[1 month after the tiger lord was defeated by Ace, Luffy, and Sabo. Winter has finally ended on Dawn island]

Sage: \"Ah am surprised our home actually managed to survive past last nights storm.\" Sabo: \" Yeah, but we are gonna have to get materials to repair it though.\" Sabo states while picking up a piece of wood that was formerly attached to the bottom of the tree house. Ace: \" Yeah I guess so. Let's go looking for some in Gray terminal. I doubt we won't be able to find what we need there so let's go after we eat breakfast.\"

The boys then went off into the forest to hunt for some food. After the boys defeated the tiger lord the area around the mountain pretty much became their personal hunting grounds. Anytime they went hunting they would go towards the mountain due to the fact that after the tiger lord's death. A lot of bears started to live on it, but because of that the buys started to eat a lot of bear meat.

[After they finished hunting]

Sabo: \" There that should be enough food for the rest of the day.\" Ace: \" Sabo you know that's not gonna be enough. It barely gonna be enough for breakfast, you know how much Sage and Luffy like to eat.\" Luffy: \" Yeah, but you like to eat a lot to Ace.\" Sage: \" Haha yeah we do eat a lot don't we. Either way it's still enough for us to eat a big breakfast and have some left over, so lets start to head back.\" After that they started to head back home dragging behind them 3 bear's that are each the size of 2 houses behind them.

When they finally got close enough for their home to be in view they saw a old tall man standing in front it. Inwardly they all started to curse because they recognized the old man as the demon who would always torment them whenever they meet so they ducked into some bushes to try and ambush him. Ace climbed up onto a tree and walked onto a sturdy branch that was just about over the head of the old man. Sabo went to the left side of the old man and hid in a thick bush. Sage also went and hid in a bush that was on the old man's right.

But Luffy being Luffy didn't hide, but called out the old man. Luffy: \" Oi gramps what are you doing here\" Luffy ask the old man with a bright smile on his face. Garp: \" Oh Luffy where are your brothers at.\" Luffy: \" Oh Ace is on top of you. Sage and Sabo are hiding in bushes off to your sides.\" The trio after hearing their youngest brother give out their location immediately began their assault on Garp hoping to get a hit on Garp.

Sabo was the first to get sent flying backwards, but unlike the first time they met he only got sent sliding backwards and not sent flying unconscious into a tree. Garp was a bit surprised, but he was expecting this since he knows that these kids are monsters each in their own right. Ace was soon to follow and he attempted to hit Garp with his mighty pipe, but Garp just blocked it with his hand. He grabbed Ace by the head and sent him into Sabo knocking both of them into the ground.

Garp then shifted his attention to his eldest grandson who was surprising not charging straight at him. Garp: \" Oh so you've learned that you can't take. Are gonna come at me or should I come to you Sage.\" After that short dialogue Garp starts to walk towards Sage and then starts to shortly start running, but not too fast since he wants to see how strong his grandson has become since their last meeting. Sage seeing his grandfather start to run lifts his hand up which is in the form of a pistol and aims it at Garp.

A Akuma no mi/Devil fruit. A water type at that. He has heard rumors about their being a water type devil fruit, but he never believed it since one of the only weakness a devil fruit user has is water. But right now in front of him his grandson just used it a water type devil fruit. Even though Garp is known as a person who is not really ever serious and is always joking around around. He knows just how dangerous a water type devil fruit can be if it's in the wrong hands.

After he dodged the move he stopped moving and looked at his grandson. Garp: \" Sage how did you do that.\" Sage: \" Oh it happened after I found a strange looking fruit and ate it. Next thing I know My hand turns into water. It freaked my out for a little while until i managed to change it back. I was a bit scared but then i remembered what happened to Luffy and how got his abilities because he ate a devil fruit. So I thought that i ate one to.\" After hearing him confirm that he ate a devil fruit to gain his abilities he nodded and was even more surprised since it seems that the one he ate was also a logia type.

Garp: \" Oi Sage next time I leave your coming with me alright.\" Sage was shocked when he heard Garp say that he was bringing him with him. Sage: \" But what about Luffy or Ace or Sabo. I can't just leave then behind Gramps their my brothers. Luffy: \" What no I don't want Sage to leave gramps why do you need to take him.\" Garp was about to speak, but got interrupted by Luffy and then Ace and Sabo added in their own pieces. Ace: \" You stupid old man first you beat us up and then your trying to take Sage with you. No way you gonna have to beat all us before we let that happen.\" Sabo: \" Yeah you stupid old geezer we're not gonna let you take Sage without a fight.\"

Garp: \" Sage that's because his is a paramecia type and also it makes him a rubber man. He still has all the normal weakness a normal devil fruit user has, but you ate a water type devil fruit. A logia type at that and if anyone regoncinzes it then they might try and take you to sell you off. I will NOT allow that to happen, so you will come with me to ensure nothing like that happens UNDERSTOOD.\" Even though Garp was being mean. It's because he knew how dangerous it would be for Sage if someone recognized that he has a water type devil fruit.

Even though the chances are low since they are in the east blue and on Dawn island. Where pretty much no one knows about devil fruits. Garp isn't willing to take chances since this is his grandson and he will not allow him to be harmed by greedy people who would want to use him for their own selfish purposes. Even though Sage is young, he is much more intelligent then he lets on. He understands the power he has and also the dangers that come with it.

Even though he's sad that he has to leave behind his brothers. If they were to get hurt or even end up dying trying to protect him. he would never be able to forgive himself for it, so he knows the best way to avoid that is to go with his grandfather. Sage: \"(Sigh) I understand gramps no need to yell. When are we leaving then.\" Sage asks Garp with a sad and low tone. Garp seeing his grandson who he has never seen sad before couldn't help but feel regretful that he has to separate them, but he knows that he has to do this for his safety for else who knows what could happen while he's not there on the island.

Garp: \" Cheer up Sage. It won't take that long because once Ace turns 17 I'll take him back with me so that he can join the marines as well, but we're leaving tomorrow.\" Sage: ' Ha by the time you realize it Ace is gonna be out in the ocean sailing as a pirate.' Garp: \" Now then let's eat am starving. Let's see oh you guys hunted for quite a bit. Let's go cook it am hungry. Garp walks off picks up the three bears that are the size of 2 houses and takes them so he can cook them up while leaving the boys alone.

Sage and Sabo woke up when Garp was explaining the dangers of Sage being left on the island with no protection. Sage then starts to talk with a low sad and slightly regretful tone, \" Soo I guess today's the last time I will get to be with you guys huh.\" Ace: \" Yeah I guess so, but on the bright side you going to be able to start your training to be a marine earlier since your going with gramps.\" Ace tries to lower the depressed mood by saying this, but it fails to do the job. Luffy then talks but he's crying with snot coming out of his nose when he tries to talk.

Luffy: \" Ahh (sniff) but I don't want Sage (sniff) to leave\" Sabo: \" Yeah Luffy we know none of want him to leave, but if he stays here he gonna be in danger. You heard what gramps said will happen to him if someone regocnizes his powers.\" Sage: \" Don't worry you guys we will meet again. We'll meet again when you guys are out in the sea as pirates and am in the sea as a marine alright. So let's stop this depressing mood and let's go eat before gramps eats all the food.\" When Luffy heard the word food he got happier, but he was sill sad since his brother was leaving and he won't get to see him for a long time.

[To the next day when Sage is about to leave]

Sage is currently at the docks next to a humongus ship that has a dog's head as its figurehead. It has it's crow nest shaped like a doghouse. It has four mast that are shaped like bones with dog-paws. It has three triple-barreled guns on the front and sides of the ship. It also has two sets of six large cannons on both sides of the hull.

Sago: \" Holy crap gramps your ship is huge, but what's up with the dog theme.\" Garp: \" Hahaha I know it's a navy battleship. This is my own ship, so I can customize it however I want. You don't like the dog or what.\" Garp tells his grandson with a voice warning him. Sage: \" No no I think it looks awesome. When I get to the marines will I get a ship this big.\" Sage ask with aticaption in his voice cause he really wants to get himself a ship like this just without the dog theme. Garp: \" Sure once you join the marines and reach the same rank as me then you'll be able to get your own.\"

Sage: \" Really then what's your rank gramps.\" Just as Garp was about to tell him one of his men call out. Random Marine while saluting towards Garp, \" Vice-Admiral Garp Sir, we have finished with resupplying the ship and all preparation. We are just waiting for you order to set sail.\" Garp: \" Alright then come on Sage it's time we set sail.\" Sage just sighs and looks back towards Foosha village knowing it will be a few years before he comes back here. He stands there for a bit before moving towards the battleship to board.

\" SAGE WAIT UP\" Out of nowhere someone calls out Sage's name. Sage turns around to see his three younger brothers regaining their breath from having to sprint all the way here to make it in time. They were supposed to leave in the morning and Sage didn't want to say goodbye to them, so he told Garp not to wake them up and just left them to sleep. But it seems they woke anyways and ran all the way here.

Ace: \" (huff) Sage you (huff) bastard why didn't (huff) you wake us up.\" Sage: \" Sorry I just didn't want to have to say goodbye to you guys.\" Sabo: \" (huff) So you were gonna (huff) Leave without saying goodbye. \" Sage: \" That was the plan, but as you can see it didn't work out to well. Luffy: \" (huff) Sage you meanie (huff) were brothers so (huff) how could you do that.\" Garp then yells out from the ship, \" OI SAGE HURRY UP IT'S TIME TO GO HURRY UP AND SAY GOODBYE. It's not like it's gonna be the last time you see them.\" Sage: \" (sigh) I guess this is goodbye then for a while. Sage lifts up his fist and puts it in front of them. Ace then does the same and then Sabo then Luffy.

Sage then says, \" The next time we met am gonna be marine and you guys will be pirates. If I ever hear you guys commit some type of evil crime then know am gonna chase your asses then and show you hell got it.\" Ace Sabo and Luffy feel sweat fall on their back seeing the dangerous look their eldest brother has. Ace Sabo Luffy: \" Don't worry we will never do something like that.\" Luffy: \" Yeah I just want to be a pirate because pirates have the most freedom on the seas and the pirate king has the most freedom in the world.

Ace: \" Yeah, next time I see you I'll be stronger than you so be ready to lose Sage.\" Sage: \" Hehe I'll be waiting then don't slack off on your training.\" Sabo: \" Hehe don't worry we won't. , just don't complain when i beat you. Sage: \" Haha wouldn't even dream of it. Goodbye you guys\". Ace: \" Laters Sage be ready to lose the next time we meet.\" Sabo: Till we meet again Sage laters. Luffy: \" Goodbye Onii-chan, next time we meet. I will be on my journey to be the pirate king shishishi.\"

With that Sage turns his back towards his brothers and walks on the board the ship. The marines on board then drop the sails and the ship soon leaves dock. Sage waves back at his brothers who are waving at him and yells out, \" NEXT TIME I SEE YOU GUYS YOU BETTER BE READY TO FIGHT ME!!! \"

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