Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1174: : Underworld

"Is there no way at all?" Qing Yang asked.

The cultivator on the first level of the Golden Core thought for a while and said: "There is no way. If you have certain specialties and can be valued by important figures in the sect, you may be included in the sect. If it is some negative abilities of Daoists Very strong, I can refer you for you."

Qing Yang also thought about it. It was useless to go around aimlessly outside. In the final analysis, he still had to deal with Ghost Valley. If he could find a way to get inside the Ghost Valley sect, he might have more chances. Anyway, he has always been better than himself. Become stronger outside.

As for the golden core monk who said that certain aspects are particularly strong, he will be admitted into the sect. This is also reasonable. Of course, ordinary disciples are more loyal since they were cultivated, but it does not mean that they will definitely not recruit. The master of cultivation and strength.

There are many kinds of things involved in cultivating immortality, and each sect will be biased, and it is impossible to master all categories. For example, Jinding Pavilion in the mainland of Kyushu is better at alchemy and not very good at refining, but the magical tools required by the disciples of the sect, Spirit artifacts cannot be purchased entirely, but such disciples cannot be cultivated, so it is necessary to focus on recruiting some experts who have special skills in refining tools to ensure the daily needs of the sect. Don't ask them how loyal to the school, as long as they can make up for the shortcomings of the school and make some contributions to the school in certain aspects.

It’s not that Qing Yang doesn’t have special skills. His greatest advantage is alchemy, but he doesn’t know whether Ghost Valley needs it or not, so Qing Yang said: "This fellow Daoist, I used to be a pill king, so I have some expertise in making pills. , I wonder if we can enter Ghost Valley on this condition?"

King Dan? The cultivator on the first level of the Golden Core looked at Qing Yang and was a little surprised. Of course he understood the power represented by a King of Core Pills. Seeing this person's young age, he did not expect to hide deeply. However, it is a pity that the pill that the immortal monk refines is different from the pill that the ghost cultivator refines, and the pill king is not universal. Otherwise, introducing him into the ghost valley will benefit both.

Thinking of this, he shook his head, and said with regret: "The pill that the monk of the ghost road takes is called the pill, which is different from the pill of the immortal monk. If you are the king of the pill, you don’t need someone else to introduce it. , You can visit Ghost Valley at any time. This spirit pill king doesn’t work in the Nether Realm. Although the principles of alchemy are somewhat similar, there are fundamental differences. In your current situation, it’s very difficult to enter the ghost valley. , At most be a medicine boy or something."

From entering the Fallen Ghost Abyss to the present, Qing Yang has been dealing with the ghost cultivators. After a long time, they have gradually figured out the differences between them. The Mingyuan cultivated by the ghost cultivators sounds like the fairy cultivators. The true essence of the ancestors is completely different, or even opposite. In fact, there are still some things in common with each other. How should I say? Slightly related to attributes.

In fact, there are also differences between fairy cultivators. For example, a single spiritual root cultivator cultivates a single-attribute technique, and what he finally cultivates is a single-attribute true essence. When using the same attribute magic weapon and magic weapon, it is more powerful and uses other attributes. The power of the magic weapon and magic weapon is relatively small, because the mutual generation and restraint between the attributes must be considered, and there will be loss during conversion.

The ghost element of the ghost monk is also based on this principle, but the difference is even greater. The ghost monk uses the fairy magic weapon, because the attributes are mutually restrained, the power will be greatly reduced, or even ten. The same fairy monk uses the ghost method. The magic weapon is much more difficult and less powerful.

As for the Pill Pill, that is completely another field. Qing Yang doesn't know anything about it, mainly because he knows too little about Pill Pill, and he has hardly contacted it before. Even if some of the principles are connected, it is not a short time. Can be mastered.

To be a medicine boy for others is almost an insult to Qingyang, the once senior King Pill, but thinking that if he could use this opportunity to get into the ghost valley, it would not be unbearable. In order to find a way to cure Yu Mengmiao, It's not a big deal to be insulted.

Thinking of this, Qing Yang said: "It's not impossible to be a drug boy. My purpose is to find a school to be a backer. I wonder if my friend can recommend me?"

That's what the cultivator at the first level of Golden Core was waiting for. After Qing Yang finished speaking, he smiled and said, "It's okay to introduce you, but can't I help you in vain?"

Qing Yang knew what the other party meant, so he just wanted some benefits. The other party had been staring at him for so long, wasn't it just to earn some shihuahua? Qing Yang was not reluctant, so he took out a small bag of dark stones from the talisman and threw it to the monk at the first level of the golden core, saying: "You can hold this dark stone and use it first. If things are done well, I will pay for it. You so many."

The monk on the first floor of the Golden Core was used to this kind of thing, and he squeezed the bag in his hand and estimated that there were at least more than one hundred meditation stones inside ~ www.readwn.com~ He has been in Youcheng all the year round to do things for others. One year after the run, it is the income of a few hundred stones. I don't know how much to wear out.

I didn’t expect the monk I met this time to be so generous. Before I said the price, I directly gave myself more than one hundred meditation stones, and after he was finished, there was another half, two to three hundred spiritual stones, all of them caught up with him. I have had my income for more than half a year, so what if I don't take care of such a large sum of money? The cultivator on the first floor of the Golden Core immediately beamed his eyebrows, and patted his chest, saying, "The Daoist considers me as a friend, and I naturally have to treat each other sincerely. This time the Daoist entering the Ghost Valley is covered by me. If things are not done well. , I will definitely return the Daoist Fellow's Underworld twice."

"Then please trust fellow Taoist." Qing Yang arched his hands.

Then the monk on the first floor of Jindan took Qingyang to a large shop in Youcheng that specializes in selling various meditation pills. After greeting the person in charge in front of the shop, the two entered the shop and walked all the way back. In a quiet yard, I met a late Jindan monk.

This cultivator of the late Jindan stage was called the Ghost Cang Zhenren. He had a calm temperament and a great aura. He seemed to have a certain position in the ghost valley. The cultivator on the first layer of the Jindan communicated with him in a low voice. He looked at Qing Yang up and down, said. "The status of the handyman drug boy in Ghost Valley is extremely low, not even as good as the Qi-refining monk in the martial art, and you not only have the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm, and you were once the King of Spirit Core Pills, but you are willing to be the lowest level. Handyman drug boy, it seems a bit unreasonable."

Qing Yang couldn't think of a good reason, so he could only take out the previous rhetoric, and said: "I have told this fellow Taoist before that I, a fairy monk, are helpless in this Nether Territory. Cultivation is too hard, so I wanted to find a martial artist to be the backer."

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