Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 309: it's your man

"That's when Tang Laifu was stalking my Fengxian by himself. Hmph, when he and Fengxian were good, you Xu Jinfeng was still killing pigs in Gu Village, but my Fengxian didn't look down on Tang Laifu, and he didn't pay attention to him all these years. It's Tang Laifu who is a cheeky stalker, you have the ability to manage your own man, even a man can't be tied, so you don't feel ashamed!"

Huai Linniang is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. She sneered and made Xu Jinfeng gasp.

Zhang Manyue held her back and scolded in a cold voice, "Laifu had been with Huang Fengxian before, but my family Baishan could see at a glance that Huang Fengxian was a coquettish son, and the roof of the house was green when we got married, so he refused. After this marriage, I am fortunate that I didn't marry someone like you, Huang Fengxian can't even compare to my family's Jinfeng's toes, so I don't want to post it as a daughter-in-law!"

Xu Jinfeng's face cleared a lot, and she proudly puffed out her chest. This was the first time her mother-in-law praised her in public!

"You can't stop your son from liking it if you don't like it. If you have the ability, don't let Tang Laifu think about my Fengxian!"

Madam Huai Lin finally rushed over, bringing a burst of stench, and everyone else stayed away, not wanting to be covered in feces by her.

Tang Xiaonan puffed up her cheeks and was so mad at her that she had never seen such a shameless person before, and her daughter felt honored for stealing someone. No wonder Huang Fengxian and Shen Yuzhu were both so bitches.

"My father doesn't like vixen, he likes grandma, likes my mother, and likes me!"

Tang Xiaonan shouted with her arms crossed. Only then did everyone notice her. Zhang Manyue said anxiously, "What are you two doing here? Hurry back, it's smelly here."

"She's a bad person. I don't want to take the fox spirit's class. She mispronounced her pinyin." Tang Xiaonan twisted angrily. Taking Huang Fengxian's class was a waste of time. She was suffering during this time, so she might as well follow Qi Grandpa is studying foreign languages.

"You **** girl knows a shit. You dare to pick on the teacher's fault. It's up to you. If you don't get it, you won't get it. Some people get it!" Madam Huai Lin scolded viciously.

Tang Xiaonan was not afraid of her, and said: "If the teacher doesn't teach well, I will say that Mr. Huang can't read many words. In the spring, it reads as a village sky, and the colorful reads as 'Zhiziweihong', and it reads as 'Senji'. Yang Lan', it's all wrong!"

"You little girl can be patient just after knowing a few words? Don't fart here, if you don't get up, get out. My Fengxian is not inferior to you as a student!" Huai Linniang jumped up and scolded, if Xu Jinfeng was not blocking her, she would definitely Tear the mouth of this dead girl.

"I knew that the older brother and the second brother both taught me to read. Their teachers didn't teach me to read like this. Teacher Huang read it wrong. She's such a **** teacher. I can't even get on the school!"

Tang Xiaonan jumped higher and her voice was louder. She didn't dare to say that it was taught by Mr. Qi, for fear that this shameless family would attack the old man.

Everyone else was thoughtful. Tang Aihua and Tang Aiguo were both in middle school, and they must know a lot of characters. It seems that Huang Fengxian was indeed teaching it wrong, but the villagers were not sure, after all, they didn't know how to pronounce it.

"I don't go to school either, there's always no one in class, it must be a sleeping man!" Chai Yuxiang also jumped up and shouted, her cousin didn't go to class anymore, she didn't have the energy to go to school, why not listen to Grandpa Qi's story.

"What are you arguing about, why don't you work?"

The village chief came over with a dark face, followed by Tang Shaozheng, Tang Laifu was there, they were working in another place, and they were a little far away, so it was late.


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