[ 3 Years Later]

Standing the in the middle of a group of pirates. Swords drawn against him stands a a young man looking relaxed as if their wasn't a group of 20 pirates surrounding him with swords and guns ready to kill him. You would think that the pirates would be confident in killing the young man, but you can see that the pirates are shaking barely able to hold their weapons up with fearful expression. After a full minute of silence and no one moving. A pirate fires his pistol at the young man.

The young man simply tilts his head to the side resulting in the bullet missing just by a bit. After that the rest of the pirates move in to attack. The young man seeing this doesn't move, but stays in the same spot he's in without caring what's about to happen. The pirates that have guns open fire on the young man only for it to miss and hit their allies instead. The pirates who got shot curse and scream because of the pain from getting shot.

Seeing that guns won't work the pirates start to use their swords or whatever other weapon they have. One pirate goes up to the young man and begins to attack him, but the young man doesn't move a single step and just dodges from that same position only moving his upper body. After seeing that he couldn't hit the young man another pirate joins in only for the same result to happen.

Then all hell breaks loose and every single one of the 20 pirates go at the young man with weapons drawn and attempt to hit him. When their attacks were about to land on the young man's body they out of nowhere miss and the pirates end up falling onto the floor unconscious. The young man just (sighs) seeing the pirates fall and goes to another ship that was texted to the pirate ship he was on.

You can hear a person laughing while the young man is boarding the huge ship. Garp: \" Bwhahaha it seems your still not able to fully control your Conquers haki Sage. You knocked out some of the Marines on board my ship.\" The young man now being identified as Sage just (Sighs) and says, \" Haha sorry about that gramps.\" Garp: \" Bwhahaha don't worry about it Sage. You will learn to control it with time. You unlocked it only a year ago and the fact that your able to control and use it most of the time is a good thing.\"

Garp then turns around and orders some of the Marines to go and tie up the pirates that Sage beat. Garp: \" In a month your going to be 15 you know. \" Sage: \" Yup, after that I can finally join the Marines. Hey do you think Grandpa-Sen will make me start off at a low rank.\" Garp: \" Bwhahaha you don't have to worry about your rank Sage. Your strength is already enough to make you a Vice Admiral, but the only reason you can't be one is because you don't have enough experience leading others. After your a Marine for a year or 2 Sengoku will most likely make you a Vice Admiral.\"

Sage: \" Yeah, as long as I don't have to work on some else's ship any rank is fine for me. Anyways I'll talk to you later gramps am going to go train.\" Garp: \" You know that you could relax a bit. You just finished fighting more than 200 pirates on your own. Rest up a little and then go train.\" Sage just waves him off and says, \" Na am good gramps. Those pirates were only good enough for a warm up. Talk to you later. \" With that Sage walks off leaving behind a (Sighing) Garp. Garp: ' Ever since I told him about what happened to Sabo. He never gives himself a break to enjoy life and relax. He blames himself for it even if it's something he could do nothing about.'

[1 month later]

Currently in Sengoku's office you can see 4 people inside. Three men and a woman. Inside the office are Sengoku, Garp, Tsuru, and Sage. Sengoku: \" Now Sage since you just turned 15 that means that you can officially join the Marines.\"

[ Let's say that Sage swore an oath about upholding the law and punishing criminals and pirates etc]

Sengoku then hands Sage a cloak with the kanji for \"Moral Justice\" on the back of it. Sengoku: \" From now on you will be a Captain in the Marines. Before you say anything about how you should have a higher rank. I can't do that because of the higher-ups Sage, so sorry about that.\" Sage looks at the cloak for a little bit before flipping it onto his back and wearing it how his grandfathers and grandma wear theirs. Wearing it on there back without putting his arms into the sleeves and just having it on his back.

Sage satisfied turns and looks and Sengoku and says, \" Come on Grandpa-Sen you know I don't care what my rank is as long as I get to have my own ship, so don't worry about it. The higher ranked I am the more responsibilities I will have, so honestly I don't mind.\" Sengoku: \" I know you don't,but still just wanted to tell you now your ship is still being made, but your crew has already been chosen. Your ship will be ready in about a week, so for now do what you want and once your ship is ready I'll give you your first orders alright.\"

Sage: \" Fine be me Grandpa-Sen. I'll talk to you later alright.\" Sengoku: \" That's fine goodbye Sage goodbye Garp and Tsuru stay I need to talk to you.\" Sage: \" OH I almost forgot. Grandpa-Sen I got a favor to ask.\" Sengoku: \" What is it? \" Sage: Can I choose my own partner plz.\" Sengoku: \" (sigh) Fine do you have someone in mind.\" Sage: \" Nope, but once I find someone I'll tell now see you later.\"

With that Sage left the office alongside Garp. Sengoku yells out to him, \" fine, but you better hurry up and find someone.\"

[Let's act like Garp and Tsuru congratulated Sage already and skip a week]

Sage is walking towards the port after receiving order from Sengoku to head into the north blue and make check-ups on the Marine outpost there. After that he is to go towards and enter paradise and while there to prevent any pirates from passing through his sector. He is to stay there until he receives further orders. Very simple orders for Sage, but he annoyed about the fact that he had to go and check up on all the Marine outpost in the North blue. He knew that he was pretty much not gonna get to fight at all until he got to Paradise and even there he might not get to fight if the pirates passing there are not strong enough.

He made up his mind to not interfere in the battles against pirates that his crew could handle. Of course he would make sure that no one would die, but he wouldn't tell them that. He wanted to make sure that his crew was going to become powerful as well, so that if he was not with them when they are facing off against another crew that is powerful then they won't be helpless against them. That's why he wasn't gonna be going easy on them when he begins their training.

After walking for a few minutes and greeting people along the way Sage arrived at the port. He was told that his ship was at docking bay 6. When he got there he saw a battleship class ship.

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