
Chapter 117

They started moving to the north, following the road beside their little camp. They had left Calgary behind in the west, and they could already see what looked like a town to the east. According to the map, the name of the town was Chestermere, and it seemed to be surprisingly sizable. With the raucous day they had the day before, none of the pack were looking forward to going through yet another bit of civilization soon. Today, Shannon practiced more at her map reading and navigational skills, while Nat kept her head on a swivel. The proximity of all these towns and cities around them put them on edge. Kali and Maia each covered the rear approach, while Trooper moved forward in the point position.

As they walked, Shannon asked, "Hey Nat, do you have any more maps stored away." After quickly checking with Luna, she shook her head. "Damn. This one only has stuff shown up until Red Deer. Hopefully we can find another bunch of them by then." She turned back to the map, only glancing up for reference for where they were. They were still operating on the bunch of maps that Nat had gotten from that one campsite down in the south. However, all of them were just for southern Alberta. None of them really showed anything northern, but that was not that much of a surprise. You shouldn't need a map for the other side of a province from where your campground was. And while a map was not necessarily required, the ability to reference it for routes to go and where towns sat was enough of a help that made it almost invaluable.

Along the road, they passed by many buildings. Small farms dotted the prairies, and there was even a distribution warehouse sitting out along this back road. Wanting to give it a wide berth, the five of them cut across the field beside them and just moved over to the connecting road that headed east. Thankfully this was where they had wanted to go anyways, but it took until the next intersection for Shannon to verify that. Regardless, the path they took mattered little in the end, and the mountains outline to the west made it easy to have a landmark for what direction to go. Sadly, as they moved more north, they would veer off and disappear beyond the horizon, but the time they were there helped a lot.

The sun did not even reach its zenith before things took a turn. Scout's voice spoke hurriedly towards Nat from the Soulscape, "Alpha, help me! I think the pups are coming!" getting the group around her to stop moving for a minute, she turned her view inwards and immediately focused on Seeka. Sure enough, her water had broken and the first pup was already coming out. Thankfully this one was dealt with efficiently, and there was no need to worry too much for the first pup. However, that now put them all on a clock. Every twenty to thirty minutes from now on, one of the pups would come out from Seeka's belly, and it would be incredibly distracting for Nat. Adding to the madness, was the fact that they never did a check with the energy vision to see how many new pups were inside Seeka's belly. It could be anywhere from less than half a dozen, to anywhere in the realm of over a dozen. Passing along the info to the group, they all quickly moved toward the property that was ahead. It was agreed that there would probably be no more travelling today. Instead, they would allow Nat to focus all of her energy directly towards Seeka, Scout, and their new family members.

When they got to the property, it was completely surrounded by foliage, with no signs of anything having moved on or off the property recently. Moving to the middle of the yard, Natalie sat down and focused inwards to the Soulscape, and just in time. The second baby was coming out from Seeka's womb, and it had a slight issue with its sac not bursting open to let the puppy breathe. Walking Scout through the steps quickly, the puppy started breathing and moving slightly, and in the direction back to their mother's body. Hours passed by, with Nat not taking her view off of the new mother and her new spawn for a minute. Meanwhile, Kali and Maia started setting up camp with the help of their own spawn. They felt the need for the little ones to get used to it, should anything happen involving any of the older wolves, such as a battle where they are all injured. Shannon kept the 'little' ones occupied after with some games. In fact, most of Kali and Maia's children were nearing their full adult size. However, they still had the same inclination as they did weeks ago when they were still barely at knee level. They had a bad tendency to run straight into somebody without slowing down, especially Spirit.

Five hours later, and all of the pups were finally out of Seeka. It had been an hour since the last one came out, mixed with the fact that Seeka was certain there were none left, meant that she and Scout had a total of ten pups together. Having already given a quick look over each of the newborns and seeing that all were healthy, Nat shifted her view back to the farm land that they had stopped upon. What she came across was a lightly bruised Shannon collapsed on the ground in front of her, with many of the other pups collapsed alongside her. Spirit still bounced around them all, seemingly full of energy. She had a rough idea of what went on, and her suspicions proved true once Kali filled her in on what happened. They had tried to play for the last five hours among them all, but one by one their stamina ran out. Yet, once again, Spirit did not even seem to be that tired. Seriously, what is that fucking pup running on, the power of the sun?

Huge thanks to my Elder Wolves Selvaria, Viktor, Saganatsu, Eeleater, John, Jacob, Onean, Neal, Sebastian, Ethan, Sir Hellington, Adam, and Kevin for supporting me and my writing! Remember that I keep Patreon ten chapters ahead at all times. Our next goal on Patreon will be getting up to 50 patrons, which I will then spend more time each month writing some side stories and shorts that show other perspectives throughout my stories!

Feel free to join us all on my Discord! https://discord.gg/b8gRkD4

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