an immortal in advance. Now she doesn't have to worry that no one will believe what she says.

Zhang Manyue's babbling stopped abruptly, the room became quiet, and everyone looked at Tang Xiaonan in unison.

"What little brother? Xiaonan, where did you see the little brother?" Tang Baishan resisted his excitement, he immediately understood what Tang Xiaonan meant.

"Here, the second aunt has a little brother in her belly."

Tang Xiaonan patted Shi Lan's stomach lightly with a serious expression.

The room became even quieter, with only the sound of heavy breathing. Shi Lan and Tang Laigui looked at each other and couldn't believe their ears. How could they be pregnant?

But they also heard that children's words are very clever. Tang Xiaonan said coldly that there is a little brother, so they couldn't help but believe it, it would be great if it was true.

"Xiao Nan, how do you know there is a little brother, you saw it?" Tang Laigui's voice trembled, Shi Lan took a breath, she could only breathe after hearing Tang Xiaonan's affirmation.

"If you have a little brother, call me sister."

Tang Xiaonan didn't say anything else, but only killed a little brother. She was only six years old anyway, so she didn't need to say it too clearly, as long as she said the results, it was enough. With how much Tang Laigui and Shi Lan cared about their children, they would definitely Went to the hospital to check.


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