Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 123: :marry you

During the month on the road, Qingyang didn’t let the six alcoholic bees out again. It was not that he didn’t have the time, nor was he afraid that others would know it, but that the six alcoholic bees were badly injured after they stung people last time. , This period of time has been hiding in the hive to cultivate.

   It looks like, at least in the last six months, these six drunk bees can't help much. In order to restore the strength of the six alcoholic bees as quickly as possible, Qing Yang thought of many ways, and even bought a large amount of fine wine to drink for the alcoholic bees at every place, but with little effect.

As for the alcoholic queen bee, he still did not wake up, but the other alcoholic bees did not let the queen bee alone, but after building the hive, they worked together to get him inside the hive and let him continue to sleep in the hive. .

   The four seeds that Qingyang planted in the drunken gourd space have been nearly three months old, and there has been no response, as if they were really dead. At this time, Qing Yang had almost no hope for them. I don't know how many years the seeds have been placed in the dense land. It is estimated that they have already lost their vitality, right?

   After a month, they stayed overnight at Xiaoxing and finally came outside Liangzhou City. Liangzhou City is the center of the entire Liangzhou City. The city walls are tall and the population is large. Compared with Kaiyuan Fucheng, it is not known how many times it is magnificent. Xiping Fucheng is even smaller in front of him. Not to mention anything else, there are at least three gates on each side of Liangzhou City.

The three tall city gates side by side were full of pedestrians coming in and out. There was a constant flow of traffic, and the noise was so high that it was almost impossible to hear the opposite person. If not every city gate had a large number of soldiers' handles, it would have been a mess. The regiment shows how prosperous Liangzhou City is.

  The task of the coachman has been completed. Qingyang gave him a silver coin as a reward, and directly sent the coachman back. After that, Qingyang took Yu Mengmiao into Liangzhou City.

   Liangzhou City is already very close to Yuling City, at most it is seven or eight days away. At this time, there is still a month and a half before the Fairy Fairy Conference begins, so there is no need to hurry. Qingyang is going to rest for a few days in Liangzhou City, so that Yu Mengmiao can relax and tell the secular world.

   The prosperity of Liangzhou City was not only unknown to Yu Mengmiao, but Qing Yang could not even imagine it. What the poor people like, what the rich people like, and what the rich and powerful people appreciate. No matter which class comes to Liangzhou City, they can find what they need, where they like to go, and they can also find their favorite activities. People are overwhelmed.

Yu Mengmiao was born in a fisherman’s house in a poor family. Although they lived not too far from Kaiyuan City, their parents had never brought her into the city to play, and had never seen so many fun and delicious things. For the first time in her life, she played so enjoyable.

   Qingyang has followed Master Songhe since he was a child, and has never had a playmate of the same age, so he is more mature than other children. But after all, he is only a teenager, and his childhood has only passed a few years. Seeing Yu Mengmiao playing so happy, Qing Yang is even happier than her, it seems that his childhood has also been compensated.

Three days passed quickly. I played everything that I needed to play and bought all the necessities that needed to be purchased. On the morning of the fourth day, Qing Yang packed up his things, retired from the inn room, and went out of town with Yu Mengmiao. , Ready to go to Yuling City.

The gate of the city was still full of people as they came. The two were waiting in line. Suddenly, there was a sound of suona from a house not far away. After a while, a beautifully dressed bride Zi cried and was helped out by others, and then he was pulled into the sedan chair, and a welcoming team went into the city like this.

   Yu Mengmiao stared with bright eyes and watched the welcoming team go away. After a long time, she said quietly: "Brother Qingyang, was that the bride marrying just now?"

   Qing Yang also saw the scene just now, and I don’t know why Yu Mengmiao asked this suddenly. He nodded and said, "Yes."

   "But why does the bride keep crying? Was she unwilling and forced by others? It was like when Yang Jiren snatched my parents?" Yu Mengmiao asked again.

   How to say it and then you abducted it to your parents again? Qing Yangsheng was afraid that Yu Mengmiao would think about the tragic experience of her parents again, and hurriedly said, "Of course not. This is a custom. In order to show that he is reluctant to leave his family, he will cry no matter how happy he is."

"Oh, that's the case!" Yu Mengmiao nodded, and then said: "This is so hypocritical. If you really don't want to be able to bear with your family, it won't be enough to be filial to your parents in the future. Why bother crying and crying on the day of great joy? If I marry someone in the future. Now, I must go happily."

"I want to marry at such a young age? Do you know what marrying is?" Qing Yang laughed ~www.readwn.com~Of course I know, to marry is to marry someone you like, and you will live together in the future. Live like my father and my mother. Brother Qingyang, when I grow up, will you marry you? "Yu Mengmiao waited and looked at Qing Yang with big eyes.

The child really remembered that when he spoke, he was talking about other people, and he came to himself in a blink of an eye. Qing Yang smiled and said, "It's still too early to say this. When you grow up, you will become a beautiful girl. The cultivation base is so high, I don’t know if I can look at me."

Tong Yan Wuji, Qing Yang didn’t take it seriously. Yu Mengmiao raised his head and thought about it, and then solemnly said: "My parents said that you must know your kindness and repay you, no matter what the future is, I will repay. Brother Qingyang’s kindness. Even if Brother Qingyang doesn’t want to, I’ll follow you. Even if you’re a slave, there’s no regrets or regrets."

   "Okay, then I will wait for Miaomiao to grow up quickly." Qing Yang laughed.

   Hearing what Qing Yang said, Yu Mengmiao suddenly became happy, and stretched out a hand to hook Qing Yang's finger, and said: "We are about to make a deal, and we can't go back in the future."

   Qingyang looked at Yu Mengmiao dozingly, and smiled: "Okay, that's it."

It’s really a small ghost. After experiencing the last time with his parents, Yu Mengmiao seems to have grown up several years overnight. He speaks and does things very calmly. Sometimes Qingyang feels that this is not a six or seven-year-old child. Girl, but like his teenage sister.

  As the two talked, the pedestrians at the gate of the city had almost passed. At this time, it was finally their turn. Qing Yang took Yu Mengmiao's hand and walked out of the gate.

   After leaving the city, the two were about to go in the direction of Wang Yuling City. Suddenly someone appeared behind Qing Yang, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Friend Qingyang, long time no see."

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