Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1107: : Bai Qing eliminated

In Caoxi County, the poorest and weakest in the whole area of ​​Dry Tomb City, the candidate with the lowest strength has only one level of Qi refining cultivation base. Everyone knows the situation in Caoxi County, and also understands that the cultivation base of the first qi refining level cannot last too long in the hundred refining tower, so after the candidate was eliminated, no one sneered.

However, there are some people who are puzzled about this. They have long heard from people in Tiezhen County that the people from Tonggu County are all old, weak, sick and disabled. Among the candidates, there is also a monk of the Open Vein realm. How can it be possible to deal with a Tier 1 monster? I'm afraid I was killed as soon as I entered, right? But why didn't he come out first? Could it be that what the people in Tieqi County said are all false?

The first qi-refining monk in Caoxi County was the beginning. Not long after he came out, other cultivators were sent out one after another. At first it was the first qi refining layer, followed by the second and third qi refining layers. By one hour, more than 30 people have been eliminated.

Among them were Ma Xingchen and the third-tier qi-refining guard from Tonggu County who was just over forty years old. They were teleported out in such a short time, and they didn’t even touch the side of the second floor of the Bailian Pagoda. Both of them were abnormal. Frustrated, he looked up at the team in the opposite Tiezhen County, and two of them were eliminated. One of them was even the fourth layer of Qi Refining, and their hearts were slightly balanced.

From the outside of the Bailian Pagoda, you can’t see the specific situation inside, nor can you see who is leading and who is behind, let alone who killed several enemies, but through the brightness of the aura outside the Bailian Pagoda, you can roughly Determine which level the candidates have reached.

For example, the brightest part of the Bailian Tower is on the second floor, which means that most of the candidates have passed the first floor and are rushing through the second floor. The brightness of the first floor has dropped a lot from before, but it has not completely disappeared. It means that there are still a small number of people staying on the first floor; the third floor has just been lit, it means that someone has taken the lead to enter the third floor, don't ask, it must be the senior brother Jiao.

After the candidate was sent out, he only had to give the jade amulet he had carried to the foundation-building monk outside. The candidate broke into a few floors of the Hundred Refinement Pagoda, and how long he stayed inside was killed The enemies that have turned out of several hundred refining towers have detailed records in the jade talisman. After the foundation-building monks outside register, they will soon be ranked behind.

Ma Xingchen and the third-tier qi-refining guard in Tonggu County also stepped forward to look at them. Among the more than 300 candidates, they were temporarily ranked 297 and 306. This It’s not the final ranking. If the people who come out later are worse than theirs, the rankings of the two may move forward a little bit, but the final change will not be much. This ranking is ranked among all the third-tier candidates for Qi refining. In the midstream, the two of them are playing normally, and there is nothing to regret.

As time goes by, more and more monks are sent out. The enemies on the second floor of the Hundred Refining Pagoda are all enemies equivalent to the mid-qi refining strength. For the vast number of mid-qi refining cultivators, one is easy to deal with, and three It's a little reluctant. If there are nine at a time, there are very few people who can handle it, and some senior Qi refining sixth-tier candidates have this ability.

Sure enough, not long after Ma Xingchen and others were eliminated, a large number of Qi-refining fourth and fifth-tier cultivators were sent out, and some second- and third-tier Qi refining cultivators who had barely persisted on the first floor of the Hundred Refining Tower were not spared. Even if these people persisted in the Pagoda of Hundred Refinements for a long time, because they did not break into the second floor of the Pagoda of Hundred Refinements, their final results would not be much better.

Soon another hour passed, and more and more monks were eliminated, gradually exceeding 50%. Only more than 100 candidates remained in the Pagoda of Refining, mainly the sixth floor of Qi refining. Of the above, there are a small number of five-layer gas refining, and very few ones with four-layer gas refining. As for the three-layer gas refining and below, no one can persist until now.

The aura of the third floor of the Bailian Pagoda flickered, indicating that many candidates have entered the third floor, but the aura of the second floor of the Bailian Pagoda did not decrease too much, proving that there are still many people struggling **** the second floor.

During this period of time, Tongju County was eliminated four more. Only Qingyang, Shangguanyan, Bai Qing and another gas refining monk were left in the Bailian Pagoda. The situation in Tiezhen County not far away was a little bit worse. Better, there are five people left in the Pagoda of Bailian. Almost people from all other regions were teleported out, and the only one who was not eliminated was the candidates in the City Lord's Mansion area.

In the second half of the pre-selection of the Saint Child, the atmosphere around the Bailian Tower gradually became tense. Everyone was wondering who would be selected as the prospective Saint Child, even the eliminated candidates, even if they were not eliminated in their own area. People have suspicions, and at this time they also hope that the other party can win, because this is not only their personal matter, but also related to the honor and interests of the region.

Time flies quickly, and from time to time, people are teleported out of the hundred refining towers. Gradually, the monks below the fourth level of qi refining are eliminated, and there are very few people who refining the fifth level. Even the sixth level of qi refining is also transmitted. Few people, the aura on the second floor of the Bailian Tower gradually dimmed, and the aura on the third floor became brighter. At that moment, the fourth floor of the Bailian Tower was also lit.

There is only one person in the entire Kuzuo City that has the ability to enter the fourth floor of the Bailian Tower, and that is Senior Brother Jiao in the City Lord’s Mansion area. He who lights up the fourth floor of the Bailian Tower is none other than him. Maybe there are some people behind who can enter~www.readwn .com~ But I am afraid that no one can surpass Senior Brother Jiao in the final score.

Before the start of the game, many people on the field had counted the candidates in front of the Bailian Tower. The total number was about three hundred and forty. Now there are more than two hundred and eighty people who have been sent out. The rest should be insufficient. There are sixty people, and the final quasi-saint son will be born among these people.

There are still three people in the Pagoda of Hundred Refinements in Tongco County, and only two in Tiejia County. The monks of Tieqi County who were still proud of their faces just now have a little more unnaturalness on their faces. They don't understand, Tongqi County. Candidates in the county obviously suffered heavy losses, why the final results were better than them, especially since the one who seemed to have only the Open Pulse Realm cultivation base, I do not know why he has not been eliminated so far.

At this time, the undefeated golden body of the candidate in the City Lord’s Mansion area was also broken. Two six-layer Qi refining cultivators were teleported out of the Hundred Refining Tower. On average, there were only two or three candidates left in the team, and the entire army was annihilated, such as the poorest and weakest Caoxi County in the entire Kuzuo City.

Seeing that the Shengzi pre-selection has been in progress for more than three hours, at this moment, a awkward figure flashed out of the Bailian Tower. It was no one else but Bai Qing, the only candidate for the sixth floor of Qi refining in Tonggu County. He was also eliminated.

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