Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1106: : 9 monsters

Although he was puzzled in his mind, Senior Brother Na Jiao didn't take it seriously. The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. The area of ​​the city is so big, and it’s not a big deal that some weird things happen. Senior Brother Jiao keeps stepping in. In the hundred refining tower.

As Qingyang and Ma Xingchen disappeared from the gate of the tower, more than 300 candidates all entered the Pagoda of Hundred Refinement. Two foundation-building cultivators stepped forward to close the gate of the tower and waited for the result of the competition together.

Besides, Qingyang and the others, after entering the first floor of the Bailian Pagoda, no one else appeared in front of them. Even Ma Xingchen and Senior Brother Jiao who had entered with him before disappeared, as if he was the only one left in the entire Bailian Pagoda. Just like a person, thinking of the news about the Tower of Hundred Refinements he had heard outside before, Qing Yang guessed that he might have already entered the phantom formation.

Sure enough, Qing Yang walked forward more than ten feet, and suddenly a Tier 1 monster appeared next to it. This monster has a huge mouth with a white belly and a vermilion back. There are countless large and small tumors on it. Look. It looked terrifying. Although the monster was squatting on the ground, its body was more than a foot tall.

This demon beast Qingyang had seen it when he first entered the realm of Xiu Xian, the blue-eyed vermillion clam, you can tell from the size of its body, this is a Tier 1 demon beast, the strength is equivalent to the third level of Qi refining.

The monster beast was lying on the ground, his eyes were staring at Qing Yang, his stomach was bulging, and it seemed to be brewing an attack. Qing Yang was about to move forward, the monster seized the opportunity and counted the water arrows. It shot out. Fortunately, Qing Yang had already prepared, and dodged aside, avoiding the monster beast's water arrow attack. At the same time, he walked a few steps quickly, and the magic weapon in his hand quickly pierced towards the monster beast.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the monster beast quickly dodged forward with his feet, but his speed was much slower than Qing Yang's. Before he left the ground, he was nailed to the ground by Qing Yang's magic sword. After that, Qing Yang drew out the magic sword and slashed towards the monster beast. After struggling for a few times, the monster beast fell to the ground and stopped moving. There was no time to use many methods of pressing the bottom of the box.

It was just a Tier 1 monster. Qing Yang took a look at the monster body on the ground, and then kept walking forward. After more than ten feet, three green-eyed clams appeared in front of him. There was no sign at all, and he was besieging Qingyang from three directions.

The previous demon beast was just warming up, and the difficulty of this Hundred Refining Tower could not be that low, so Qing Yang had been prepared for this and swung his magic sword to kill it. The three monsters are much more difficult to deal with, but after all, they are Tier 1 monsters. They are far worse than Qingyang's current strength, but they were killed by Qingyang one by one after only a dozen breaths of effort. .

It is not difficult for Qing Yang to deal with three Tier 1 monsters at once, but for the monks in the early stage of Qi training, it is an extremely difficult task, and there are not too many of them who can easily defeat them. , Qingyang looked around, should he pass this time?

Who knows that Qingyang just stepped forward more than ten meters, and nine first-order blue-eyed clams appeared in front of them, and they rushed toward Qingyang in a swarm. Seeing so many Tier 1 monsters gathered at the same time, Qing Yang couldn't help but stepped back, cheering up to deal with the monster's attack.

No wonder there were rumors before that it was difficult for monks of the same rank to break through the Bailian Pagoda of the corresponding level, and even the city lord of Kuzuo City, the Jiao Mu Zhenren of the fifth-layer Jindan cultivation base, could only reach the seventh floor of the Bailian Pagoda. The appearance of nine monsters of the same rank at a time is not something that ordinary people can handle.

Fortunately, Qing Yang is no longer what it was when he had just fallen into the Depraved Ghost Abyss. After refining the Shangguan Yan's dissolution, Qing Yang can display the strength equivalent to perfect Qi training, plus his super With strong defensive power, it's not a problem to flatten these monster beasts.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is the poison sac on the monster's back. The poisonous smoke and fog inside are so toxic that even Qingyang doesn't dare to force it. In this case, it is much more difficult to deal with these monsters. It took almost a stick of incense to wipe out all the nine monster beasts.

This time it was a real pass. Not long after the nine monsters were killed, they turned into a little bit of energy and disappeared. Then Qing Yang walked forward for several tens of meters, and never encountered any more monsters. No other enemies appeared, but instead came to the entrance of the second floor of the Bailian Tower.

Qing Yang didn’t know how other people broke through the barriers, how much time it would take to pass the first floor of the Bailian Pagoda, but he could estimate that his speed was definitely not the fastest, because among the more than 300 candidates, Guang There are more than 20 in the late stage of qi refining, and there are thirty or forty in the sixth stage of qi refining. Many of these people have entered the Hundred Refining Pagoda before, and they should be familiar with the road.

Qing Yang didn't hesitate too much, and directly entered the second floor of the Bailian Pagoda. Just like the situation on the first floor, the entire second floor was empty, as if only Qing Yang had come here. He walked forward cautiously for more than ten feet, and suddenly a strong wind hit next to him. He turned his head and looked at it. I don't know when a mid-term bronze zombie appeared there, leaping towards him.

The powerful attack and defense of zombies may have a great advantage in front of other monks, but in the face of Qingyang, these advantages cannot be brought into play. With Qingyang's current strength, it is not a problem to deal with the mid-term bronze zombies, but I think It is not easy to beat the opponent.

The reason is that Qingyang’s attack power is somewhat lacking~www.readwn.com~ Qingyang also considered this point before. When purchasing the materials of Mi Yuan Gu Ling Dan, he also bought a superb sword and flower. He lost nearly fifty spiritual stones. No matter how expensive is the lower-grade spirit weapon, one needs two or three hundred spirit stones. Although he had so many spirit stones on his body at the time, he didn't dare to squander it. Dan materials are not enough, healing is still more important.

It is easy for the best magic sword to injure the bronze armored zombies, but it is more difficult to kill the zombies directly. You must find the vital parts to start the effect, so the difficulty increases.

Of course, the armored zombie in the middle stage is still far behind Qingyang. Although it is difficult to deal with, it can't change the situation of failure. After ten breaths, Qingyang found the flaw and stabbed the vitality of the bronze zombie with a sword. Part, the battle soon ended.

After that, Qing Yang stepped forward and continued with the next challenge. The specific situation was not elaborated one by one. In short, although the second floor of the Bailian Pagoda was difficult, it could not stop him from advancing.

While Qingyang and others rushed through the barriers inside, the outside of Bailian Pagoda became more and more lively. Everyone stared at Bailian Pagoda intently, waiting for the result of the primary election of the Son. Time passed quickly. After two quarters of an hour, Someone teleported out of the Bailian Pagoda in embarrassment.

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