After waiting for around 2 hours most of the Marines on Jukko island had been arrested and put into the cells of Sage's ship. While waiting for those 2 hours Elliot had taken the initiative to have the ship's supplies restocked and prepared to sail.

He had not only saved them from their lives as slaves, but had also gone on to ensure that any and all Marines on Jakko island that had been involved with what Blade had done was captured and put into the cells in Sage's ship. He had also used some type of healing ability to heal them and took away the scars that had been all over their bodies.

Each one of them thanked Sage from the bottom of their hearts after he left them in the arms of their family who after cried tears of joy when they saw their family member safe and well after disappearing for so long. They had long since lost hope of being able to get them back since they were just normal islanders and couldn't do anything against the Marines of the island even if they were part of the weakest of Marines.

So they immediately began preparations for a feast that their island has never seen the likes of. They had invited Sage and his Marines, but Sage denied since he wanted to leave the island as soon as possible to try and catch the other Marine outpost off guard and ensure that they were upholding Justice and not abusing their power instead.

It took awhile for the villagers to accept it since they really wanted to thank Sage and his Marine because if it weren't for them then they would still be under the tyranny of the corrupt Marines that were meant to protect them.

But before Sage could leave the women each gave Sage their thanks while some of them even gave Sage a kiss on the cheek. Sage of course blushed from embarrassment since he wasn't expecting to get kissed on the cheek from different women. He was still young and never really had much experience with the opposite sex.

With that Sage left and contacted Sengoku informing him of the details and thinks that had happened on with the Marine outpost on Jukko island. Sufficient to say Sengoku was angry. Sengoku may listen to the World Government unlike Garp who tends to ignore their orders he still had his morals and would always try his best to protect citizens.

Sage told him that he had already dealt with the corrupt Marine of Jukko island, but also told him that they were going to send a new Captain to command the outpost on Jukko island as well as send in a new batch of Marines to the island since a lot of them were apart of the evil doings that Blade had done.

Sengoku said he would have it done and immediately ordered Sage to check up on the other Marine outpost and that he was given full authority to pretty much do what he wanted against any corrupt Marines he may find on the other islands where the Marine outpost were located.

This went to show the trust that Sengoku had in his the boy he now pretty much considers his grandson. He knew that Sage wouldn't abuse his authority and fully trusted him to carry out his orders. Sage then said his goodbye to Sengoku and went back to his ship.

When he arrived he found that his crew was fully ready to set sail with Elliot at the front of them. He nodded his head towards them before ordering that they board and set sail for the next island that had a Marine outpost on it.

It took them less than a day to arrive to the next island that had a Marine outpost. The moment it entered Sage's range he instantly found the Marine outpost of the island and sensed around it looking for anything that may be out of place or suspicious.

To his relief is seemed that this outpost was doing it's job, but Sage couldn't be certain until he got on to the island himself and let loose his observation haki to sense around the entire island. This time they docked on the Marine's outpost dock/port.

The Marines on the outpost were surprised to see a battleship dock at the port. Though the more higher ranked Marines on the outpost got over quickly since they were made aware of it coming, but they were expecting the ship to arrive a few days later.

The younger Marines were mesmerized seeing the huge ship that had just docked in the port. A lot of them wished they could could command their own ship like that. One of the older Marines left the port and went towards the Main building to inform the Captain that the inspector from Marine HQ has arrived.

After the ship docked Sage told Elliot and the rest of the Marines on his ship that they can relax while they are here, but to stay near by the outpost since they won't be staying long.

When Sage said that the Marines weren't sure if they heard him right. Sage had long since become known as a training manic. Whenever you would see Sage you could always see him doing some form of training. He would train his Rokushiki, Haki, and devil fruit. Even though this had inspired them to train themselves harder, it still surprised them just how much he trained for.

While they were thinking about what they could do with their short vacation they had gotten from Sage. Sage himself was using his observation Haki to sense what was happening around the island. He found a couple of Marines who were acting suspicious, but only kept an eye on them to find out what they were doing and left to find the Captain of the outpost.

The Captain of the base John was just informed by one of his subordinates that the inspector from Marine HQ had just arrived. He was shocked since he was expecting him to arrive a few days later, but left to go meet the inspector. He was surprised to see such a young man walking off the ship wearing a Captains cloak.

Sage only had a quick chat with John before he left and disappeared into thin air. John was shocked to see Sage move at so fast that he couldn't see Sage's movements.

Sage was originally gonna chat with John. He noticed that the few suspicious Marines he had been keeping an eye on disappeared out of nowhere. Now this was a shocker because this had never happened to Sage before. Sage instantly picked up speed and arrived at the location he had last sensed the Marines.

He looked around looking for clues he might be able to find. It took him a few minutes to find a few set of footprints on the floor. Sage quickly followed them until he arrived to a cave which he did not sense when he tried to use his haki to try and find out what's inside the cave.

Sage used his devil fruit powers to send a message to Elliot before going into the Cave on his own to check it out and find out the reason why he didn't sense this cave even when he tried to focus his observation Haki on it. The cave was dark and since he couldn't use his observation haki to sense his surroundings.

Sage used the water vapour that was in the air to guide him around the cave. Sage felt like he was traveling for hours before he finally stumbled upon a sight that stunned him.

Inside the cave were a group of more than 1000 men and women. Inside the cave there were three ships that were a little smaller then his own ship. They were flying a jolly rodger which signified their status as pirates.

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