Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1119: : Succeeded

The old man didn't believe that Qing Yang could succeed, but looking at the opponent's posture, he seemed to be confident, which made him feel a little strange. If this person fails in the final refining, it’s all right. Although his alchemy is brilliant, but it has not reached the level of shocking the world. If it can be refined under this situation, then the person’s alchemy is too scary. I am afraid that all the alchemists of Fallen Ghost Yuan will be far behind the dust.

Thinking of this, the old man suddenly became excited. Unexpectedly, Fallen Ghost Yuan would suddenly come up with a great master of alchemy, and he would have the opportunity to witness the emergence of the first alchemist of Fallen Ghost Yuan. This is for a person obsessed with alchemy. What a lucky thing to say.

The three people watching by the side were the middle-aged woman a little more indifferent. The stormy waves had already been set off in Shang Guanyan's heart. Although she did not understand alchemy, it could be seen from the face of the old man next to him, Qingyang's alchemy. It should be extraordinary, otherwise he would not be so shocked and excited.

Even the alchemist who admired the foundation alchemist, how high should his alchemy be? Alchemy is often complementary to the cultivation base, even most people's alchemy lags behind their own cultivation base, so what about the strength of Qingyang itself? The more Shangguanyan thought about it, the more mysterious Qingyang she became, the more she thought about it, the more she felt it was extraordinary, and the more she thought about it, the more attracted Qingyang she became.

Let’s leave aside what other people think, Qing Yang has been operating methodically. Although the old man couldn’t help but say a word just now, it has no effect on a senior pill king like Qing Yang, and he is still observing the pill. The situation in the furnace, while processing various materials.

Unknowingly an hour passed, Qingyang’s first pill was also in the second half of the process. The first time I didn’t rely on spiritual thoughts to refine the pill, it was still somewhat uncomfortable. At the beginning, I didn’t see any problems. To a certain extent, the impact on the refining of the pill will be great, and Qing Yang can feel it without having to look at the results. The chance of this pill being successful is not high.

Sure enough, after dozens of breaths, there was a muffled noise in the pill furnace, and then a scorched smell spread. The refining of the first pill failed, but Qing Yang had been prepared for this and did not suffer the slightest. Influence, opened the lid of the pill furnace and cleaned up the residue inside. As a senior pill king, he had experienced countless pill failures, and Qing Yang had already exercised his heart like a rock.

After cleaning the alchemy furnace, Qing Yang did not act immediately, but sat there quietly and went through all the previous steps of alchemy. After summing up the good places, we should continue to carry forward, and find out the reasons for the wrong places to avoid repeating them. For similar mistakes, try to fail one at a time and promote one at a time.

After summing up the experience, it was already half an hour later, Qing Yang cleared up his mood, turned on the ground fire again, followed the refining steps of the Mi Yuan Gu Ling Pill, took out the first material, and started the second pill. With the previous experience, Qingyang’s operations have become smoother.

Seeing masters making alchemy, especially seeing a senior alchemist like Qingyang who is so talented, making alchemy, the feeling is completely different, just like appreciating art, which is pleasing to the eye. The elderly don’t feel that when they are in it, the middle-aged woman I am used to seeing my old man refining alchemy, and now I am compared with Qing Yang, it is as rough as a three-year-old kid playing a wooden sword in front of a swordsman master.

Time flies quickly, and the sky outside is already dark, but there is a lighting device in the alchemy room. The three of them just watched Qingyang's alchemy, but they didn't even notice the time change. Qingyang had already sat in the alchemy room for six full hours. At this hour, the previous three times without exception have failed. If it were other people, it is estimated that they would have long been unable to sit still, and it may even be anxious, but Qingyang has not been affected in the slightest, still just like sitting there, steadily Operating.

This is actually quite normal. Today Qingyang has experienced countless world events, and his state of mind has been tempered a long time ago. So many more advanced and valuable pills have been refined, how could it be possible to have a mere Mi Yuan Gu Ling? Dan in the eye? It's just two thousand spiritual stones. What if it fails? It's a big deal to spend more time earning the spirit stone and come back again.

Seeing Qing Yang so calm, the old man admired him. He was too worried about gains and losses. This led to mistakes every time alchemy was at a critical moment. After every failure, he couldn't adjust for several days, so that every time he improved A little pill, it takes others several times the time.

You Dao is a master who has learned in no time. Although Qingyang cultivation does not look very good, he is more than enough to be his master in terms of alchemy and concentration during alchemy.

Just as the old man was thinking about it, the refining of Qingyang’s fourth pill had also reached the most critical moment. Both eyes were staring at the pill furnace, and the movements of both hands were getting faster and faster, and the forehead was slightly sweaty. Even the three spectators including Shang Guanyan couldn't help but get nervous.

With the foreshadowing in front and the three previous trials, Qingyang became more proficient in operation and more confident. This fourth pill was smoother at the beginning of refining, and the possibility of success was high. After all, Qing Yang just couldn't use his spiritual thoughts, and his experience in other areas was there. Although it had an impact on alchemy, it was not too outrageous. His rich experience was enough to make up for it.

I don’t know how long it took. Suddenly, the alchemy furnace in front of Qingyang began to tremble slightly~www.readwn.com~ Then there were light buzzing noises, and then, a light pill sound came from the gap of the alchemy furnace. From among them, Qing Yang, who had always looked serious, also showed a relaxed expression on his face.

If he succeeded, he actually succeeded. He actually made a golden core pill without divine consciousness. Isn't this incredible? Qing Yang didn't know how, but the three people onlookers outside were more excited than the other, and the eyes were bigger than the other.

Shangguan Yan was excited because she proved that she had been correct in her speculation. This Qingyang was really hidden, so I won't say anything about her strength. The alchemy is even more terrifying, and more importantly, such a person. It's not that it's inaccessible from above, but it's close to yourself.

The old man was excited because he personally witnessed the emergence of the first alchemist of Fallen Ghost Abyss, and personally confirmed that the most brilliant alchemist in Fallen Ghost Abyss was not the legendary people, but the unknown person in front of him. The young man, and watched from close range how the real king of alchemy made alchemy.

He was obsessed with alchemy all his life, but he had no talent in this aspect. He spent countless resources, but he couldn't even break through the shackles of the foundation alchemist. Now he finally saw the real alchemy king, like a dull scholar who suddenly met How can you not be excited in your heart because the most holy ancestor is average?

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