Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1117: : Borrowing alchemy furnace

Half an hour later, the old man in the room opened the lid of the pill furnace and took out a dark brown pill from inside. Although the previous mistake was rescued, it still affected the quality of the pill. This dark brown The Tongqiao Dan can barely be considered a success.

But for the old man in that room, the countless attempts over the past few months have only failed without success, and there is hardly any light in sight. Although today’s success depends on the guidance of others, it is successful anyway. At least prove that there is no major problem with his operation.

Looking at the pill in his hand, the old man in the room stood up and walked out the door, and said to Qingyang, "Thank you, my little friend, for pointing me. Before, I only focused on alchemy, and I neglected the distinguished guest."

Ordinary monks are more taboo against trespassers. Although they blame the other for not being fortified, the two of them broke into someone else's place without saying hello, and even saw the more private pill refining, Qing Yang said: " The two of us shouldn't be honorable guests, saying that they are uninvited guests are almost the same. We came here without saying hello, seniors, don't blame us for interrupting your alchemy."

The pill was finally successfully refined. The old man in the room seemed to be in a good mood. He laughed and said: "Hahahaha, no wonder, no wonder, if it weren't for you, I don't know when the alchemy will be successful. If it is because of this If you blame you for something, isn't it a kind of revenge?"

At this time, the middle-aged woman also interrupted and said: "Yes, if it weren't for you to mention something, maybe he would have to sit there for a few months. Not only him, but I also want to thank you."

"It's just a matter of effort, it's not enough." Qing Yang said modestly.

Looking at Qing Yang, the old man in the room seemed to have found his soulmate, and took Qing Yang's hand and said: "When I made a mistake for the first time, you asked me to increase my firepower and keep tapping the pill furnace with my hands to separate the impurities. , Generally, you can use this technique when refining what materials? Later, when the pill is about to take shape and begin to engrave, why did you slow me down slightly..."

The old man seized the opportunity to ask a lot of questions at once. Qing Yang patiently answered them one by one. This was just a stick of incense. The middle-aged woman couldn't stand it anymore and said: " The couple came here as guests. They didn't even enter the door. You, the host, didn't give up their tea. You just stood at the door and asked a lot of questions. Are you the host?"

When the middle-aged woman said this, the old man also reacted, and quickly said: "Yes, yes, yes, I was negligent. Please sit down with the two guests and let's go to the house and talk slowly."

Seeing that the old man was still swearing not to give up under his own reminder, the middle-aged woman could only helplessly shook her head and looked at Qing Yang and Shangguan Yan and said, "Did you all see him? Ever since I became obsessed with alchemy, I didn’t talk about alchemy in retreat. I often didn’t see one side for three to five months. Those who have been exposed to alchemy are almost half alchemists."

While they were talking, the middle-aged woman and the old man let Qingyang and Guan Yan into the hall in the middle. Both were seated. The middle-aged woman offered a few cups of hot tea. It was just made here, and the old man asked again. Regarding alchemy matters, Qing Yang didn't care about the entanglement, nor was he naive. He understood the other party's desire for advanced alchemy, and couldn't bear to dissuade the other party's enthusiasm.

In a blink of an hour, half an hour passed. The old man asked many questions, but none of them could hold Qingyang. They all got answers that satisfied him. The old man couldn't help but respect him and said, "The little friend is young. It's light, but there is such an alchemy, which is really admirable."

Qing Yang was about to say a few words of modesty, and the middle-aged woman next to her said: "You only know, I have said how many times you have already said that alchemy depends on talent. Without talent, it is impossible to practice hard behind closed doors. But you can’t listen at all. Let’s see how much energy and time you’ve spent on this? In the end, it’s not as good as someone else’s, and I’m ashamed of you."

The middle-aged woman's words were heavy, but the two seemed to be in a good relationship. The old man just blushed, and then turned to Qingyang and said to Qingyang: "Little friend, you help me refine the pill, just now I take the trouble to answer my doubts. It is not an exaggeration to say that I am a half-teacher. The old man is not the kind of person who knows his gratitude and does not repay him.

The middle-aged woman also said, "Don't think he is just a dying old man. In fact, he has a lot of energy in this Wuliang Mountain. If you have any requirements, please don't hesitate to mention it."

Seeing that both of them said so, Qing Yang was not polite, and said: "It's true that I urgently need to refine a pill, and the ingredients are ready, but as a result, it is a huge mountain, but I can't find a place to do it. In the borrowed alchemy room, the two of them came here by accident. They did not expect to meet the pill furnace here, so I wanted to borrow your alchemy furnace. I wonder if it is possible?"

The old man's expression changed, and he said, "Do you want to borrow my alchemy furnace?"

Qing Yang nodded and said, "Yes, but I don't know the convenience or inconvenience. If necessary, I can pay the corresponding fee."

Everyone's temperament is different, and some are more taboo about lending their own things to others ~www.readwn.com~ After finally finding an alchemy room, Qing Yang was afraid that the other party would disagree.

Refining pill medicine also has requirements for pill furnace. For the level of pill medicine, it is better to use the corresponding level of pill furnace. Low-level pill medicine has little effect on high-level pill furnace, but high-level pill medicine is more troublesome for low-level pill furnace. , And even affect the refining of pill. Qing Yang has seen it just now. This old man’s pill furnace is a superb spirit weapon, which can be used to refine Miyuan Gu Ling Pill. Such a pill furnace is not easy to encounter. Once you miss it, you don’t know when you will encounter it again. Suitable.

Seeing Qingyang's cautious attitude, the old man rolled his eyes and said, "It's convenient, how can it be inconvenient? Not to mention refining one pill, it's okay to refining ten or a hundred pills, but I have a condition. , That is, you must let me watch it when you are refining alchemy."

Qing Yang understood the other party's thoughts. It was nothing more than meeting a clever alchemy master and wanting to observe and observe at close range. For those who are obsessed with alchemy, this requirement is normal.

Qingyang didn’t like to be disturbed when he was refining alchemy, especially since his spiritual thoughts cannot be used now. He is not very sure about refining the Miyuan Gu Lingpill. A little bit of external interference may give up all his previous efforts. However, in this situation, it seems not. Responding to the request of the responding party cannot borrow the pill furnace, and can only agree to it first. As long as the other party does not deliberately cause trouble, it should not have much impact.

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