Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1108: :crucial moment

Bai Qing handed his jade amulet to the monk Zhuji in front of him, and then stood there and waited for a while. Seeing his ranking lined up, he looked around his neck, and then went back to the Tongco County team with a dark face. Ma Xingchen and the others said: "I really don't know how many powerful people there are in the world. I used to think I was very powerful, but today I understand that it is just a frog at the bottom of the well."

"Brother Bai Qing, what is your current ranking?" A candidate in Tongguan County asked tentatively.

Bai Qing said: "I am currently ranked fifty-seven. If someone has worse grades later, they may move forward a few places, but the possibility of entering the top fifty is unlikely. Now even I have been eliminated. Whether we can meet in Tongju County or not, we can only look at officials and sisters."

The candidate said: "Brother Bai Qing can be ranked 57th among the more than 300 candidates. This is already a very good ranking. It is higher than many of the disciples in the city of Kuzhong, Bai Qing Senior brothers don’t need to belittle themselves. Shangguan and junior sisters are the pride of Tongco County. Before the competition, we successfully broke through the seventh level of gas refining. Maybe we can really win the opportunity to reduce taxes."

Na Baiqing shook his head, and said, "You are too optimistic. Although I also hope that Shangguan Junior Sister can become a quasi-sage son and win honor for Tongcoan County, I also know in my heart that this hope is not very high. Great. The savvy and spiritual roots of Shangguan Junior Sister are better than mine. Although she is young, her strength is higher than mine. Based on my strength, she can be ranked about forty before she breaks through. Now she has broken through. At the seventh level of gas refining, the ranking will rise by more than a dozen places, but there is still a certain degree of difficulty from the top twelve. Our Tongju County may be annihilated this time."

"Yes, Shangguan Junior Sister is only thirty-four and five years old this year. If she is two years later in the pre-selection of the Saint Child, when she breaks through the eighth level of Qi refining, then there will be no problems at all." The candidate said.

At this time, Ma Xingchen interrupted and said: "Brother Bai Qing, our Tongju County is not hopeless. In addition to Senior Sister Shangguan, my former guard Qingyang is still in the Pagoda of Hundred Refinements, and there is no sign of being eliminated. Maybe it will give us a surprise in the end."

Bai Qing doesn’t know much about Qing Yang. He only knows that he is the guardian of Ma Xingchen. He seems to be a body-refining monk. He is said to be very defensive. Shangguan Yan and Ma Xingchen admire this person very much. A rare event in Zhongcheng for many years, countless young talents gathered here, that Qingyang's own strength is not good, how far can he go by relying on strong defense alone?

Bai Qing said: "Now the situation is unclear, let's just take a look, even Shangguan Junior Sister is not sure, what about your little-known guard?"

Ma Xingchen has cooperated with Qing Yang many times. He is very aware of Qing Yang's shortcomings. Although Qing Yang has strong defenses, his offensive ability is somewhat lacking. Every time he gets entangled with his opponent, he needs to make up his sword by himself. Now he is fighting alone. , I am afraid it is very difficult to win.

Thinking of this, Ma Xingchen's fluke mentality has been completely lost. It seems that it is really possible to say to Brother Bai Qing that Tongguan County will eventually be wiped out. At the beginning, I heard that Zhenren Jiao Mu said that every quasi-saint child’s area would be taxed by 10%, which is a rare good thing for everyone. Now I realized that this kind of good thing is impossible to his turn, and the reward is not. For the people in these places, only the monks in the city can enjoy it.

During the time they were talking, many more cultivators were eliminated one after another. Almost all the cultivators who were sent out later were the sixth-tier qi-refining cultivators, and occasionally the fifth-tier qi-refining cultivators, and even a few others. Seventh-tier Qi Refining candidates, at this time, some candidates who are not strong enough, or who are not lucky enough, are also on the verge of being eliminated.

The two remaining candidates in Tiezhen County were also sent out. Although their rankings were higher than those of Baiqing, the ten candidates in Tiezhen County have been wiped out, but there are still two in Tonggu County. People in the Pagoda of Hundred Refinements suddenly stood up and down. The monks of Tiezhen County who had fought with Bai Qing and others before now all hide behind their necks, for fear that they will come back.

Another hour has passed. There are no more than 20 cultivators left in the hundred refining tower. All the cultivators on the sixth and lower Qi refining level have been eliminated. Except for Qingyang, the lowest strength is the seventh Qi refining level. As the sky is already dark, the aura on the Bailian Pagoda is getting brighter and brighter. Looking from a distance, the brilliance is very beautiful. At this time, the Shengzi primary election has reached the most critical time, and there are no people watching the excitement in the square. Decrease, on the contrary, there is a tendency to gather more and more.

There are countless candidates on the field. Those who are eliminated on the field can infer who else is in the Tower of Hundred Refinements. Now there are nineteen people left in the Tower. These people come from twelve regions. Among them, the City Lord’s Mansion area accounts for the most places, and there are four people in the Hundred Refinement Pagoda, two people remain in the other four areas, and only one person in the other seven areas has not been eliminated.

The City Lord’s Mansion area can achieve such results. According to everyone's expectation, seven out of ten candidates are in the late stage of gas refining, and the only eighth layer of gas refining comes from this area. Surprisingly, there are two or two people in Tongguan County who have not been eliminated so far, which is very bizarre.

The people in Tiezhen County next to it didn’t expect ~www.readwn.com~Tongju County could achieve such results under their suppression, even better than many areas in the city of Kuzuo. The rise seems to be just around the corner, so They were shrinking their necks one by one, for fear that they would be seen by the people in Tonggu County.

The game has reached the most exciting moment. If you hold on for a while, you will win. Not only can you become a quasi-saint son, you can also receive six hundred Lingshi rewards, and you can also get 10% tax relief for the villagers and elders. If you persist for a while, you will lose all your efforts and your reward will be greatly reduced.

Because the benefits involved are too great, almost every time a person is eliminated, a voice of regret will be thought of around them, lamenting for those who have failed, and for losing the benefits of meeting tax.

Time seems to have slowed down, and the tense atmosphere around is getting stronger and stronger, especially those teams that still have people in the Pagoda of Hundred Refinements. They are even more anxious. , And fear that the people in his team will be eliminated early.

The fewer people in the Hundred Refinement Pagoda, the longer the interval between the candidates being sent out. Several people have been eliminated in the previous tea time. At the fastest speed, two or three people were sent out at the same time. The foundation-building monks are somewhat unable to register. At this time, the interval is getting longer and longer, and sometimes no one is eliminated for a quarter of an hour.

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