Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 124: : See Liang Chongtian again

Qing Yang today is no longer the same as before, and his perception is amazing. Not to mention the masters on the rivers and lakes. Even if other cultivators in the middle of the open vein realm approach him, Qing Yang can detect it in advance, and this time he was unexpectedly caught. He patted the shoulder directly behind him to know that the opponent's strength was much higher than he did not know.

   Such close contact, doesn't it mean that the other party can kill oneself casually? Qing Yang couldn't help but turned his head quickly.

   Not far behind Qing Yang, a fat young man looked at him with a smile on his face. With such a look, he was also called Daoist Qingyang. Who else could he be if he wasn't Liang Chongtian?

Qing Yang was also taken aback. It turned out to be Liang Chongtian. Fortunately, he hadn't encountered any enemies during this period. He thought it was too troublesome to carry those magical artifacts, so he took the ones he got from a few casual practitioners. The instruments are all stored in the space of Drunken Immortal Gourd, otherwise, wouldn't it cause his suspicion? At a glance, you can see that he killed Shen Jian Li?

Liang Chongtian seemed to know that Qing Yang would be startled, he smiled, and said in surprise: "When I first saw you, I didn't dare to recognize it. I didn't expect it to be you, Daoist Qingyang. Are you alive? So how did you escape?"

   At that time, the magic arrow Li offered a high-level magic talisman. Liang Chongtian knew that he could not resist it, so he used the escape talisman to escape the opponent's attack range while the opponent activated the magic talisman.

   Later, they were afraid of Shen Jian Li and they solved the lame Taoist and Qing Yang and came to chase him. Liang Chongtian did not dare to stay in Kaiyuan Mansion and ran directly to Liangzhou City. He thought Qing Yang would definitely die, but he didn't expect to meet him again in Liangzhou City, which made him very strange.

   Qingyang didn't want to meet Liang Chongtian, but he was afraid that he would ask himself this question, because the matter of his survival is not easy to explain, can't it be said that he killed Shenjian Li, right?

However, since he has been recognized by the other party, the shrinking will easily arouse the other's suspicion. He had no choice but to say: "After Liang Daoyou left, when Shen Jian Li was about to kill others, a monk in the Qi refining period happened to pass by. So we took advantage of the chaos and escaped."

What Qing Yang said was half true. When he released Drunken Bees to attack Shenjian Li, Shenjian Li did think that a senior who had a refining period was trying to teach him. However, the second half of Qingyang's words were false. Of it. Because everyone else died, only he survived, and he also collected all the treasures from other people.

   Qingyang's words are very general, and Liang Chongtian heard it very strangely. How could it happen that there was a Qi training monk passing by? But Qing Yang didn't say much, and he couldn't ask carefully, who still doesn't have any secrets? Although he couldn't figure it out, Liang Chongtian didn't doubt Qing Yang. With Qing Yang's cultivation base at the fourth level of the Open Vessel Realm at that time, it was simply the bottom line, and he had no ability to kill others.

   Thinking of this, Liang Chongtian couldn't help but let out a trace of his spirit toward Qingyang, and then he was surprised: "Daoist Qingyang broke through to the fifth level of the Open Vessel Realm?"

Qing Yang smiled and said: "Yes, thanks to the two Qi Yang Pills given to me by Daoyou Liang. My cultivation has been stuck on the fourth layer of the Open Vessel Realm for a long time. After taking Daoyou Liang's Qi Yang Pill, I followed it. Of course it broke through."

   Liang Chongtian nodded, and said: "So, Daoist Qingyang became a fifth-tier cultivator of the Open Vein Realm when he was a teenager, and his future achievements may not be worse than mine."

   "Where is it, Daoyou Liang has become a ninth-level monk in the Open Vein Realm at a young age, and he is backed by a behemoth like the Liang Family in Yuling City, it really has a boundless future." Qing Yang complimented.

Hearing Qing Yang’s words, Liang Zhongtian couldn’t help showing a lonely expression on his face. He soon hid it and said, “Big families have problems with big families, and individuals have personal freedom. Let’s talk about something else. Where did Fellow Daoist Qingyang turn a little girl? Hey, she seems a bit extraordinary. She has spirituality, the shackles of the original spirit have been opened, and her dantian contains true energy, and she has become a monk at a very young age. , This qualification is very good."

   Qingyang said: "This is my cousin in Kaiyuan Mansion. She has better qualifications than me. Isn't this immortal conference about to begin soon, let her have a long experience."

Liang Chongtian circled Yu Mengmiao twice, nodded and said: "Yes, yes, looking at her situation, maybe you don't need to knock on the immortal order to worship the immortal gate, Qingyang Daoist friend, but you have found the treasure. It may depend on her to develop."

   Qingyang smiled, and said: "It is better to rely on yourself than on others. Relying on people can only be majestic for a while, and relying on yourself can be a majestic world."

Hearing Qingyang’s words, Liang Chongtian couldn’t help being in awe, saying: "This sentence of fellow Qingyang is really the most reasonable saying. Fetching water from the bamboo basket was empty. Fellow Daoist Qingyang, based on your words, Liang Chongtian, your friend, made a deal."

Interpersonal interaction ~www.readwn.com~ It is impossible to increase trust with just a few words. If you communicate between monks and monks, you will not see another monk with admiration just because of one sentence. The reason why Liang Chongtian is like this, In the final analysis, it was because Qing Yang got his approval.

   Qing Yang's cultivation base is low, but his age is five or six years younger than him. When Qing Yang reaches his age, his cultivation base will not necessarily be much worse than him. Moreover, there is Yu Mengmiao, a cousin with excellent qualifications beside Qingyang, which is equivalent to having a backer for an immortal disciple directly, so in general, Qingyang is no worse than his fellow of the Liang family in Yuling City.

   In fact, Qingyang is also willing to make friends with each other. Through the contacts in Kaiyuan Mansion, Qingyang has a certain understanding of Liang Chongtian's temperament. This Liang Chongtian has neither the face of the family’s children, nor does he look down on other poor casual cultivators, and he did not deliberately deceive other people on the basis of his knowledge and knowledge when changing shopping items, and he also has a little bit of Qingyang. His character is still good. .

As for the magic talisman that Shen Jian Li took out in the end, he just flees for his own life, ignoring the life and death of other teammates. This is also human nature. If Qing Yang stands in any position, he will run away without hesitation. It doesn't matter.

   Qingyang has been in contact with cultivation for too short a time, and he doesn't know much about many things. If there is such a well-informed friend nearby to raise some points, it will be very helpful to the future cultivation road. Not to mention anything else, at least within the scope of Yuling City, personal safety is guaranteed.

   One person makes good friends with sincerity, one person deliberately makes friends, so the two hit it off and they soon became good friends, just like old friends that have been together for many years, and they have almost nothing to talk about.

   Of course, Qing Yang still remembers the teachings of Master Songhe. He only said three-pointers when he met people, not all of which were true. He also knew very well what should be said and what should not be said.

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