Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1120: : Woman's Mind

The middle-aged woman was also very excited. Under the ears and eyes of her old man, she knew something about alchemy. Because of this, she was able to understand the kind of old man who suddenly saw a master of alchemy. Mood, I am also happy for my old man.

As for Qing Yang, it has always been very plain. Even the successful refining of the pill, he only showed a slightly relaxed expression. Compared to his past glorious experience, the success of Mi Yuan Gu Ling Pill is nothing at all. , Is just another success after countless successes.

Of course, this pill is also very important. With him, the problem of the cracks in his own golden pill will no longer be a problem, plus the energy of the seven escape locks will also be exhausted, Qing Yang's heart is extremely happy, if not There were people around, Qing Yang really wanted to laugh three times to celebrate.

Qing Yang took the pill in his hand and looked at it carefully, and then threw it directly into his mouth. This pill is not like Qi Gathering Pills, Ju Yuan Pills and other elixir that can improve cultivation. It takes a lot of time to retreat and refine. This kind of pill will slowly release its power as long as it is swallowed into the abdomen. After the power is absorbed into the Dantian, it will gradually repair the cracks on the gold pill without special control, that is, it will last a little longer. It’s a lot of dreams at night, so I just take it directly.

After taking the pill, Qing Yang stood up from the ground, came to the other three, and said to the old man: "I have used up this alchemy furnace. Thank you very much this time."

After Qingyang succeeded in alchemy, the old man has been in shock. It was only then that he reacted, and asked with a face full of inconceivability: "You...you really did not use divine mind to make a pill just now. Medicine? Is that pill of Jindan level?"

There is nothing to conceal, as everyone saw it just now, Qing Yang nodded and said, "Yes."

Seeing Qingyang's confirmation, the old man was incoherently excited for a while, and said: "Pill King... Are you really Pill King? Can you... Can I learn alchemy from you?"

Qingyang said: "I won't stay in Wuliang Mountain for too long. It's okay if it's just a communication problem. As for me, I don't have much time to learn alchemy. Please forgive me."

The old man did not give up because of Qingyang’s refusal, but said: "I really sincerely want to learn alchemy from you. As long as you can agree, you can mention any conditions, spiritual stones, heavenly materials, and magic weapons. Whatever, I can find a way to satisfy you."

Although the other party’s conditions are very attractive, Qing Yang couldn’t answer the prescription. Alchemy is not like cultivating. You can practice it on your own after throwing a copy of it to others. At most, if you encounter a problem, you can give pointers and want to teach an alchemist. It is very troublesome, especially the old man in front of him who has very poor alchemy talents. It takes more time to teach him. Qingyang still has a lot to do. It is impossible to stay here for too long. This is not a negotiation. Things.

Qing Yang shook his head and said, "It's not that I'm unkind, but that I do have a lot of things to do. I can leave here at any time. Even if I promise you, it's useless."

Seeing Qingyang's unwillingness to accommodate, the old man could only give up this plan. Apprentices need you to please me. Forcing is useless, saying: "In this case, I won't force it. I just hope you are in Wuliang Mountain. During this time, I can often ask you for advice."

After speaking, the old man gave Qing Yang a deep salute, saying: "Anyone who learns no priority is a teacher. Whether it is the alchemy you demonstrated today or I will need to ask you frequently in the future, it is worth it. From my worship, you will be my teacher of alchemy from now on."

The other party had said so, Qing Yang could only agree, but he was just a famous teacher in alchemy, and he was not a real teacher. When he was in Wuliangshan, he could teach something, and it didn’t matter if he couldn’t. Here, it won't matter anymore.

Qingyang didn't take it seriously, but the old man seemed very solemn, and asked the middle-aged woman to specially prepare a gift for Qingyang as an apprenticeship. Qingyang's spiritual thoughts were temporarily unavailable, so he didn't take a closer look. The content talisman was put into the pocket. The two couples are just foundation-building monks, and they are just a simple named master. It's not bad that they can give a gift of thirty or fifty spirit stones.

Just ran out of other people’s alchemy furnace and accepted a gift from others. Qing Yang was too embarrassed to just wave his hand and leave, so he sat in the middle hall for two more hours, answering many old man’s questions about alchemy. Only then did Shangguanyan stand up and bid farewell.

The old man and the middle-aged woman seemed to really regard Qing Yang as a teacher, and kept sending them to the end of the path, only then watched them leave. When she was out of sight of the two, Shang Guanyan suddenly stopped and looked at Qing Yang and said, "Don't you have anything to say?"

Qing Yang wondered: "What are you talking about?"

Shangguan Yan said: "Of course it's your identity. Why can you stand out in the Shengzi primary election? Why do you have such an unpredictable pill? What else can you not? At this time, You don’t want to hide it yet, do you?"

Guan Yan had asked this question several times, but Qing Yang did not answer positively. The last time he came out of the Pagoda of Hundred Refinement, Qing Yang once said that he would tell her exactly that, now that the Mi Yuan Gu Ling Pill has been taken, The problem of the golden core will be solved very quickly, and the energy of the seven escape locks will also have a chance to be completely consumed, and the recovery of divine consciousness is also a recent event.

Once the strength is fully restored~www.readwn.com~ Qing Yang will look for the one-horned ghost king, separation is inevitable, and it is indeed time to tell her the truth, Qing Yang hesitated a little, then said: "I He was wounded and moved to Mai Town. His true identity is..."

"No, don't say it, I don't want to know for the time being."

Before Qingyang finished speaking, she was interrupted by Shangguanyan. Qingyang didn't understand, so she looked at Shangguanyan with a puzzled face. She didn't know why the other party changed her mind. The woman's mind was too difficult to guess.

Different from Qing Yang’s doubts, Shang Guan Yan knew her thoughts very well. Qing Yang didn’t say her identity at the beginning. Shang Guan Yan tried her best to find out the details. The man in front of him is a mystery. The more you come into contact, the more you think You understand him at a level, and the more you understand, the more secrets you didn’t know before, and the more you know, the more you want to understand.

But when Qing Yang was about to tell her everything, she didn't dare to listen. She had a hunch that Qing Yang was not an ordinary person. Now the two can still be together normally, just like talking about the family, but once Knowing the true identity of the person in front of him, knowing that he is actually a senior man, even higher than his father's identity and status, I am afraid that the two will never get along like this again.

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