Currently Sage, Ace, Sabo, and Luffy are inside a huge tree lieing asleep against each other and sleeping through the heavy rain using the protection of the tree as a roof. They just ran away from the bandits home, so as to avoid the suffering at the hands of Garp.

The rain has died down and currently Sabo has woken up and came out of the tree. For some reason he looks up at the tree and it seems he has an idea. Sabo: 'Hehe this is perfect, this is where our new home will be.' Sabo then grabbed a paper, [which I don't know where it came from but he got it somehow] and starts to draw on it.

After Sabo woke up he went to his brothers to tell them about his plan for their home. Sabo: \"Oi you guys wake, I need to show you guys something.\" Luffy: \"Mhmm five more minutes.\" Sabo: \" No, wake up I really need to show you guys this.\" Ace: \" What is so important Sabo that you gotta wake us up so early in the morning.\" Sage: \" Yeah, I hate waking up early so you better have a good reason Sabo.\"

Sabo: \" Hehe Yeah don't worry I woke you up for a good reason so don't get mad.\" Sage: \" Better be, so what is it that you want to show us.\" Sabo: \" Come on follow me.\"

The boys then come out of the trunk of the tree following Sabo. Ace: \" So, where's the thing you wanted to show us at Sabo \" ( while looking around to see what Sabo want to show them). Sabo: \" It's right there \" (Points at a huge tree in front of them) Sage: \" That's what you wanted to show us Sabo, because if it is am gonna beat you up for waking me up so damn early in the morning.\" [ As you can tell Sage likes to sleep a lot and hates getting woken up early] Sabo: \" Wait up, you know how you said that we have nowhere to live right.\" Sage: \" Yeah what about that.\" Sabo: \" Well how about we build a house in a tree.\"

Ace: \" Build a house in a tree? \" Sabo: \" Yeah look I got the plans on how to build it right here \" ( Takes out a piece of paper that has a messy drawing on it) Sage: \" Hmmm you know what it doesn't seem to be a bad idea, let's do it.\" Luffy: \" But where are we gonna get the stuff to build the tree house?\" Sage: \" Tree house?\" Luffy: \" Yeah that's what it is isn't it a house in a tree, so treehouse.\" Sabo: \" Yeah, that sounds like a good name for it actually.\" Ace: \" Well would you look at that, Luffy actually used his brain for once haha \" ( Hits him in the back of the head.) Sage and Sabo laugh along side Ace.

Luffy: \" Hey that's not funny Ace \" (says with a pout) Ace: \" Sorry sorry.\" Sabo: \" Alright then let's go get the materials for the tree house.\" Luffy: \" But where are we gonna get it from.\" Sabo: (sigh) \" Luffy use your brain again there's a place that's close by that has a lot of junk we can use.\" Luffy: \" mmmmmm oh I know I know Gray Terminal.\" Sage: \" Hey you actually got it right food job Luffy, but come you guys lets go and get the stuff.\"

[Skip the construction process]

Sage: \" Ahh we finally finished.\" Ace: \" Yeah that took us longer than we expected.\" Sabo: \" That's cause we had Luffy who can use his devil fruit powers who could pass us the materials when we need them.\" Ace: \" True, Luffy maybe you should be a builder instead of a pirate.\" (says with a sarcastic tone) Luffy: \" What no way I want to be a pirate, so there's no way am gonna become a builder.' Ace: 'Haha I was just joking Luffy, don't get so made over it.\"

Sage: \" Alright that's enough let's go catch ourselves some lunch.\" Luffy: \" Food yeah lets go get some lunch i'm hungry \" (while holding his stomach) Sabo: \" Yeah we're already done so let's go.\"

[3 months later]

Currently it's winter on dawn island. Right now you can see two boys chasing a bear[ I don't what it was that they were chasing put it looked to be a mix between a bear and panda, so am gonna go with bear] Ace: \" Come on Sabo we almost got it where we want it.\" Sabo: \" Yeah, OI LUFFY GET READY IT'S COMING YOUR WAY.\" You can see a young boy, no older than eight standing on the edge of a tall hill holding a pipe in his right hand.

Luffy: \" ALRIGHT, AM READY JUST BRING IT TO ME.\" Luffy then jumps off the edge aiming for the bear. Once he got close enough he swings his pipe downwards hitting the bear right in the nose killing the creature in a single hit. Luffy: (takes a deep breath) \" I GOT IT!!!! Ace, Sabo did you see I killed it in a single hit. I finally got my first kill. \" Ace and Sabo start to walk towards to Luffy. Sabo: \" Haha congrats Luffy.\" Ace: \" It shows that you've gotten stronger now Luffy.\" Luffy: \" Yeah, just you guys wait, I'll become strong enough to beat you guys up and then you'll be begging to join my pirate crew.\"

Suddenly Ace and Sabo stop walking towards Luffy. Out of nowhere a huge tiger jumps down from the large hill. Sabo: \" Crap that's the tiger lord.\" Ace: \" LUFFY GET OUT OF THERE.\" Luffy turns around to look at the tiger lord, but then his legs start to shake while snot starts to come out of his nose. Sabo: \" Luffy it only wants the bear get out of there it doesn't care about you.\" Luffy: \" Wha-- what no -- way. Th--this is m--- my fir--- first kill, the---- there's no wa---- way am gon---- gonna let it ea--- eat my first kill.\" Ace: \" BAKA get out of there. There's nothing we can do, just get away from it you know that only Sage can beat that thing up.\"

Luffy tries to stand up against the tiger, but the moment he looked it in the eye he collapse because his legs were to wobbly for him to continue standing. When the tiger looked at Luffy in the eyes it for some reason felt familiar with the weak thing in front of it. It felt a bit of fear for some reason and that got it angry, that it the strongest beast on this island, feels fear from a being that is so weak that it can't even stand on its own legs. The tiger then swings it's paw at Luffy only for it to get sent flying backwards into the large hill that was behind it.

The tiger was dazed for a a little while, but quickly regains it bearing and starts to look around for what could have possibly sent it flying. It then sees another small being standing next to the one it was about to kill. but this time it could feel it's instincts warning it that if it tries to attack this him that it won't stand a chance against it. Even though it is a beast it has only been able to become the strongest on Dawn island because it is also a intelligent predator.

The tiger knows that it can't stand up next to the small being, so it decides to retreat and live to fight another day instead of trying to fight against it and end up dying. The tiger then leaves going back into it's territory.

Luffy is looking at the back of the person who just saved him, even though he would have lived even if he would have gotten hit. Luffy: (while crying and snot coming out his nose hugging sage) \"Wahh Nii-chan I was so scared I thought I was gonna die\" (Leaves snot on Sage's pants) Sage: \" Oi Luffy come on that's disgusting. You're leaving snot all over my pants.\"

After saying that Ace and Sabo start to walk again towards the duo. Ace: \" Oi Sage where were you in the morning, we couldn't find you so we went out to hunt for breakfast.\" Sage: \" Oh sorry about that I went out at night looking for some fruits and vegetables cause I wanted to try something for today's soup, but you will never guess what I found while I was looking for it.\" Sabo: \" What? Did you find something cool or special.\"

Sage then shows them his arm and it turns into water. Ace: \" What the hell, your arm just turned into water\" (says with a shocked face) Sage: \" Hehe yeah it did, I think I ate a devil fruit like Luffy except mine turns my body into water, not rubber.\" Sabo: \" Awesome, but can you swim cause your body can turn into water so does that you mean you can swim.\" Sage: \" I don't know. I haven't tried cause I wasn't sure and I didn't want to end up accidentally drowning you know.\"

Ace: \" Yeah your right, but we should check later to see if you can swim or not. We'll be with you so of anything goes wrong and you can't swim me or Sabo will save you from drowning.\" Sage: \" Yeah let's check later, but for now let's take this bear home.\" With that the boys went on home taking the two bears since Ace and Sabo killed another one earlier on.

[Currently it's night and the boys are about to go to sleep]

Luffy: \" Man I almost lost my first kill to that stupid tiger.\" Ace: \" Well even if you did lose it to the tiger we wouldn't have been able to do anything to it since only Sage can beat it up.\" Sabo: \" Yeah Luffy, but it's fine since Sage managed to stop it from taking your first kill so it's fine.\" Sage just nods to Sabo's response agreeing with him. Luffy: \" Hehe yeah I guess you're right, but I have an idea.\" Sage: \" Hmm an idea from you, alright let's hear it.\"

Luffy: \" Hehe you know how we all want to be the captain of the crew well how about we do this first. Whoever can beat the tiger lord first gets to be the captain.\" Ace: \" That doesn't work cause if we do it that way then Sage is gonna win right off the bat since he can already kill the tiger lord, but he's just lets it live since he's too lazy to kill it.\" Sage nods his head at Ace's response since he really is to lazy to kill it himself.

Luffy:\" It doesn't matter cause Sage doesn't want to be a pirate.\" Ace and Sabo get shocked by this news and look at Sage for confirmation. Sage: \" Yup it's true am gonna become a marine instead of a pirate.\" Ace: \" What, so your gonna come after us then. Don't think i'm gonna let you catch me to easily. I'll beat you and then you won't be able to capture be.\" Sage: \" No of course not I want to be a marine because I want to protect the people who can't protect themselves.\" Sabo: \" But that means you gonna go after criminals and pirates.\"

Sage: \" Yeah, but am only gonna go after the bad one's not the good ones like you guys.\" Ace: \" Oh I know you want to protect the weak but isn't that gonna be a pain.\" Sage: \" Yeah I guess so, but that also gives me a chance to get info on the marines, so that if you guys ever need info on something that's related to the marines or something I can hook you guys up.\" Sabo: \" Alright then we'll be counting on you Sage.\"

Sage: \" Don't work you guys can count on me, I am the oldest one so I gotta look out for my younger brothers.\" Ace: \" Hehe alright then let's do as Luffy says then. The one who can kill or beat the tiger lord becomes the captain. Are you guys in.\" Luffy and Sabo: \" Yeah!!! \" Sage: \" Alright then tomorrow you guys can get some bait to bring it out and then fight it one at a time. I'll watch from the side to make sure you guys don't get hurt alright.\"

The boys agree with Sage and then go to sleep

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