The following day Sage, Ace, Sabo, and Luffy woke up early in the morning to go find bait to use to lure the tiger lord. They decided to go fishing and use whatever they caught as bait instead of hunting beast since most of them are currently hibernating and they don't want to waste their time looking for those beast just to use it as bait.

After they all caught a fish Ace, Sabo, and Luffy tied it to their backs and walked to the edge of the tiger lord's territory. Sage followed them to ensure that they didn't end up dying while fighting the tiger lord. Luffy: \"Man why do we have to give the stupid tiger our fish. It took us so long to catch them.\" Sabo: \"Luffy we've already decided to use fish as bait. Plus if your really that mad you can ask Sage to give you his since he doesn't really care about eating it.\"

Luffy: \"Right oi nii-chan if you don't want your fish can I have it\"(ask with a bit of hope in his voice) Sage seeing that his brother really wanted to eat fish today for some reason said, Sage: \"Sure Luffy after you guys finish fighting the tiger lord I'll give it to you.\" Luffy: \"Yes thank you nii-chan.\" Sage: \" No problem Luffy. Now you guys should be on the edge of the tiger lord's domain. You guys should wait around for a bit, all he needs is to catch the scent of the fish and he'll come running.\" Ace: \"Yeah, but I hope it doesn't take to long though\"

Sabo: \"It shouldn't since we're on edge of his territory, he'll probably think it's free food you know.\" Ace: \"Yeah I guess so.\" [15 minutes later] The ground starts to shake a bit alerting the boys that the beast is close by. Sage: \"Alright it seems that it's almost here. Who's gonna go first.\"

Ace instantly says that it he going first while the Luffy and Sabo say it's not fair, but Ace just said they were to slow while smiling at them. From the forest a huge beast starts to walk out with glowing red eyes. Ace instantly rushes it with his trusty pipe in hand and swings downwards onto the beast nose with enough strength to make it's face look down. But then Sage notices that the beast is big like the tiger lord, but it still looks different.

Sage: \"Oi you guys that isn't the tiger lord. It's just the bear that's always challenging the tiger lord.' Ace: \"Ah what that sucks.\" Sage: \"No, actually this is a good warm up for you guys. If you can't beat this guy then that means that you guys are not ready to face the tiger lord yet.\" Sabo: \"Sage is right, if we can't even beat this guy. The one who's always getting his ass handed to him by the tiger lord then that means that were not ready yet for the tiger lord yet.\"

Ace: \"Alright then I'll go and beat it up then go after the tiger lord.\" With that Ace jumped right at the bear attempting to hit it with his pipe again in the face, but this time when he hit the bear in the face his pipe ended up breaking and he lands next to the Luffy and Sabo. [Sage is farther away since the tiger lord fears him. If he's to close and the tiger lord catches his sent he won't come] Ace: \"Oh shit RUN!!!\"

Ace, Sabo, and Luffy started to run and yell at each other while running towards Sage who was standing outside of the forest in a open clearing watching from afar. Sage: 'It seems they couldn't even beat the bear and now their running towards me haha.' Sage starts to laugh while looking towards his brother who are running for their lives while they look quite funny. Sabo: \"OI SAGE HELP US!!!!\" Luffy: \"NII-CHAN HELP ME!!!!\" Ace: \"SAGE YOU BASTARD STOP LAUGHING AND HELP US!!!\"

Just as Sage was about to move and help out his brother a wooden hammer comes out of nowhere and hits the bear square in the head forcing it to fall on it's back. Sage: \"What the, where'd that come from.\"

Out of nowhere a old man comes from wearing a gray clock lands in front of the boys. The boys look at the old man who just landed in front of them looking at the bear then back at the old man. Sage: Oi who's this old man. Sabo: \"That's Naguri, I've seen him around in Gray terminal. I would have never guessed he was hiding this much strength.\" Luffy: \"Why\"

Sabo: \"He was always the first to go looking through the junk and I would also see him getting teased by the others in Gray terminal.\" Naguri: \"You do not belong here beast go back to the forest.\" The bear seemed unfazed by the old man even though it was just hit by his wooden hammer right in the face. The bear charged towards Naguri while the boys yelled for him to get out of the way.

Sage was about to move and save Naguri when he saw Naguri lift his right arm aim it at the bear and just as the bear was about to hit him it stopped for some reason. Ace: \"What the, why'd the bear stop.\" Luffy with stars in his eyes yells out, \"That's the thing that Shanks did on the sea king. When Shanks looked at the sea king, the fish got scared and listened to him when he told it go away.\" Sage: \"Luffy are you sure that he did the same thing as Shanks did back then.\" Luffy: \"Yeah am sure of it.\"

While the boys were in the middle of their conversation Naguri was walking away. Sabo: \" Naguri wait up.\" The boys then noticed that Naguri was leaving and rushed to catch up to him. Ace: \" Oi old man how did you do that.\" Nagari turns around and looks to the four boys, \" Hmm what do you mean I did nothing. Also you kids shouldn't be here it is dangerous for you.\" Luffy: : Old man how did you use Shank's move.

Naguri: \" Oh so you want to know what I used to defeat that giant bear. Well all I did was tell it shouldn't be here and then it left\" Ace: \"Stingy your just like Sage. If you don't want to tell us what you did fine then, come on you guys let's go home.\" Luffy: \"WAIT old man I want you to help me train.\" Ace: \"Come on Luffy just leave him or else we're just gonna leave you behind\" Ace says as his voice starts to become quieter the farther he gets. Sage: \" Come on Luffy let's go or we will leave you behind. \"

Naguri: \" Why do you want to become stronger. \" Luffy: \" Because me, Ace, and Sabo made a deal that the first person to beat the tiger lord gets to become the captain of our pirate ship.\" Naguri: \" Oh you want to be a pirate why it's a dangerous life being a pirate.\" Luffy: \" Because being a pirate means being free and doing whatever you want to do.\"

Naguri: \" Alright then come follow me\" Luffy and Naguri go in the opposite direction of the forest.

[Lets go to the others]

Sage is currently following Ace and Sabo back to their home. Sabo: \" Hmm where's Luffy don't tell me he stayed behind.\" Ace: (sigh) \" Come on let's go get him. Luffy doesn't know his way back home from here.\" Sage: \" Na you guys keep going home I'll go and get him see ya at home.\" Sabo: \" Alright then see ya there.\" Ace: \"Laters.\" Sage starts to walk back to the open clearing to go and check on Luffy.

Sage: 'Hmm he's following the old man to the opposite side of the island. Maybe the old man accepted to train, but to be sure am gonna follow and make sure the old man doesn't have any bad ideas.' With that Sage follows Naguri and Luffy back to Naguri's camp. Naguri: 'Hmm seems one of the other kids are following me. I'll let him be most likely he's following to make sure that I don't do anything to his friend.'

Once they arrived to the edge of the island where Naguri's campsite is Sage sticks around for the rest of the day to watch what they are gonna do. After spending most of the day watching the old man and seeing that he's just making his brother go and chop trees down. Sage decides to head back home and tell the others that Luffy is gonna be staying with the old man for a while.

[ To Ace and Sabo]

Sabo: Hey do you think we should go and check up on Sage. \" It's almost gonna be night and he's still not back with Luffy. You think something might have happened to him Ace.\" Ace: \" I doubt it and even if something did happen to Sage then we wouldn't be able to do anything cause if someone managed to take him down then we stand no chance, but if he doesn't come back soon like in a hour then let's go check.\" Sabo: \" Alright then I hope he's okay. \"

Sage: \" You hope who's okay?\" Sabo and Ace: \"Ahhhh!!!\" Sage: \" What are you guys yelling for.\" Sabo: \" You scared us you bastard. How about next time you knock. Ace: \" Yeah you almost gave me a heart attack.\" Ace holds his heart while breathing. Sage: \" Ah stop being a pair of scaredy cats and let's eat.\" Ace: \" Alright then but where's Luffy at.\" Sabo: \" Now that you mention it. Sage where is Luffy.\" Sage: \" Oh he's gonna be staying with the old man for a while. He accepted to train him that's why i came so late. I was watching to make sure that the old man wasn't gonna do anything to Luffy.

Sabo: \" Oh no wonder it took so long for you to come back, we were about to go looking for you.\" Sage: \" Come on you guys know how strong I am plus now that my body turns into water every time I get hit no one can beat me now hahahaha. \" Ace: \" Yeah yeah whatever by the way are we gonna test if you can swim or not.\" Sage: \" Oh yeah I forgot about that. Yeah come lets go and see if I can actually still swim or not.\"

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