Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 308: send a plaque

Zhang Manyue nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, it's none of our Tang family's business, just let that sassy fox make a fuss, if you two are really capable, go to battle together and hook up all the men in Huaquan Township, and I will give you a plaque! "

"Mom, why are you giving them the plaque, I don't know how to buy meat with that money." Xu Jinfeng was dissatisfied.

"You know what, the plaque I gave is unusual, and it has to write two words on it."

"What word?"

"Broken shoes."

Zhang Manyue said two words aloud, and the audience burst into laughter. Madam Huai Lin was so angry that she opened her mouth and was about to scold. A few insects can be seen clearly and clearly.

Huai Linniang didn't realize it herself, she didn't know from the beginning to the end, letting the fat maggots explode in her mouth, that scene made Tang Xiaonan sick and her chest was stuffy, but she couldn't bear the excitement, it was better than the movie It looks good.

"Damn your mother*, my Fengxian is an innocent person and a teacher that everyone respects. Did you see my Fengxian stealing people? I can't spare you any more nonsense!"

Madam Huai Lin scolded her, not caring about the dirt on her body, she jumped up and wanted to climb up the ridge, but she didn't come up after jumping a few times. Madam Hua Lin was so angry that she picked up the dirty water from the field and poured it up.

Xu Jinfeng and Zhang Manyue avoided it nimbly, and they were even more unforgiving.

"Everyone respects a fart. Your Huang Fengxian is a ragged shoe that everyone sleeps on. It's even cheaper than a bitch. What kind of clothes does she wear? It's easier to go to work naked."

"The school is also true. There are so many high school students who have to let only broken shoes teach, and they are not afraid to teach bad children. If there are other schools, I will not let my little girl and Yuxiang go to Gu Village to go to school, and the school does not know. What are you doing, such a stinky shoe is still not fired!"

Zhang Manyue's sound effect is not low, and the slaps are clapped.

"I must have slept with the school district leader, or else Huang Fengxian will be able to turn into a normal person? Others have ink in their stomachs, but her stomach is full of anger. What can she teach in class? How to teach how to sleep with men?"

As soon as Xu Jinfeng finished speaking, Zhang Manyue slapped Zhang Manyue's hand and shouted loudly, "Listen to everyone, if there are first-grade children at home, especially girls' families, you must do your ideological work well, and don't get along with it. Huang Biaozi has learned a whole body of salacious work, and the face of the eighth generation of the ancestors has been completely lost!"

The villagers caused a stir, and they were chatting among themselves. They really listened to what Zhang Manyue and Xu Jinfeng said, and they had a lot of influence.

In this era, the reputation of a girl's family is very important. If you really learn bad habits from Huang Fengxian, you will not be able to marry a good husband in the future, and your maiden's family will be ridiculed.

"Put your shit, your mouth is worse than big shit, who did Feng Xian seduce? She is a teacher, and you are just jealous of her, so you poured dirty water on Feng Xian's head, I can't kill you!"

Madam Huai Lin was so angry that she jumped up and came up from the other side, scolding and running, but the mud in the field was too deep, one foot was deep and the other was shallow. Madam Huai Lin was anxious again, and fell several times, her body was covered in mud, Not human anymore.

"Bah... the old lady is jealous of her broken shoes? Is she slandered by the old lady for seducing my family to come to the blessing? Selling meat just to eat meat, the entire Mopan Mountain can only do such a shameless and shameless thing as Huang Fengxian!" Xu Jinfeng scolded angrily, those dozens of pounds of meat were a pain that she could never heal in her life.

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