Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1154: : 10 Palace of Kings

???? Thinking of what will happen to him in the future, Yuhun Mingzun feels uneasy. If this kind of thing happens, his future must be in darkness, what should I do? Wouldn't it be impossible to admit his fate?

???? One wrong step and wrong step, I blame myself for being too greedy, and wanting to seek the position of the leader, but the result is that the stealing of the chicken fails to lose the rice. Not only did not win the leader, but also deeply offended the unpredictability in front of me. When thinking of this, Yuhun Mingzun lost all thoughts for a while.

???? Seeing Yuhun Mingzun slumped, hehehe hehe laughed twice, and said: "I blame me, I forgot to introduce to you, the predecessor of the ghost king once had a name called the one-horned ghost king, although there are many Everyone mentioned it in Nian, but some older Taoists will have some impressions."

After the ghost chaser finished speaking, many people on the court looked blank. They had never heard of a one-horned ghost king, but there were also a few people who were thoughtful and seemed to find the name very familiar. It's just that I can't remember for a while, only the face of the Immeasurable Lord changed drastically, his eyes fixed on the unicorn ghost king and said: "You...you are the predecessor of the unicorn ghost king of the Ten Kings Palace?"

???? The one-horned ghost king had a very prominent reputation at the beginning. It is impossible that no one has heard of his name. This is why he dares to show up, but he did not expect that someone could tell his origin in one mouth, which is very impressive. Surprised, the one-horned ghost king couldn't help but say: "Do you know me?"

???? Seeing that the one-horned ghost king did not deny, the immeasurable Holy Venerable even confirmed the guess in his heart, and hurriedly said, "I know, of course I know. Catch up with the one-horned ghost king senior handing over the position of the master of the first hall, so we went to watch the excitement together. At that time, Master and I were fortunate to have a glimpse of senior's demeanor from a distance."

???? After finishing speaking, the one-horned ghost king nodded at him, and said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, we still have this fate. We haven't seen it for 300 years, and the little friend has become the overlord of the party."

???? The Venerable Blessed Venerable agreed: "Yes, in a blink of an eye, it is three hundred years. From the ignorant foundation building cultivator at the beginning, I became a ninth-level cultivator of the golden core. Although I am the overlord of the ghost abyss, the rest is Shouyuan has only been there for decades, and I didn't expect the one-horned ghost king seniors to still have the same style."

???? The words of the Immeasurable Sovereign immediately aroused the memories of several other overlords. Those who were able to cultivate to their level were almost more than 300 years old. At that time, the one-horned ghost king was still one of the ten kings in the Nether realm. The lord of the hall, although Fallen Ghost Yuan is far away from the Palace of Ten Kings, the influence of the Palace of Ten Kings is so great that they have heard some rumors about the unicorn ghost king more or less, but the time is too long. For a long time, I didn't think of it for a while.

???? As for the remaining golden core monks, they may not have heard of the reputation of the one-horned ghost king, but they all know the name of the ten kings hall. This person turned out to be the former hall of the ten kings hall. Lord, at least it proved from the side that this person was at least a monk in the late Yuan Ying period.

???? No one thought that the former Palace Master of the Ten Kings Palace would come...

When you arrive at the Fallen Ghost Yuan, and you will be interested in the position of the leader of the Fallen Ghost Yuan, it is like the secular grandfather of a county suddenly coming to a remote village, wanting to be the village head, which is incredible.

???? At this time, they can still consider whether this person is qualified to be the leader. If the other party is really the one-horned ghost king of the former temple of the ten kings, they can come to their fallen ghost yuan as the leader, they can't ask for it. , Who will actively refuse? What's more, they couldn't refuse with their strength.

???? Everyone present was full of shocked expressions, only Qing Yang was slightly better, because he had known the existence of the unicorn ghost king a long time ago, and he was not surprised by this. What really surprised him was this unicorn. The origin of the ghost king turned out to be from the Ten Kings Palace in the depths of the Nether Territory.

???? The two have been together for decades. At first, the one-horned ghost king was seriously damaged because of his spirit, and many memories disappeared. Later, the memory of the one-horned ghost king gradually recovered, but the other party did not want to say more, Qing Yang did not ask carefully, and now he heard the words of the immeasurable god, he knew that the one-horned ghost king was once the lord of the ten kings hall.

???? No wonder he is so clear about the situation of the Ten Kings Palace, no wonder he said that the Long Eyebrow Ghost King of the Ten Kings Palace might be able to save Yu Mengmiao. It turns out that he and the Long Eyed Ghost King are also the lord of the Ten Kings Palace. In this case, there must be friendship between the two ghost kings. I don't know if the one-horned ghost king can help the long-brow ghost king save Yu Mengmiao. He must be more effective than himself.

???? But think about it again, when the one-horned ghost king said this method, he didn't have a big deal. It is estimated that he can't help it. Maybe the friendship between the two is very common, or it may be too costly to ask for help. The one-horned ghost king can't afford it either. No one is willing to give up his lifespan to others, so it is useless to ask others for help in this matter, and you can only figure out a solution by yourself.

???? At this time, the immeasurable holy priest said again: "Senior one-horned ghost king, I remember that you handed over the position of the first hall master of the ten kings hall three hundred years ago~www.readwn.com~ It is said that it is because of your own cultivation. The bottleneck of Yuan Ying's later stage, he didn't have the energy to take care of the Ten Kings Palace, preparing to retreat and practice to seek a breakthrough, but then there was no news of Senior in the Nether Territory. Could it be that Senior has broken through successfully?"

???? The words of the Venerable Immeasurable are like a huge boulder thrown into the calm water, which immediately stirred up a thousand layers of waves. The unicorn ghost king was in the late Yuan Ying stage three hundred years ago, and he was practicing in retreat to seek breakthroughs. So what is his cultivation level now? Could it really be a breakthrough and become the power of God?

???? God’s power, it is a legendary existence, there are probably not many in the entire Ancient Wind Continent, and they are all characters who see the head and the end of the dragon, and most people can hardly see it, but this time it may appear to everyone. In front of him, and to be everyone’s leader, this fact is crazy.

???? But to everyone's regret, the one-horned ghost king shook his head when he heard this, and said, "Something went wrong when I broke through. After that, I left the Palace of Ten Kings and never beat those people again. Deal, so it’s normal that you haven’t heard from me in these years."#br......

r#???? Although everyone was very regretful, they did not feel too disappointed. Fallen Ghost Abyss is not big. The so-called Seven Overlords are just a group of Golden Core cultivators. For them, the late Nascent Soul cultivators It is an unattainable existence, and there is not much difference.

???? As for what happened to the one-horned ghost king during his cultivation, why did he suddenly leave the Temple of Ten Kings later, and why didn’t he deal with the people of the past after leaving the palace of the ten kings, and why there was no news at all in these years, and why did the one-horned ghost king have no news? That said, no one dares to ask. Everyone will be a family in the future. If you are a subordinate, you must have the consciousness of being a subordinate. You should never ask about things you shouldn't ask.


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