Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1193: :force

But when you think about it, Ge Dagen seems to be in a normal state in front of him. In the Nether Territory, the biggest difference between the fairy cultivator and the ghost cultivator and the ghost cultivator is that there are too few places with aura, if they are really inside their bodies. Yuan consumption is too large, and it is troublesome to supplement.

Here, it is very difficult for the fairy monk to replenish the spiritual energy from the outside, so when the true essence of the body is insufficient, the main replenishment is with the pill and the spiritual stone, but these things all cost the spiritual stone, so the fairy monk can not talk to people Try not to produce conflicts, so as not to waste spiritual power.

Of course, the situation of the ghost cultivators and the ghost cultivators in the immortal spirit realm is the same as this. This is also the reason why the one-horned ghost king hid on Qingyang, but usually rarely takes action. Only when Qingyang encounters life-threatening vitality At the moment, I will come out from the Soul Gathering Banner to deal with it.

As a cultivator in the late stage of foundation building, Ge Dagen had some spiritual stones on his body. After that, he helped Qingyang buy Hantan Ling and made some money. He was not a poor man, but he was out of luck and was tricked by others. Thousands of spirit stones that were easy to accumulate were deceived, and then they clashed with others and were arrested by law enforcement officers in the sect, and were soon thrown into the mine.

Thousands of spirit stones will not let Ge Dagen go bankrupt, but there are only so many spirit stones that he can use. Dae didn't have the opportunity to change to Lingshi or Pill, so he was so embarrassed.

In the past few years in the mine, Ge Dagen tried his best not to conflict with people. Even if he was bullied by other Ghost Valley disciples, he did not dare to resist, because resisting meant only the consumption of true yuan that could not enter. When someone asked him to hand in the Qing Mingshi, he handed it in obediently.

But this time there was really no way. In the first two months, the luck was extremely bad. A total of five or six Blue Underworld Stones were not found. It was not enough to pay the protection fee to the people of Ghost Song. Later, although luck improved, I found it. A bonanza, and because he encountered the golden armor zombie, let alone get the Qing Mingshi, he almost lost his life. He had no choice but to avoid these people deliberately. Unexpectedly, he hadn't fully recovered from his injury. I was found by this group of people.

Ge Dagen was telling the truth, but the ghost ghost on the opposite side didn’t believe it. He snorted coldly, “Who are you lying to? The foundation-building disciples in the mine can get at least ten per month on average. We only charge five of the blue underworld stones. How could your dignified monks in the late stage of foundation building not get it together? Are you treating us all as fools?"

At this time, a foundation-building monk next to him agreed: "Yes, I can't pay five blue meditation stones every month. Who will believe it? This guy is unwilling to charge us this blue meditation stone, so he deliberately hides it. It’s ours. And I also heard that the deadline for Ge Dagen's penalty came last year. It was only because he failed to complete the martial art mission, which has been delayed until now. He must have hidden all the Qing Mingshi that should be given to us. Complete the martial mission so that you can leave the mine as soon as possible."

After listening to his companions, Madam Guimatsu also felt that what he said was reasonable, and Ge Dagen avoided them deliberately, so he looked at Ge Dagen with a trace of unkindness.

After spending a few years in this mine, Ge Dagen's spirit seemed to have been wiped out a long time ago, and he was going to be mad at the sight of the other party. He quickly explained: "Mr Guisong, I'm telling the truth, I'm an immortal. Spiritual monk, it’s very difficult to restore true essence in this mine, and you should have heard that I was caught in the mine after being deceived into a conflict with the spirit stone. I don’t have any resources at all, true essence. There is no pill or spirit stone to use after exhaustion, only relying on oneself to recover slowly, the efficiency of searching for Qing Mingshi is lower than others, not to mention the recent period of bad luck, this time it is good to be able to barely save his life. Now, why dare to have other ideas?"

Master Gui Song also understood that Qing Yang said something reasonable, and his tone was a little calmer, and said: "In this case, I can not hold you accountable for your delay in paying the Qing Mingshi, but you must Hand it in, and in order to find you this time, the three of us have spent a lot of energy, so the number of Qing Mingshi has to be doubled, thirty yuan, take it."

Ge Dagen doesn't even have fifteen Qing Mingshi now, let alone thirty? It's just that people had to bow their heads under the low eaves. Facing the golden core monk, he could only ask for perfection, so he discussed with the other party: "Mr Guisong, I really don't have a blue underworld stone now, can I..."

Ge Dagen was interrupted by Madam Guisong before he finished speaking, and said, "No, if you don't have it, use other things on your body to offset it. Thirty spiritual stones, there is no room for accommodation."

"I have my usual spirit weapon left on me. I gave it to you. I will face the danger with my bare hands in the future. Isn't this forcing me to die? Master Gui Song, can I give it a few days of grace? I have enough Qing Ming. The stone will definitely be handed to you as soon as possible." Ge Dagen pleaded:

True person Gui Song said coldly: "Huh, do you know how much energy it took to find you this time? If you let you go this time, who knows where you will hide? If you don't pay, where will we go? Looking for you? I advise you to take the initiative, lest we do it ourselves."

The former foundation-building monk also said: "Mr. Ghost Song is talking about ~www.readwn.com~ I think this guy just doesn't shed tears if he doesn't see the coffin. I don't believe that one of his late foundation-building monks will only have spiritual weapons on his body."

"Madam Gui Song, I really don't have any..."

Ge Dagen wanted to say something more, so he was interrupted by Ghost Song again, saying: "Ge Dagen, don’t toast or eat fine wine. If you are unwilling to give it, then we will do it ourselves, but if it is Let us find something in your body other than the spirit weapon, it means that you are deceiving me. At that time, it was not a matter of thirty blue underworld stones."

After speaking, the three of them took a step forward at the same time and surrounded Ge Dagen in the middle, seeming to be about to start if they didn't agree with each other. Seeing this, Ge Dagen suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Everyone has some secrets more or less. Naturally, Ge Dagen can't only have a self-defense spirit weapon. There must be some other things. He just said that if he was reluctant to take it out. If this is to be searched by the other party, it will definitely be exposed. I'm afraid there will be nothing to keep at that time.

But what can we do if we don’t take out the situation in front of us? Facing the flanking attack of the Jindan cultivator and the two late foundation cultivators, even in the heyday of Ge Dagen, there was no hope of escape. Moreover, he was attacked by the golden armor zombies before and his injuries were not fully recovered. If he resisted, there would be a dead end.

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