Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 122: : Yu Mengmiao's qualifications

   Qingyang also considered it. Although this matter was troublesome, it didn't have a great impact on him, that is, when he needed to consider food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, one more person was added.

   One more person to accompany, at least the journey is not so lonely, if the critical moment is really reached, when you can't even save your own life, then there is no way, you can only make your own destiny.

   As for how to join Xianmen in the future, it's still a bit early to think about it. Let's talk about it when the time comes. I don't even have the order of knocking the immortal. Can I worship Xianmen or not?

   "Really?" Yu Mengmiao asked in surprise.

   Then she suddenly jumped up, hugged Qing Yang and gnawed bitterly on his face. As expected, the child couldn't consider the four adults. He looked pitiful just now, and suddenly smiled, and it seemed that even the death of his parents was not so sad anymore.

   After solving Yu Mengmiao’s problem, Jiang Shu and the fishermen left, and Qingyang took Yu Mengmiao and the king’s gang back to the Jinsha Gang. This time, Jinsha helped a lot, and Qing Yang was not stingy, and directly took out a bottle of Rain Wine and gave it to Wang Yinlong.

At first, Wang Yinlong didn’t pay much attention to this rough-packed rain wine. After he finished drinking it, he realized that it turned out to be a rare good thing in the world. His cultivation base, which had been stuck for many years, finally got loose. How long will it take to break through and become a real first-class master.

   is worthy of being an immortal master, just take out an inconspicuous thing casually, it is so helpful to me, this time I am really betting right. At this point, Wang Yinlong's attitude towards Qingyang became even more respectful, and he wished to build a temple to provide for Qingyang.

But Qing Yang still has to leave after all. Three days later, Qing Yang has almost repaired, and even the injury on his back is completely healed. It has been half a month since he crossed the Jinsha River. Time was getting closer and closer to the start of the Fairy Knock Conference. Qing Yang didn't dare to delay too much here, it was time to leave.

  Wang Yinlong couldn't help it even if he was persevering. In the end, he took the backbone of the Sands Gang and sent Qing Yang and Yu Mengmiao respectfully. Not only that, he also deliberately found a coachman with a stable personality and familiar with the route between Kaiyuan Mansion and Liangzhou, and drove a carriage to take Qingyang and Yu Mengmiao to Liangzhou.

   The carriage is carefully prepared by the Sands Gang. There is nothing special on the outside, but it is luxurious on the inside, and it is covered with thick cushions, so walking on the official road is not bumpy at all. The speed of the carriage was about the same as Qingyang's own speed. Since it was respected by others, and it could save a lot of things for himself, Qingyang did not refuse.

   With the carriage, the road is much easier. I drive during the day, stay in the shop at night, and sleep on the carriage if there is no shop. Unless it is a windy and heavy rainy weather, under normal circumstances they will not stay too much in one place, unknowingly one month has passed.

Qingyang's training along the way didn't fall, because he didn't need to walk by himself, and he had more time to practice. It's just that the training efficiency is lower when the vehicle is driving during the day, but there is no such problem at night, plus enough energy to cultivate. Dan, his cultivation base is advancing by leaps and bounds, and within a month, he has broken through to the fifth level of the open pulse realm.

He has used up six Yangqi Pills, perhaps because he has never taken Yangqi Pills before, and his cultivation level is relatively low. The effect of Yangqi Pills on him is obvious, and the remaining six are enough for rain wine. Raising the cultivation base to the sixth level of the Open Vessel Realm might be a little time, but it should be fine before the immortal knocking conference begins.

   The cultivation base of the fifth level of the Open Vessel Realm has four lower-grade magical weapons in his body. Qing Yang feels that with his current strength, even if he meets the original King Beggar, he has the ability to fight. If you are more careful, even defeating the opponent is not impossible.

   When he raises his cultivation to the sixth level, it is estimated that he will be invincible in the middle of the open pulse realm. By then, he will participate in the Fairy Knocking Conference, and he will at least be more certain. However, Qing Yang is also very clear that the casual cultivation in Jade Spirit City will definitely not be as low as Kaiyuan Mansion's cultivation level. There should be a lot of Qi refining period, even if his cultivation level is improved by one level, The situation is not much better.

   For Yu Mengmiao, Qing Yang did not leave her in the cold, and would spend a certain amount of time with her every day to talk to her and enlighten her. Then one day, Qing Yang had a whim. Yu Mengmiao didn't know if she was suitable for cultivation. If she could also cultivate, wouldn't she be able to help herself a lot in the future?

   Of course, the Kaimai Dan Qingyang cannot be provided, so I can only try the dumbest way, which is to directly teach Yu Mengmiao the longevity tactics, to see if she can sense the aura of the outside world, so as to break the **** of the soul and embark on the path of cultivating immortals.

After some attempts, Qing Yang found that there is indeed a genius in this world. After Yu Mengmiao tried to practice the Longevity Jue~www.readwn.com~, he sensed the existence of aura from the outside world after more than ten days. Shackled, she became an immortal cultivator, and within a month, she was able to refine the spiritual qi into true qi and store it in her dantian.

There is no open pulse pill, no qi nourishing pill, and I have never been in contact with cultivation before. It only took a month to become an immortal cultivator by relying on Qing Yang, a half-hanging immortal cultivator's oral teachings. It was really enviable. Jealous and hateful.

Judging from Yu Mengmiao’s cultivation speed, even if he doesn’t take any pills, it is estimated that it will not take even a year to increase the level of cultivation. That is to say, it takes seven or eight years at most for the opening of the pulse realm from one to nine levels. . Thinking about herself, and then looking at others, Qing Yang couldn't help but sighed.

   It's so popular, Qing Yang was hit hard enough, and he didn't get over it for several days. With Yu Mengmiao's aptitude, he would definitely be able to worship the immortal gate, but he was choking. It's really unfair that I have gone through a lot of hardships and cannot get it, and others can easily own it.

But soon he came out of this shadow. The aptitude was given by God, and the hard work of the day after tomorrow depends on himself. No matter how good his aptitude is, if he doesn’t work hard, his future achievements may not be as good as his aptitude is not good. , As long as they practice hard, it is hard to guarantee that they will not be surpassed.

What's more, God didn't really treat him badly. Although his aptitude is relatively average, he has a drunk gourd and a drunk bee, and his luck has always been good. As long as he cultivates hard, his future achievements may not be better than others. small.

Perhaps it was because of leaving Kaiyuan Mansion, perhaps because the practice has diverted attention, or perhaps the passage of time has diminished the memory. During this period of time, Yu Mengmiao has become a lot more cheerful and rarely thinks of his parents’ experience, and gradually walked out of the past. Shadows.

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