Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1116: : No spirituality

The middle-aged woman finally found two objects to confide in, and naturally she would not let them go easily, so she stood outside the alchemy room and chatted with them.

Shangguanyan and Qingyang have been nesting in the yard for the past few months. Today, they had a hard time coming out. Anyway, it’s okay. It doesn’t matter if you stay longer. These two seniors have lived in Wuliang Mountain for a long time. They should have a better understanding of the situation here, maybe Can inquire useful news.

Shangguanyan and the middle-aged woman seemed to have a tendency to meet each other late. The more they talked, the closer they got. Qing Yang occasionally interrupted a sentence, instead focusing most of the attention on the old man who made alchemy inside. Qing Yang had never refined the pill since he made the golden pill more than two years ago. Now that he suddenly saw someone else making the pill, he couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

The old man in the room didn't care about the interference outside. He sat in front of the furnace and closed his eyes and meditated. He didn't know how long it had passed. It seemed that he had something in his heart. So he took out the materials and placed them in front of him. , Took out the first material and threw it into the pill furnace.

Qing Yang saw everything in his eyes, the order was okay, and the technique was smooth enough, but Qing Yang always felt that something was wrong. It seemed to be a little different from the real alchemist, but this did not affect the refining of the pill. Qing Yang just Looked quietly, but didn't say much.

The old man in the room was working methodically. After watching a lot, Qing Yang finally found the problem. The old man’s pill was no problem, the refining steps were correct, and the materials were no problem. Even the refining techniques were fine. Can't fault it, everything is right, but it's not the case when combined together. how to say? That is, the whole process of alchemy is not spiritual, it is just a simple copy of the steps of the alchemy, without its own understanding and adjustment, it seems very rigid.

Everything needs talent. If talent is good, learning things will get twice the result with half the effort. If talent is not good, you need to spend more time than others. If ordinary people are like this, it is not necessary to mention immortal cultivators. Alchemy is an extremely complicated matter. , The requirements for talent are even higher. It is difficult to succeed only by rote memorization and mechanical repetition of other people's actions without their own understanding.

Qing Yang could see that this old man really likes alchemy and spent a lot of energy on it. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to upgrade the alchemy to the foundation building alchemist without the talent, but this old man is also true. Without talent, it can be seen from his operation.

There is a Tao that practice makes perfect. In order to refine Tongqiao Pill, this old man spent several years preparing for it. In the past few months, dozens of materials were wasted. It is not without gain. Although the operation is not spiritual, it is also It is quite satisfactory and has not made any major mistakes.

Unknowingly, more than an hour passed. The old man in the room was operating according to the refining method of Tongqiao Pill. The hundred and ten materials piled next to him were only the last two, and the refining of the pill has reached the most critical point. At any moment, if everything goes well, the Tongqiao Pill may not fail to be successfully refined, but Qing Yang clearly felt that the old man seemed to be nervous.

The most taboo thing in refining a pill is nervousness. Once nervous, it is easy to make mistakes. Seeing that the liquid medicine in the pill furnace is almost heated, the old man picked up the materials on the ground and threw them directly into the pill furnace. To deal with it, Qingyang was very sorry for a while.

The old man also reacted after the operation, but in the face of this situation, he had no choice but to watch the liquid medicine in the pill furnace change in an unknown direction.

He has refined this Tongqiao Pill dozens of times. It either made a mistake in the first or made a mistake later. In short, he did not succeed once. This time the operation was fairly smooth. I thought he could successfully refine the Tongqiao Pill. Mistakes occurred, leading to failure.

The old man was suddenly very upset. In order to improve the alchemy technique, he wasted countless cultivation time. In order to refine the pill, he lost countless heavenly materials and treasures. In order to refine the Tongqiao Pill, he delayed countless business affairs, but he still couldn't succeed. Could it be that he really doesn't have any talent in alchemy? Thinking of these, his face couldn't help but have a few more wrinkles.

Seeing that the opponent's alchemy was about to fail, Qing Yang finally couldn't help but said: "Increase the firepower, and at the same time keep tapping the alchemy furnace with both hands, so that the impurities in the material just added will separate out, and the froth on the top will gradually decrease after being removed. Firepower may save this elixir."

Facing the immediate situation, the old man in the room was in a hurry when he was pessimistic and disappointed. He suddenly heard what Qing Yang said, as if a drowning man had caught the straw, he unconsciously acted as he did. That's right, eager and dazzling operation actually rescued the liquid medicine in the pill furnace, and the refining of the pill gradually returned to normal.

Neither Shangguanyan nor the middle-aged woman could make alchemy, but they could judge that if there weren’t for Qingyang’s reminder just now, the old man’s refining of pills would have really failed, and both of them couldn’t help. Looking at Qing Yang, his eyes were full of shock and doubt.

Shangguanyan's heart was mainly shocked. Before she came, she had heard Qingyang say that she understood the alchemy, but she didn't expect Qingyang's alchemy to be so powerful, and only a few words would be able to prevent the master Zhuji alchemy from failing. To what extent should the alchemy be brilliant? She had always had doubts about Qing Yang's identity before ~ ​​www.readwn.com~ Now it is more certain, Qing Yang's identity is definitely not simple.

The middle-aged woman was more suspicious. When Qingyang and Shangguanyan came in, she observed them and found nothing unusual. She only thought they were two young lovers who sneaked out of the private meeting, but she didn’t. Thinking of this kid's Danshu vision is so good. At this time, she looked at Qing Yang up and down again, but still didn't see any problems. There was nothing she could do. She could only attribute the matter to the authorities, fans and bystanders. Her own old man was too stupid, and Qing Yang had talent in alchemy.

Not only the two of them, but even the old man in the room couldn't help turning his head, Qing Yang quickly reminded: "When you are refining alchemy, you are most afraid of distraction. If you look at it like this, you will really fail."

Being reminded by Qing Yang, the old man in the room was suddenly shocked and turned his head quickly to continue refining his Tongqiao Pill. The previous mistakes more or less affected the refining of the pill. In the subsequent operations, the old man’s There were two more mistakes, and Qing Yang was there to remind him.

Because of the success of the first time, the old man had confidence in Qingyang. In the following two reminders, the old man followed Qingyang's method completely without any discount. Under Qingyang's guidance, he did not show up too much. The refining of Tongqiao Pill was fairly smooth.

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