'After the ship had docked on the port of a large Village on the island. I looked towards my Marines and told them,' \" I want you guys to split into groups of 20 and hunt down any and all Marines that belong to this island. Elliot I want you to gather 200 men and women and meet me at the base. I want you there in 10 minutes tops. Does everyone understand their orders!!!\" 'I saw that they all nodded their heads and then disappeared.'

It took Sage less than a minute to arrival on the Marine outpost. Even though he had sensed what was happening. Seeing it person made it even harder for him to not let loose and kill every single Marine on this island. He stopped myself from doing that knowing that their was chance that the lower ranked Marines were forced to stay silent and follow orders by Blade the commander of this outpost.

In front of Sage were a dozen women barely clothed in chains being guarded by 20 men.' Marine 1: Man why do we have to move these bitches out of the base.\" Marine 2: \" I overheard the Captain saying that Marine HQ was sending over a Captain to check up on the Marine bases in the North Blue.\" Marine 5: \" Yeah if we were to get caught then we would all end up being killed.\"

Marine 1: \" Yeah I guess so\" Marine 1's mouth then turns into a hideous smirk. Marine 1: \" How bout we have some fun with these girls. I call the one with the big ass and boobs\" Marine 3: \" Hey no fair I wanted to have some fun with her you ass\" Marine 4 was about to speak and say something, but before he could his body fell missing it's head.

The other 19 Marines saw what happened to their friend and instantly flew into a panic while yelling out, \" Whos there come out or else we'll kill you you bastard\" Just as the Marine finished speaking his piece his head also fell off of his body. After seeing another one of their comrades killed the others started to shake and feel fear. They felt as if they were being watched by a predator and they were its prey.

After those pigs finished talking Sage started to kill them off one by one. He wanted to make them feel fear as they died for what they had done to these innocent women. When he was about to kill the last one. The man used a smoke signal which was used to request for backup. After he sent out the signal Sage sliced him in half using a pressurized water blade and looked towards the women.

When the women noticed Sage's gaze they shivered in fear. Seeing innocent women shiver in fear just because he looked at them made him even angrier. Sahe told them that he was here to help and proceeded to use his devil fruit to slice their chains since it wasn't a good idea to approach them. Surprisingly one of the women actually began to walk towards Sage's direction. When she stopped she was right in front of him with water in her eyes. She then slapped him really hard.

Sage could have just made it go through his body, but he knew that he shouldn't do that. He just let her vent all of the anger she had on himself, while just standing there not even looking her in the eyes, but into the ground. She was yelling out, \" WHY...WHY... I thought that Marines were supposed to protect us. WHY did you kidnap us from out home and and **** us. WHY\" After the she finished hitting Sage she fell onto her butt onto the ground.'

Sage then went onto his knees and bowed to the women. He said, \" I am so sorry. I know that my apology isn't going to make the things that happened to you disappear, but I promise that any Marine that had any hand on what happened to the people of this island will not escape Justice. I will make sure they receive what they deserve.\" Sage stood up and told them, \" Marines from my ship will be coming here soon. If you want to meet up with them then move down south and you will meet. Tell them that Captain Monkey D. Sage sent you and they will take care of you.\"

The women then began to move down south to meet up with the Marines from Sage's ship. They choose to trust him even with the trauma they will have against Marines. Two of the women picked up the one that was on the floor and helped her stand up. After the women were a safe distance away Sage began to move more into the outpost, but it didn't take long for him to meet the man he was looking for.

Sage's observation haki was more then enough to cover the entire island since it was only a Medium sized island. With this Sage realized that all the Marines that were currently in the outpost were in the Main training yard gathering up and preparing to move towards the smoke signal they had seen. Sage disappeared and reappeared behind them.

The Marines noticed Sage and knew instantly from his uniform that he was either a Captain or higher. They then proceeded to move and surround Sage and aim their rifies towards him. The Marines had put one and one together and believed that Sage was most likely behind the reason for the smoke signal.

Their were over 300 Marines surrounding Sage and aiming their weapons at him. They were all nervous since the young man standing in front of them was most likely the person Marine HQ had sent over to the North Blue to check up on the Marine outposts. Since he had attacked Marines that were on this outpost meant that he knew what was really going on in this outpost. Most of the Marines on this Outpost had committed some type of crime against the people of this island.

They knew that once Marine HQ found out what was going on in this island that most likely none of them would come out alive for the things they had done.

Sage gazed around looking at the Marines before him that would abuse their power for their own selfish purposes. He had been keeping his anger in control since he didn't want to accidentally hurt of the women since he still didn't have full control over his Conqueror's Haki, but now he let it loose unto to these dogs.

Each one of the Marines surrounding Sage fell onto the ground with their eyes rolling into their heads and with foam coming out of their mouths. Sage then walked into the outpost and moved in the direction of where he saw people still inside of the outpost. The one responsible for all this Captain Blade was most likely among them. It took Sage less than a second to arrive at his location.

Sage pushed the doors using little strength, but ended up knocking the door off their hinges even though he tried not to do that. What greeted him was the sight of a man about to **** a young girl who looked no older than twenty with her arms and legs chained to the bed.

Before Blade even knew what was happening Sage moved at speeds the naked eye couldn't track and grabbed Blade by the throat. He then threw the bastard straight out of the base through a the wall.

Sage then moved towards the girl who had tears forming in her eyes. Sage broke the chains holding the young girl down before speaking, \" I am so sorry for the things that you have seen. I will take care of that bastard and make sure that Justice is delivered. It will only take me a minute, so if you want you can wait here and I will come back for you if that is something you would want me to do.\" Sage looked towards the young girl who was covering her body using his cloak he had given her. She nodded her head and with that Sage went through the same wall he had thrown Blade through.

Blade was on the floor bleeding bad with quite a few broken bones. Sage had thrown him off of the top floor of the outpost. When Sage had landed he landed right on top of Blade making the latter spit out blood. Blade then spoke with fear in his voice, \" Cap-- Captain Sage plz forgive me for what I have done. If you spare me I swear to never do this sort of thing never again, or if you want I will serve you and do anything you command me to do.\"

Sage then responded with, \" Oh so you will do anything I say.\" Hearing what Sage said, Blade began to see a glimmer of hope and said, \" Yes Yes anything you say I will do without hesitation.\" Sage smiled and said, \" Then die\"

Sage jumped back up to escort the young woman safely back to her home village. He took her into his arms and jumped back through the wall he had just came through. When he landed he covered the young girls eye since he had really done a number on Blade's body.

Sage had already sensed that Elliot was about to arrive with the rest of the Marines that he had ordered him to being over to the Marine outpost. Sage gave the Young girl over to a female Marine, but the young girl had no cloth so Sage let her keep his Captain's cloak.

Sage said, \" Elliot go to the Marine Court yard and cuff every single of the people there. Put them in the cells in the ship. I want this done as soon as possible. I want to catch every Marine outpost off guard to make sure they are not abusing their power.\" Elliot responded with, \" Understood Captain Sage.\" He turned around and then told his fellow Marines, \" WELL YOU HEARD THE CAPTAIN HE WANTS US READY TO SAIL BY THE END OF THE DAY, SO GET YOU ASSES MOVING\"

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