Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1173: : The election meeting

Qing Yang felt the same about this. At first, he was not favored by others, and he entered the Qingfeng Palace with an order to knock the immortal. Later facts proved that he was not inferior to the childlike appearance of Linggen that day. If according to the standard of recruiting disciples in Ghost Valley, Qingyang's five-element spiritual root potential of nearly a hundred points, maybe the first level has been preset, and there is no need to spend all the time to find any immortal orders.

Qing Yang also inquired that the reason why Ghost Valley recruited disciples in this way seemed to be related to a legend spread among high-ranking monks. It is said that the disciples of Tianlinggen were really fast at the beginning, but in the later stage, especially in Yuan Dynasty. The infant stage and the **** transformation stage will be slowly recovered, especially when breaking through the realm, the bottleneck will be greater than that of the multilingen monk.

In other words, the leader of Tian Linggen is only in the first few realms, and the latter advantage is not obvious. As for the reasons, they are all hearsay news, no one can understand. The first few leading realms are not much different for large sects such as Ghost Valley, because they have a deep background and do not need to consider the qualifications of low-level disciples. Ultimately, they are aimed at cultivating Yuan Ying monks. It is their capital based on Gufeng Continent.

But for the sects of the Nine Provinces mainland, their highest strength is also the late Jindan monks. The Nascent Soul realm is invisible and intangible. Naturally, there is no need to think about it. Only by catching more disciples with excellent qualifications can they quickly Zhuang martial art.

The first level of the Spirit Selection Conference is very simple. Almost everyone can pass. Anyone who comes to Youcheng basically understands the criteria for recruiting disciples in Ghost Valley. It's not easy. Naturally, you have to figure it out before you can be targeted.

After passing the first level, there will be several levels of assessments here in Ghost Valley, such as levels that test the disciples’ character and perseverance, levels that test the comprehension and ability of the disciples, and the opportunity to test the disciples. The test of comprehensive ability is to recruit the best group of disciples, not like the mainland of Kyushu. As long as you have good qualifications, all resources will be tilted towards you, and all the elders in the school will care for you and be favored by the stars. Focus on care, so that some disciples eventually developed an arrogant and defiant temperament.

Looking at the Spirit Selection Conference in Ghost Valley, Qing Yang was very emotional. Although I don’t know how the fairyland is, it should be similar to the customs of the Netherland. If I was born in this ancient continent, I probably don’t have to suffer so much. Much coldness and hardship.

Ghost Valley is a well-known super school within a million miles, and it is also the first choice for low-level monks around to join the martial arts. It is said that in the annual spirit selection convention, Ghost Valley will select three thousand disciples to start. This number seems to be a lot. In fact, the competition is fierce. You must know that there are hundreds of thousands of disciples of the right age who come to participate in the election meeting every year.

Three thousand were selected from hundreds of thousands of people, almost one in a hundred. It is extremely difficult to stand out in such an assessment. And wanting to eliminate so many people one after another is also a more troublesome thing. Fortunately, Ghost Valley is used to such things, and the preparations are relatively sufficient. The entire spirit selection conference is proceeding in an orderly manner without any trouble.

The spirit selection conference has been going on for more than half a month, and Qing Yang has also watched here for more than half a month. Of course, his purpose is not to see who in Ghost Valley chooses his disciples, to see who has good aptitude, chance, and understanding to be selected. , But to look for opportunities to approach Ghost Valley.

It’s a pity that Qingyang is just a foreign fairy monk. There is no way to enter Youcheng, and there is no chance of contact with the ghosts of the ghost valley. Moreover, the ghost valley is a famous super sect, and the surrounding fairy city and the monks must rely on them. They live with a snort, and the disciples sent out to do things have nostrils in the sky. It's not something you can associate casually if you want to.

Waiting until the spirit election meeting was over, the people in Ghost Valley returned to the school with the selected disciples. Qing Yang did not find a suitable opportunity. Seeing the people who watched the excitement gradually dispersed, Qing Yang couldn't help showing a disappointed expression. I don't know when the light will be seen.

Qing Yang was dejected and was about to leave, a figure flashed beside him, looking at Qing Yang, with a slight smile on his face, and said, "Does this fellow Daoist have anything to worry about?"

Qing Yang looked up at the opposite person, who was also a Golden Core cultivator, but his cultivation was much lower than Qing Yang, only one level of Golden Core. From the other's smiling face, Qing Yang felt that he seemed to be the opponent's prey, so he was out of anger. Said: "Does it seem that fellow Taoists have too much control?"

He seemed to know that Qing Yang was in a bad mood. The cultivator at the first level of the Golden Core did not take Qing Yang's words to his heart. Instead, he smiled and said, "I have been paying attention to fellow Daoists for a long time, and found that fellow Daoists have been worried and seem to be concerned about something. And worries ~www.readwn.com~ and I have been here for many years in the quiet city, but there are some ways, maybe it can relieve the worries of the Taoists, I don't know if the friends are willing to talk to me."

Although this person’s smile is annoying, but these few words touched Qingyang’s mind. From the perspective of this person’s appearance, he seems to be a snakehead. Since he is helpless, it is better to have a chat with him to see if he can find a way. Yang made up a set of rhetoric for himself, saying: "I am a monk in the fairy realm, and I offended people there, so I traveled to this nether realm, but the days of casual cultivation were too difficult, and I always wanted to find a sect as a backer. As a result, I came to Ghost Valley and discovered that it is too difficult for an outsider to join the sect, especially a high-level monk."

Qing Yang’s rhetoric is not surprising. This kind of thing is usually very common. If some fairy monks can't get along in the fairy realm, they will come to the nether realm to ask for life, while the ghost monk offends people in the nether realm. They will also escape to the Fairy Spirit Realm. Ghost Valley is not very far from the boundary of the Fairy Spirit Realm, so many fairy monks here come here for this reason.

As for wanting to join Ghost Valley, it is even more common. Among the ten monks in Youcheng, at least five or six have had this idea. Not to mention others, there are also monks at the first level of Golden Core. With this kind of thought, he just missed the best opportunity. Now even if he barely enters, he won't get a good treatment. It's better to continue to mess around outside.

After Qing Yang finished speaking, the cultivator at the first level of the Golden Core didn't make a fuss, but took it for granted, saying, "It's normal for you to have this kind of thought, but Ghost Valley has its own way to become a super sect, no matter what kind of sect you are. In other words, the disciples are better cultivated by themselves, and the difficulty of high-ranking cultivators who want to join other sects halfway is not generally high."

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