Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1155: : Dead skin and face

Seeing that no one dared to come forward again, the ghost chaser stood up and said: "I just said that I recommend a strong enough and respectable person to be the leader for everyone. This Senior Ghost King can be trusted?"

Not to mention the one-horned ghost king who used to be the head of the Palace of Ten Kings, even if a monk of the Nascent Soul came to Fallen Guiyuan as the leader, few people dared to stand up against it. Naturally, no one was unconvinced at this time. He fell directly at the feet of the one-horned ghost king, and said: "Senior one-horned ghost king, I didn't know Taishan before, and I offended senior. Please forgive me, senior."

The prestigious prestige has passed, and the sweetness should be given more or less. The combination of grace and prestige is the way to control people. The unicorn king said: "The royal soul does not need to be like this. I don’t blame anyone who doesn’t know. As long as you work hard in the future, I will naturally I won't treat you badly, let alone anything else, at least I have some experience in condensing the Nascent Soul from the Ghost Dao cultivator, just give you a few pointers, and you can benefit a lot."

The one-horned ghost king is the truth. In terms of cultivation, it is easier for some people to give pointers than no one. At least they can take a lot of detours. The seven people present are all cultivators of the Golden Core Nineth Floor. Breaking through the Nascent Soul is all for them. The imminent things, especially the two soul chasing ghosts and Yuhun Mingzun, have reached Golden Core Consummation long ago, but they have not been able to find a suitable method.

I thought that this life will be like this, and there is no hope of breaking through the Nascent Soul. I did not expect to meet the one-horned ghost king senior at this time. If there is such an experienced senior expert next to it, maybe this life is really there. Break through the hope of Yuanying.

As long as you become a cultivator of Yuan Ying, you will be the top figure in the entire Gufeng Continent. Where can you not go in the future? There is no need to nest in a small place like Fallen Ghost Yuan anymore.

Thinking of this, Yuhun Mingzun became excited and unable to restrain himself. He squatted his head on the ground and said, "Thank you, Senior Ghost King for his magnanimity, and the younger generation is grateful. From now on, I will only look forward to the seniors. Who dares to be disrespectful to the seniors? I can't spare him first. Besides, in front of Senior, I don't dare to call him Mingzun. From now on, Seniors will call me Yuhun."

The rapid change of Yuhun Mingzun’s face has opened the eyes of others, but no one feels disgusted. In the face of a senior like the one-horned ghost king, no matter how you behave, it seems that you should behave. Some people even secretly regret why they reacted. So slow, let this Yuhun Mingzun take the lead?

Although the Immortal Sovereign and the Jade Faced Bodhisattva are immortal monks, they have little to do with ghost cultivation, but the one-horned ghost king is the ghost cultivation of the Yuan Ying stage after all. The stone of the mountain can be used for jade, listen to the Yuan Ying ghost cultivation Experience is always good, and it is hard to guarantee that you will break through when you have an epiphany.

Although the ghost chasing ghost had long expected that after the one-horned ghost king appeared, no one should come forward to stop him, but seeing everyone worshipping, he was still shocked by the influence of the one-horned ghost king, even Yuhun Mingzun. There is no objection to this thorn, and things will not change anymore. The ghost chasing the ghost to the one-horned ghost king, said: "Senior, do you think when the inauguration ceremony of the leader will be held?"

Who knows a single actor...

The King of Ghosts waved his hand and said, "I don't like troubles, so let's forget about the appointment of the ceremony. If the people below are really obedient, it will be the same whether or not they are appointed to the ceremony."

Yuhun Mingzun hurriedly said: "Senior said that people like us, who have no confidence in their own strength, will increase their deterrence by holding the leader of the hall as the hall. The influence of the ghost king is huge, and naturally it is not necessary. This means."

Seeing Yuhun Mingzun's dead skin and face, the next to him was very disgusting, and coldly snorted: "I don't know who just kept saying that this is the first time for everyone to form an alliance. They have no experience. It is inevitable. There will be some errors, and you need to be more cautious."

Seeing that the ghost king demolished his own platform, Yuhun Mingzun was not good at retorting in front of the one-horned ghost king. He could only sneer and said: "If others are difficult to convince the public, you must be more cautious. Don’t be so cautious anymore. Since the inauguration ceremony of the leader does not need to be held, Senior Ghost King is now our official leader. Didn’t we say that each family will give out 20% of the tax of their respective area for the use of the alliance? I think 15% is still It’s too small, so we should pay 30% of each family. Only in this way can we express our respect for the ghost king seniors."

Yuhun Mingzun has already said so, even if other people are unwilling, it is not easy to raise objections at this time, so they all said that Senior Ghost King, as the leader of Fallen Ghost Yuan, the more wealth in his hand, the better, it seems that there is only In this way, Fallen Ghost Yuan can have a better development.

The current one-horned ghost king is naturally not the one-horned ghost king who was the master of the ten kings hall and one hall. He is so poor that, except for the soul gathering flag Qingyang sent him, it is the gift he got when he killed Shi Ruyu two years ago. It’s a good match, which is seriously inconsistent with his former status, so the one-horned ghost king needs more resources for all kinds of resources, but he just came to ~www.readwn.com~ and is a senior master's style, and needs to maintain a certain demeanor. , The food should not be too ugly.

There are many people under each overlord who want to support. Most of the taxes collected every year are spent on this, and only about 30% is left to them. If they take 30% away, they will have nothing left. , It’s okay if the time is short, but there will definitely be rebellion if the time is long.

So after some resignation, the one-horned ghost king still insisted on setting the tax payment limit at 15%. However, when paying for the first time, everyone will make up the tax payment for the previous three years at a lump sum of 15%. It was also proposed by everyone on their own initiative.

As the overlord of the Fallen Ghost Yuan, they don’t lack spirit stones, and most of the wealth they have accumulated are carried with them. Since they have decided to pay taxes, naturally the sooner the better. The stone was handed in, and some even gave some meeting gifts by the way.

This is a great wealth. According to Wuliangshan, about 200,000 spiritual stones can be collected in a year, and one and a half is nearly 40,000. In three years, there are almost 110,000. All of the seven companies Collected, the total reached more than 700,000. At the beginning, Qingyang refined the Jiejin Pill and bought it back and forth...

The cost of buying materials is only more than a hundred thousand spirit stones, which he has accumulated for decades to make up enough. As a result, the unicorn ghost king casually revealed [31 novel app download address], and the spirit stones received were his. Many times, many ordinary Nascent Soul monks outside are probably this wealth.

After talking about the tax, Yuhun Mingzun also suggested that everyone work together to build a cave for the one-horned ghost king. Everyone strongly recommends their own dojo. It is said that the moon is the first to be near the water. If the single-horned ghost king lives with himself, Can I consult more often in the future?

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