
Chapter 116

Shannon paused for a second mid bite, before taking the empty spoon out of her mouth and setting it back into the cereal bowl. She had been so focused on the gorillas these past few days, as well as worrying about surviving that she hadn't thought about what to do after going in and out of Calgary. It wasn't even a worry about it later thing, more that the idea of doing something afterwards barely crossed her mind, if at all. Swallowing the chewed-up cereal, she looked up to Nat and said, "I have no idea. The only thoughts that I had towards what to do after was training you up, but that was decided yesterday morning. Otherwise, I have nothing."

Natalie visibly cringed at the mention of training. While part of her wanted Shannon to forget about the agreement they came to in the train yard, she was glad that her lover had remembered. During that whole time in the fringes of downtown, she felt as though she was just holding back the pack. At least, from a physicality point of view. Despite having walked a quarter of the way across the province, her stamina was poor, and her muscles were not used to the strain put on them from constantly running and fighting. At this point, it would only be a matter of time before she was the reason for someone get badly hurt, or even die. She remembered the pain that Bryden felt when he was wounded outside of Waterton, and his frustration at not being able to help more. Up till now, she had been too complacent to let the canines do the fighting for her.

Finishing off her breakfast first, Natalie decided to pitch forward an idea. "How about. We travel a little less every day, and spend more time in the evening training? That way we can keep moving forward, while still getting me into a hopefully better shape. As for the direction, how about to check on each of our parents? Get the parents blessings and all that."

Shannon quietly thought as she finished off her cereal, before replying, "That could work. Get sore right before bed, fall asleep nice and fast due to being tired. I could easily get you up to a passing level within a month or two." Taking a break before continuing her thought, she downed the milk that was left in the bowl. "Add some more sex like last night to that and we would both fall asleep super easily. As for going after our parents, that sounds like a good idea. I've barely talked with mine in the past year, only at holidays and birthdays, but they should still be out in the area of Bancroft. Would your parents still be up in High Level?"

"I doubt it. Knowing those two, they probably wrestled some bears into submission and started moving on their own once all technology stopped. However, they probably would leave a note for me inside their house before they left. Either saying not to bother looking for them, or that they would be heading somewhere and to look for them there should I have need of them."

"Wrestling a.... Should I be worried to meet my in-laws? They won't try to eat me, will they? I know that you talk with them and about them all of the time, but each time you say anything about them, it makes me think that they are savages who only respect strength. Oh no, will I have to fight your mother to prove that I am worthy?" Shannon asked, trying to act scared of the idea. However, her true feeling leaked out, showing her desire to test herself against someone strong.

"You'll be fine. I doubt that you will have to fight them, but if you wanted, I would not be surprised if they accepted a challenge. They are always wanting to try new things, and experience exciting scenarios. Just goes to show how free-spirited they are. When it comes to them, I am not worried in the slightest. From what I know, my parents are going to be making this apocalypse their bitch, and they will get along with you just fine. If anything, I'm more worried about your folks. I have not heard much about them form you. Or at all, come to think about it"

"Well, we haven't talked much since I came out west. Mostly just a dropping out of contact sort of thing. They are very much the opposite of your parents, as I can guarantee that they have not moved from their place out in Ontario. I have no idea on how they would deal with all of... This." Shannon finished, gesturing between the two of them.

"We can cross that bridge when we get their love." Nat said, placing her hands over top of Shannon's. "Let us just start small, and work our way north to see if we can meet up with my parents." Feeling a bit more reassured, Shannon just nodded and gripped her lover's hands tightly. Natalie quickly gave a peck on Shannon's cheek, before starting to get their campsite taken apart. Shannon just sat there with a blank face, used cereal bowl still sitting in her lap. It did not take long though, for a smile to tug at the corners of her mouth, before she got up and started to help.

Due to the fact that most of the canines were inside eating various types of meat, most for the first time, cleaning up the area was really easy today. Tents were down and everything was stored away within minutes, so fast that Nat wondered if it was a new speed record for the pack. When they were ready to go, they were joined by Trooper, who seemed to be the winner today as for who would get to travel outside along with them. It took a little longer than they anticipated, mainly due to the over-excited warg wanting to be pet and scratched endlessly by Natalie. It took a while of reminding that they had to worry about travelling first and foremost before he finally managed to stop rubbing up against Natalie. Secretly, she was glad that he stopped when he did. She wasn't sure if she would have been able to stand upright for much longer. When a small dog rubs against your shin, its adorable. When a warg that is up to your chest does it, you're worried they might completely bowl you over and break something!

Huge thanks to my Elder Wolves Selvaria, Viktor, Saganatsu, Eeleater, John, Jacob, Onean, Neal, Sebastian, Ethan, Sir Hellington, Adam, and Kevin for supporting me and my writing! Remember that I keep Patreon ten chapters ahead at all times. Our next goal on Patreon will be getting up to 50 patrons, which I will then spend more time each month writing some side stories and shorts that show other perspectives throughout my stories!

Feel free to join us all on my Discord! https://discord.gg/b8gRkD4

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