In the middle of the sea you can see a battleship that's been customized to look like a dog for some reason. On the ship currently, the sailors/marines are currently doing their morning training on the deck. At the front of those marines there's a 11 year old boy running past them, but unlike them he's not doing just the same exercises as them but is doing even more while using weights.

The training is composed of every marine attempting to utilize Rokushiki. Each marine has been taught the basics on how to use Rokushiki. They will first start off with Soro, Rankyaku, Shigan, Geppo, Kami-e, and then lastly Tekkai. They will then repeat this cycle until their unable to even move.

Right now Sage is learning how to use Rokushiki at a monstrous speed. Even though he still cannot use any of the techniques of Rokushiki yet. If he keeps up the speed he has right now by the time they arrive to Marine Fort he will be able to Soro and Tekkai while Rankyaku, Kami-e, and Geppo will only fall behind by a little bit. Sage seems to be more talented in using those two more then the others, but don't let that fool you.

Most marines train for at least 2-3 years before they are able to utilize just one of the six powers while even the most talented oes take at least a year, but Sage in just 3 weeks will be able to us 2 out of the six powers. Most probably in less than half a year will be able to use every one of the six powers at least at the beginner level. When the marine soldiers realized this, they couldn't help but so frustrated since right here in front of them a 11 year old boy by the time he is 12 years old will be able to use all six powers.

The difference in talent is just to big, but they also not only that. It's also because Sage not only trains using weights, but also trains pretty much all day except when he takes break to eat or when he needs to relieve himself. The marines understand that even if they wanted to teach the boy some lessons they couldn't since Sage is already able to pretty much beat everyone on the ship except for the higher ranked marines like Captain Bogard and Vice Admiral Garp, but neither are interested in doing anything since one is his grandson while the other seems to taken a liking to the young boy.

Sage: \" It been a week since I left dawn island. I think this is what people call home sickness. I really miss Dawn island. I wonder how those idiots are doing. It's already morning I wonder if their doing alright without me. Ah who am I kidding, there's probably no one on the island who can beat them as long as they work together so they'll be fine even without me. I need to become stronger, so that if they are ever in trouble I can protect them from it. Even if I have to die I won't let any one of my brothers die.\"

A marine wearing a coat with the words (True Justice) on his back. Bogard: Hello Sage how has your training been going so far. Sage: Yo uncle Bogard. My training so far hasn't been all that bad I guess, so far am about half ways to achieving the beginner level for both Soro and Tekkai. While with the other powers I am about a fifth of the way there.\" Sage tells Bogard who he has grown close to while on his first trip through the sea with a bit of a disappointed tone. Bogard: \"Haha you funny Sage you know that.\"

Sage: \" What why you think i'm lieing don't you.\" Bogard: \" No no I belive you Sage it's just that when you said that you sounded a bit disappointed. Haha if any of the other marines were to hear you say that and you were disappointed by those results then they wouldn't even know what to do anymore haha.\" At this moment another person joins in the conversation as well. Garp: \"Bwhahaha what Bogard says is true you know most of the marines have been training for at least two years and only a few of them have been able to nearly reach the beginner level and here you are complaining about being unable to master more of the six powers while by next week or earlier you going to reach the beginner level in soro and Tekkai Bwhahaha just what i would expect from my grandson.\"

Sage scratches the back of the head while grinning a little. Sage: \" I guess, but I don't get why they can't do it. For me it's been really easy to learn it, so i don't get why they struggle.\" Sage innocently ask while the rest of the marines around him who heard just couldn't even be mad seeing how he genuinely was confused on why they struggle so much on Rokushiki. Bogard: \" Haha your just like Garp oblivious to everything.\" Garp: \" Oi what's that supposed to mean.\"

Bogard just ignores him and keeps talking, \" You know that most marines train at the very least two years before they are able to reach the beginner level in one of the six powers you know. Even the talented ones took at least a year, but here you are in less than a month reaching the beginner level in two of the six powers. It took me a year and a half to reach the beginner level in Geppo. Heck even Garp took a year and 2 months to reach the beginner level in Tekkai.\"

Sage: \" Really wow then you guys must have been slacking huh to take that long to learn something so simple.\" Garp: \" Random Marine: \" (sigh) Sage it's not that were slacking it's just that your just was to monstrus when it comes to Rokushiki when compared to the rest of us you know.\" The other Marines nod their head agreeing to with their fellow comrade. Sage: \" Oh sorry\" Bogard: \" Either way Garp said that you ate a devil fruit, but he didn't tell us which one. He said that he wanted to surprise the crew so you mind showing us what it is.\"

Sage: \" I don't mind. I haven't been training it all that much since I've been focusing on Rokushiki, but I came up with a new move when we were sailing so look.\" Sage moves towards the back of the ship and the rest of the crew follow him. he then raises his hands then he tightens his fingers and then he lifts his arms a bit higher while he looks like if he's pulling something. Then Sage says, \"(Tsunami)\" A wave then starts to rise from the ocean beginning to get bigger and higher before falling back down after traveling for a while before falling and pushing the ship a bit, but no by much.

Sage starts to pant after that and realizes that he's gonna need to up his stamina if he's ever going to make a wave bigger than a small ship. While Sage is busy thinking of ways to improve his strength. the crew who just saw what he did have shocked expressions on each of their faces before looking towards the 11 year old boy. Each one of them shared the same thought, 'What a monster to have such talent not only at a young age, but to also have such a powerful devil fruit. How lucky is this guy.\"

Bogard is currently thinking about what he just witnessed. He had heard rumors that a water type devil fruit existed, but he thought they were just that rumors, but apparently they aren't. Garp: \" Bwhahaha you see what did I tell you. The faces you guys made oh. You should've seen your faces you guys looked, so funny Bwhahaha.\" His crew just looks at him and begin to laugh as well. Random Marine 1: \"Haha Vice Admiral Garp you have one hell of a grandson you known.\" Garp: \" Bwhahaha I know.\" After that Garps face turns serious which makes all of his crew member stop laughing and start to wonder why did the Vice Amiral who they know very well doesn't pretty much act serious ever actually become serious for once.

Even more serious then when he is actually obeys orders. Garp: \" Oi Sage\" Sage hearing his grandfather call him turns to him and notices that he's looking awfully serious. Sage: 'Wonder why he looks so serious.' Sage: \" Whats up gramps\" Garp: \" Right now after you used that move it drained most of your stamina didn't it.\" Sage: \" Yeah why\" Garp then disappears only to reappear again in the same spot with seastone cuffs. Sage: \" Uh Gramps why do you have cuffs.\" Garp then tosses the seastone cuffs to Sage who catches then not knowing what they are to suddenly fall on his knees and begins to feel very very week.

Sage: \" so... weak.\" Sage barely manages to speak when he realizes that he felt weak the moment he touched the cuffs, so he lets go and moves away from them. After moving away he begins to feel his strength slowly return, but he's still feeling very weak. At least now he's recovering though.'

Garp: \" Those are cuffs made out of seastone. We use them on devil fruit users since devil fruit users become weak when in contact with seastone. From now on you will be wearing those cuffs until we get to Marine Fort. Once we get there we'll have someone make a ring or something out of seastone since wearing cuffs are inconvenient, but you'll have to make do for now.\"

Sage: \" But..why gramps.. they make me.. feel really weak you know.\" Sage still struggles a bit since he's still trying to recover his strength. Garp: \" Exactly, so you will use those cuffs while you are training. Not only will it make it much more difficult to train like you normally do, but it will help make sure that you don't become over reliant on your logia body.\"

Garp: : \"From now on in the the afternoon you will practice using observation haki while wearing those cuffs and a blindfold UNDERSTOOD.\" Sage wanted to protest, but he realizes that using seastone while training will not only increase the intensity of his training. It will also help him in increasing his stamina since he becomes weak while wearing seatone cuffs. If he is able to perform like he normally would without seastone cuffs then how much stronger and faster would he be without seastone cuffs on him.

So with that Sage nods in agreement with what his grandfather said and puts on the seastone cuffs. He then begins to train, but you can already see how much the seastone cuffs are getting in his way. Sage doesn't allow that to hold him back and pushes himself further while trying to use soro. The other Marines seeing the young boy despite using seastone cuffs and being super weak because of that feel invigorated and begin to do their own training.

[ That's how Sage spent his time while on board Garp's ship until he arrived in marine Fort 3 weeks later]

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