The battleship had a Direwolf as the figurehead. [Search up the Starks Sigil from Game of Thrones] The ships colors were that of the normal Marine Vessels except the blue was more brighter making it stand out more. The Sails color's were also changed to have a bluish color, but it was still mainly white with the Marine Logo on it. The crows nest had a wolf's den theme.

Sage used the Direwolf as his figurehead because of the fact that the men and women on this ship will be serving with him for a long time. The Direwolf represents him and every wolf has a pack. The members of his ship are apart of that pack unless they leave his ship and join another. Since they are members of his pack he won't let them die, so because of that he will train them hard. Hard enough so that even if they encountered a powerful pirate they will at least be able to defend themselves until he was able to arrive and assist them.

His family is also apart of his pack. Ace, Garp, Luffy, and Sabo. When Sage first learned that Sabo was killed by a Celestial Dragon when Garp came back from visiting Dawn island. He wouldn't believe if it and kept on screaming and screaming until he lost control. That's how he ended up awakening his conqueror's haki. After that day Sage dedicated himself to training everyday to become strong enough, so that one day he could avenge Sabo. He tried to get Garp to tell who did it, but Garp wouldn't tell him so he would have to go back to the East blue to look for clues.

Sage tears up a bit thinking about how Sabo died and said in his mind, \" Sabo I swear that one day I will avenge you. Even if it means that I will end up dying. I won't give up until the person who killed you has left this world.' After that Sage boards his ship and when one of the Marines notices Sage with his Captains cloak on he yells out, \" Captain on board. Line up. SALUTE!!!\"

Sage looks at the Marines standing before him to evaluate how he would start their training. The Marines for some reason when they felt his eyes going over them had a bad feeling, but they didn't know why. Sage then asked the Marine who informed everyone of his arrival, \" Marine what's your name and rank.\" The Marine while Saluting with his back straight and other arm behind his back replies with, \" Captain my name is Elliot. My rank is Lieutenant Commander Captain.\"

Sage: \" Alright then Elliot no need to be so uptight with formalities. Who's the highest among you guys.\" Elliot then responds once again, \" Captain I am the highest ranking officer after you sir.\" Sage: \" Alright then Elliot stand off to my left side.\" Elliot: \" Yes Captain.\" Sage then yells out, \" My name is Sage and I am the Captain of this vessel. Some of you might not be happy about it since I am the youngest person on this ship, so if any of you have any complaints about it now is the time to speak them out.

Nobody from among the Marines spoke out because they knew that even though the man standing in front of them was really young. They already knew who he was because they have heard other Captain and higher ranked officers talk about him and his strength, so no one had any complaints to voice. Sage seeing nobody talk nods and his head and resumes speaking, \" Our orders from HQ is to head into the North Blue.\"

Hearing the orders that HQ had sent for them. Some of the more younger Marines were a bit scared because to go the North blue would mean that they would have to enter the New World. Even though it would only be for a short amount of time. The New world is known as \"Pirates Graveyard\" because it is a dangerous, chaotic, and has unpredictable climates as well as wildlife. The older Marines who had more experience then the younger ones were only a tad bit nervous since they knew that they wouldn't have been sent into the New World unless HQ was confident in the young captain in front of them.

Sage then said, \" Once we have pass the New World and entered the North Blue. Our mission in the North Blue to run checks on every Marine outpost in the North Blue and after that we are to head back to Paradise and await further orders. Does everyone understand out orders.\" None of the Marines said anything and so Sage then ask Elliot, \" Elliot have all preparations been finished\" Elliot responds with, \" Captain Sage all preparation have already been finished. We only need your order and we can begin to set sail towards the North Blue.\"

Sage nods his head and turns to the crowd of Marines and shouts, \" Then set the sails and raise the anchor. Set course for the North Blue.\" The Marines then shouted in unison, \" SIR YES SIR\" With that Sage's journey has finally begun.

The following day Sage took off his his seastone ring and takes in a full breath of air. Sage then gathers water from the moisture in the air and makes bucket sized water orb. He does this using the mosturie that is next to everyone of the Marines on board the ship that are currently sleeping. He then drops it on their faces waking them up and putting all of them on alert. Sage then uses the water to form the words, \" To the main deck you got 2 minutes to get there.\"

Sage dresses himself and appears on the main deck while waiting for Marines to get here. Elliot was the first to arrive after 5 seconds and 20 seconds later the next Marine showed up. [7 minutes later] Every Marine arrived on the main deck with their uniforms in a mess and not in a neat fashion. 3/5 of the Marines took longer than 2 minutes to arrive on the maine deck. Sage seeing this knew that he was gonna have to put them threw some hell so that they could reach his standard that he needs them to be at.

Sage then spoke, \" I gave you guys 2 minutes to get ready and to get to the Maine Deck. It seems that for you guys to get up to standard am going to have to put you guys into some light training. From now on every morning you guys will have 1 minute to get ready and report to the Main deck. All of you guys will be practicing the six powers every morning and will keep going until you drop unto the ground and can't move anymore. You will do this in the afternoon and before you guys go to sleep. UNDERSTOOD\"

All the Marines wanted to complain, but only one of them actually raised their hand. The other Marines looked at the person who raised their hand. Sage looks at him as well and was surprised that it was Elliot. Sage: \" What is it Elliot. Are you going to complain that it cruel and unjust for me to make you guys do this.\" Sage ask Elliot who responds with, \" No Captain Sage. I only wanted to ask if you really do mean all us. If so then who's gonna control the ship if all of us are training.\"

Hearing Elliots question the other Marines looked at Sage to see his answer hoping that whoever was going to be sailing the ship would be them, but his response crushed their hopes. Sage: \" Don't worry about sailing the ship. I will use my Devil Fruit power to do that, so you guys can focus on training. Any other questions? \" After that no Marine raised their hand and Sage nodded his head and told them, \" Alright then, begin your training and if I notice anyone relaxing then that person won't get to have dinner. Don't try to be sneaky about it cause trust me I will know.\"

With that all the Marines began their training even though they didn't want to. Sage: ' Normally it would take about 3 days to arrive in the New World and then a week and a half to arrive in the North Blue, but if I use my Devil fruit at it's best then I should be able to cut the journey into 5 days. Alright then I will do that and also join the others in training with them.\" That's how Sage spent his time on the ship until they arrived to the first Marine outpost in the North Blue.

For the first three days some of the younger and older Marines tried to slack off on their training, but were quickly caught by Sage and Elliot who was helping Sage out. When he caught them he not only made them not have dinner, but also made them train while the others would be eating their dinner. This quickly made the other Marines happy that they didn't slack off on their own training or else they would have suffered the consequences.

With that after using his Devil Fruit to make the battleship go faster he arrived at the North Blue in 4 days. Faster than he expected, but that was fine and so it took Sage only a few hours before he and his crew arrived at the first outpost. What greeted him was a sight that no matter what he hated seeing more than anything in the world. Slaves

Sage saw on the Marine outpost dozens of slaves wearing collars while wearing chains on their hands and feet. What was worse was that it was only women. Sage didn't see a noble or Celestial Dragon around the area which meant that the Marines on this base were enslaving the people of the island they were meant to guard. This only went to further anger Sage.

The other Marines on board Sage's ship didn't know why, but they saw that their Captain was angry. This was the first time they ever saw him mad not to mention he looked really really angry. Then it started to rain lightly, but it quickly changed into a huge rainfall. None of the Marines knew why he was angry and they were to scared to ask, but Elliot knew that Sage wouldn't get angry especially this angry and lose control over his devil fruit powers for no reason so he asked, \" Captain Sage what happened? \"

Sage then responded with a dark shadow over his eyes and in a deep angry voice, \" Prepare to dock and grab your weapons.\" Elliot was surprised that Sage asked them to grab their weapons when they were going to dock on a friendly island, but he was in no place to question Sage since he was a higher rank than him. Elliot looked towards the other Marines and said, \" You heard the Captain prepare to dock and grab your weapons.\"

[ If your wondering how Sage saw what was happening on the island even though he was still out on sea and not on the island then it's because he used his observation haki and concentrated on looking straight in front of him instead of an area. This increased the range at which he could look at.]

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