
Chapter 118

Had to submit a DMCA takedown notice today. First one ever for me, so that was an experience. Remember, I only post this story on Patreon, RoyalRoad, and Scribble Hub. 

Changing her posture from sitting cross-legged to kneeling, Nat moved to loom over top of her collapsed lover. "So, did you have fun with all of the pups?" All that came back from Shannon was a grunt. There was no way to tell what type of answer that was. Seeing that she had a chance, she leaned in slightly closer to Shannon and asked, "Are you doing ok?" Another grunt came out, though this one felt just as nebulous as the one before. A playful smirk came upon Natalie's face, as she noticed that Shannon was doing her best not to move. Softly, Nat ran her fingers along Shannon's arm. Moving closer, she told her lover in as sultry of a tone that she could manage, "Well, I have a little something that may help you feel better." Removing all other contact from Shannon's body, Natalie quickly lowered herself down and gave a light peck to her lover's lips. As soon as she came down, she was already heading back up, the teasing mirth glinting playfully in her eyes.

"Ow, ow, ow." Shannon groaned out as she sat up, chasing after Natalie's lips. Putting one arm forward, she clasped the back of Nat's head and dragged her down towards her. Until they came together, Shannon's visage was just a grimace of pain and soreness. However, once their lips connected, both of their faces melted into a blissful happiness. Kali and Maia both whistled as they saw it, but neither of them cared. If anything, in fact, it spurred them to go at it harder than before, as if they had something to prove.

When they both finally broke apart to get some air, Shannon collapsed back down into the prone position she had been in. "You know, if it's going to cause you pain, you probably shouldn't do it." Natalie quipped, her smirk still blatantly on her face as she eyed her wife groaning on the ground.

"Worth it," was all that came out of Shannon's mouth. Natalie struggled to hold back a giggle, and bent down to get one more quick taste of the luscious lips that lay below her. Sitting back down, Nat started working on something that needed to be done. She had put it off yesterday and this morning, but if everyone was exhausted or relaxing, then there was no real better time. Sending a thought towards the six new wolves that joined the pack, she asked if any of them wanted a name. Surprisingly, only one had said that they did. When asked about the reason why the others did not want one, Natalie found their position fair. None of them were sure how long they were going to stick around, and were debating on if they wanted to stay with the pack or move on their own. Getting a name like the rest had would feel like it would tie them down, and act as a shackle should they decide not to stay around. To that, Natalie let them know that they were free to either stay or leave, whichever they felt more suited them. She did not want to force the canines to stay with her, but she was glad to have them around should they accept. As for the one that wanted to stick around for sure, he was given the name Max. He seemed to really like it, due to the fact that he came out of the Soulscape and just started nuzzling against Natalie. This time, she was completely unprepared and was bowled over by the large male wolf pushing against her.

While Nat was getting piled on by a bunch of canines who saw her getting bowled over as a chance to play around, Shannon was finally able to sit up and move about. Seeing where the sun sat in the sky, she immediately conscripted the help of Bryden, as Scout was otherwise engaged with his and Seeka's new children. Materials and food supplies were brought out, and she got to work cooking up a bunch of food. She had been keeping up a healthy amount of food for the past few weeks, but now it was time to kick it up a notch. Mass amounts of chicken meat was being cooked up. They were lightly seasoned, but had a fair amount of fruit juices rubbed into the meat. When it was all good and ready, she got the pile of canines to get off of her lover so that she could eat. Once she was finally clear of obstructions, three times as much food as Nat normally ate was placed in front of her. There were barely any greens, and it was mostly just carbs and protein. Looking up, she saw Shannon standing over her with a grin on her face that did not reach the eyes.

The next few hours turned out to be hell for Natalie, as Shannon started up the physical training right after they finished cleaning up from dinner. The whole reason for the mass amount of food, apparently, was so that she would have more energy to push for longer. Today was apparently just a day for setting the starting point. Shannon had a notepad that had everything from form, amount, and time for each set of exercises. Crunches, sit-ups, push-ups, you name it, Nat was made to do it. She did not do it alone though. Kali and Maia joined in with their shifted forms and worked out alongside her. This was apparently Shannon's idea, both to help encourage Nat to work out more as well as get those two more used to their shifted forms. As the three of them finally finished her fifth lap around the inside perimeter of the foliage, the sun finally dipped behind the hills and barely visible mountains to the west. At that point, Shannon called it quits for the night. "Ok, that gives me good information with where to work at in the future, as well as a good baseline to measure your growth. How you feeling?" Shannon asked, mirroring the smirk she had gotten earlier.

Nat did not even grunt in response, instead flopping face first onto the mattress inside the tent, with Maia and Kali mirroring her actions. Everywhere on their bodies felt like it was on fire, and they just wanted to sleep off the newfound pain. While Maia and Kali both passed out instantly, Nat felt Shannon's hands start working their way up her legs from her calves. Slowly and carefully, Shannon worked her way up Nat's limp body, massaging each and every sore muscle she could. When she finally got to the neck, she sensually whispered into Nat's ear, "You did well tonight, so now it is time for your reward." though her body hurt, probably more than Shannon's did after trying to keep up with Spirit, but this extra round of exercise would not be passed up on. As her lover had so eloquently put it, worth it.

Huge thanks to my Elder Wolves Selvaria, Viktor, Saganatsu, Eeleater, John, Jacob, Onean, Neal, Sebastian, Ethan, Sir Hellington, Adam, and Kevin for supporting me and my writing! Remember that I keep Patreon ten chapters ahead at all times. Our next goal on Patreon will be getting up to 50 patrons, which I will then spend more time each month writing some side stories and shorts that show other perspectives throughout my stories!

Feel free to join us all on my Discord! https://discord.gg/b8gRkD4

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