Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1194: :You wait

Ge Dagen hesitated for a while, the opposite person saw that he hadn't moved and was too lazy to talk so much with him, so he waved behind him, and the other two immediately approached Ge Dagen, and at the same time sacrificed his own spirit. The device is about to attack him.

Ge Dagen was just a fairy monk in the late foundation building period. In this case, how could he be the opponent of the two ghost road monks in the late foundation period building? What's more, there is a golden core monk staring at him next to him? Seeing that Ge Dagen was about to suffer, Qing Yang said without a word, "Stop it!"

With a cry, Qing Yang suddenly stunned the three monks who besieged Ge Dagen, especially the real person Guisong, who was even more surprised. He was a golden core monk, and others had been so close to him, but he didn't notice it, indicating the strength of this person. It is very likely to be above oneself.

The three of them all looked in the direction of Qingyang. Seeing a golden core cultivator approaching, the three of them couldn't help but become nervous. They were able to stop them by drinking at this time. In all likelihood, they wanted to be nosy, three of them. This is not the opponent of the Jindan mid-term cultivator. However, they soon saw that Qing Yang seemed to be just a fairy monk, and the tension in his heart was only slightly relieved. The fairy monk has many restrictions in the Nether realm, and it should be relatively easy to deal with.

As for Ge Dagen, he was completely surprised. In the situation just now, he was almost desperate. There were no rules in this mine. Once the three of them took down themselves, how could it be possible to take only 30 Qing Mingshi? Maybe he would kill himself easily, but he didn't expect Qing Yang to arrive at this critical moment. It seemed that his life could be saved.

Seeing Qingyang gradually approaching, Gui Song was in a state of uncertainty. It took a long time before he bit the bullet and asked, "I don't know what's the point of your friend's resistance to us?"

Qing Yang looked at the real ghost Song, and said coldly: "This Ge Dagen is my friend. I came to this mine to see him. What do you think I do to stop you from drinking?"

After all, Qingyang’s cultivation base is several floors higher than that of Madam Guisong. Under his gaze, Madam Guisong is under a lot of pressure, but at this time he knows that he can’t back down, so he said: "Doesn’t the Dao Fellow think the care is too wide? You know Ge Dagen well, but there are rules in this mine, and no one can break it. If you really want to help him, you can give him 30 blue underworld stones."

Qing Yang has just obtained thousands of Qing Ming Stones from the Golden Armored Zombie. Thirty Qing Ming Stones can't be paid, but he won't do it. First, he can't lose it in the face of the threat of the monks at the first level of the Golden Core. Starting from that person, the second is that Ge Dagen has been exploited by these people over the past few years. How can he easily expose it? Why did you want to recover some interest for him, so Qing Yang sneered: "I have so many blue Mingshi, but it is impossible for me to take the initiative to give you, didn't you just threaten Ge Dagen like this? Give it a try and see if you can get more from me?"

Just now Ghost Song threatened Ge Dagen because Ge Dagen was just a foundation-building cultivator, and he didn’t even need to do it himself. The two late-foundation cultivators could take him down. Now Qingyang is a mid-Golden core cultivator, stronger than himself. It's a lot higher. Although the fairy cultivator has many restrictions here, he can't guarantee that the three of them will be opponents on his side, and he certainly doesn't dare to do anything.

But it’s impossible for him to just admit it. Qing Mingshi is not only collecting it himself, but there are other bigwigs staring at it. If he returns empty-handed this time, he will also be punished and compensated for the loss, not to mention this kind of thing. There are one and two. If Ge Dagen is easily let go this time, the prestige of their gang in the mine will be gone. What if others follow suit in the future?

Thinking of this, Gui Song said humanely: "Don’t you be afraid to make things happen? This ghost valley is the place of our ghost cultivators after all. Your status as a fairy cultivator in the ghost valley must not be high, if you offend There are too many people, I'm afraid the future will be difficult, right?"

My own path is no longer easy to walk, so Ghost Cloud is still staring at him, not many more, Qing Yang said: "Whether the road is good or not is my own business. You don’t need to worry about it, you have to do it quickly. , Get out without doing it, and I have to tell my friends about the past."

Qing Yang's words were merciless, and the real person Guisong shivered when he was so angry, pointing to Qing Yang and said angrily: "You... Fellow Daoist, are you going to be against us?"

"So what?" Qing Yang said.

Seeing that Qingyang was obviously going to irritate him, Madam Guisong calmed down instead. There is a saying that the hero does not suffer from the immediate loss. At this time, he is only unlucky for himself. It is better to use words to trap him and wait for the people above him to come. Dispose of again. So he sneered: "Friends of Daoist are so courageous. Since you are so courageous, you must not be afraid of our revenge. If so, you are waiting here. When our boss arrives, you dare not be so arrogant. "

Qing Yang was still waiting to collect interest for Ge Dagen, so naturally he wouldn't just leave like this. The reason why he deliberately angered Madam Gui Song was to draw out the people behind him. He had already inquired that the highest strength in the mine is the late Jindan cultivator. With Qingyang's current cultivation base, it is not particularly difficult to deal with, even if there are too many people on the other side~www.readwn.com~ should save their lives. Not a problem.

Qing Yang smiled faintly: "Okay, I'll just wait here to see what you can do to me."

Seeing Qing Yang being so calm, the real Guisong was a little puzzled. Does this guy have any support? Or is there any ulterior purpose? Master Guisong can’t guess well, and he’s too lazy to guess. Anyway, I’d better find the boss first. He has his own boss here. Forgive him, a helpless fairy monk in Ghost Valley, who can’t get out of the sky. .

Thinking of this, the ghost ghost took a few steps back, quietly gave a few orders to the two companions, and then turned and ran away, leaving only the two late foundation cultivators to guard here. The reason why Madam Gui Song went to rescue the soldiers himself, firstly because of his high strength and fast speed, and secondly because he was worried that Qingyang would suddenly change his mind. Taking advantage of the other people's kung fu to move troops back, he couldn't stand it alone. Compared with a companion, his own life is more important.

Seeing Master Guisong leave, Ge Dagen whispered: "Senior Qingyang, these people in the mine are very strong, and Master Guisong’s cultivation is not top among them. Their boss Guifeng is said to be the best. It’s hard to cope with the seven-layer cultivation base of the Golden Core. Senior Qingyang can take the initiative to come to see me in this mine, I am already very content, there is no need for you to take your life, or you should go alone. , As long as you get out of the mine, Ghost Maple can't do anything with you."

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