Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 125: : Yuling City

   Qingyang is about to take Yu Mengmiao to Yuling City, and Liang Chongtian has been playing in Liangzhou City for almost half a month, and he is also going back to Yuling City, just all the way. So the two talked for a while, seeing that it was getting late, so the three of them headed towards Jade Spirit City together.

The journey in the first three days was relatively easy. The surrounding villages and their cultivated fields could not be seen. By the fourth day, the pedestrians on the road gradually became scarce, and the road suddenly became difficult. They gradually entered the mountainous area. zone.

   Liangzhou City is supposed to be the center of the whole Liangzhou. I don’t know where there are so many mountains. Moreover, the mountains are steep, the roads are difficult, and the people are inaccessible. Even the people who gather herbs and hunters rarely come. However, it is only relative to ordinary people. Experts like Liang Chongtian and Qing Yang have little influence. Only Yu Mengmiao is too young to take turns carrying them.

   The mountains here are not only steep, but there are also more beasts and birds, and the surrounding fog is heavy, like a natural barrier that isolates most ordinary people from the outside. Even ordinary people from the outside who occasionally break in suddenly, will take the initiative to withdraw because they can't distinguish the direction, or because there are too many beasts.

As the three of them gradually deepened, Qingyang gradually felt that this mountain range was different from that of Xiping Mansion. Although the mountain range here may not be as large as the other side, the ability to gather spiritual energy is much greater, so The aura of the entire mountain range is stronger than that over there. Jade City was built in this place. It is estimated that the amount of aura is also one of the main reasons.

   This is the situation in the periphery of the mountain range. It will definitely be better in Yuling City. It is more efficient to practice here for a day than in other places. Who wouldn't want to come here? It is estimated that it is the low-level casual cultivator like the lame Taoist and the beggar, who feel that there is no hope of breaking through in this life, or who can't stay here, will go to the secular world.

Maybe it’s because the Knock Immortal Conference is about to begin, occasionally they will meet other casual cultivators, but in such wild mountains, they are all on guard against each other, no one will take the initiative to say hello, even if they meet head-on. When you get on, you will leave in a hurry.

The world of cultivating immortals is not as peaceful as the outside world thinks. Murders and treasures are also very common, especially in remote and inaccessible places. If one party has sufficient assurance, there may be a cultivator who will make a temporary intention to vote. . Fortunately, this time Liang Chongtian, a cultivator of the ninth level of the Open Vein Realm, was with Qing Yang, otherwise it is very likely to encounter some danger.

But after all, there are still a few who dare to do this kind of thing. Most of the monks still follow the rules, because sometimes there are self-proclaimed just monks taking care of their business, and those cultivators will occasionally clean up this type of monks. .

   If you do this kind of thing and be seen by people and spread it out, your name will be ruined, so this kind of thing is relatively secretive, usually attracts great interests, and you have enough confidence to kill it before you get a vote. Of course, it doesn’t matter if the cans are broken or broken.

   With Liang Chongtian, who is familiar with the situation, led the way, the road was much smoother. The originally planned seven or eight-day journey, in the morning of the seventh day, they arrived at their destination.

   Standing on top of a small hill, Liang Zhongtian pointed to a big city in the valley ahead: "That is Yuling City, the largest settlement in Liangzhou for casual repairs. The entire city has a population of hundreds of thousands."

In front is a rectangular valley with a width of more than ten miles and a length of more than twenty miles. Yuling City was built according to the topography, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres. The Liangzhou City I visited a few days ago was a bit more magnificent.

The terrain in front of Yuling City is slightly lower, and the terrain at the back is slightly higher. As the terrain undulates, there are countless pavilions and pavilions built on top of each other. Really, but just this momentum is fascinating.

With a population of hundreds of thousands, that’s more than the population of Xiping Fucheng, where Qingyang lives, and it’s no less than the more prosperous Kaiyuan Fucheng. It’s unexpected that there is such a big city and such a big city in this deep mountain. , The manpower spent in construction can be imagined.

Qing Yang said with emotion: "In the secular world, many people will never see the legendary fairy master in their lives. Usually meeting a monk is like finding a needle in a haystack. There have been so many lives here. Sure enough, at that level, the world you see is all Different."

Liang Chongtian said, "I don’t know that this Jade Spirit City has been built for thousands of years. It’s normal to gather so many people over time. However, not all monks live in Jade Spirit City. Among them are Nearly six to seven Chengdu are just ordinary people."

This doesn’t need Liang Chongtian to explain, Qing Yang can figure it out~www.readwn.com~ When casual practitioners come to Yuling City, they don’t necessarily come alone, and some may bring attendants, family members, etc. People who don't want to leave can only be ordinary people here. When Qing Yang came, he brought Yu Mengmiao with him. If Yu Mengmiao had no spiritual roots, wouldn't he be like ordinary people in Yuling City?

   Another reason is the offspring of monks. Generally, the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is to produce offspring, the more likely the offspring will have spiritual roots, and the higher their relative qualifications. On the contrary, the lower the cultivation base, the easier it is to produce offspring, and the less chance of possessing spiritual roots. Even if one possesses spiritual roots, the aptitude is definitely relatively poor.

   Jade Spirit City lives in casual cultivators, which is the lowest level of the entire world of cultivating immortals. Of course, the probability of ordinary people among their descendants is also the highest. The descendants of these monks grew up here and are used to the life here. Of course, they are not willing to leave Jade City and live in a strange world.

   And monks also need a lot of services. Many low-level casual cultivators cannot hire the same monks to do things for them, so it is normal to hire a few ordinary people. Usually, a little something is exposed between the fingers, it is enough for these ordinary people to live.

Then Liang Chongtian said again: "In the entire Jade Spirit City, there are more than 100,000 people, and those who can’t cultivate are deducted. The remaining monks are as many as 40,000 to 50,000. This number is much more than that of the average cultivator. However, the cultivation level of Jade Spirit City’s casual cultivator is generally relatively low. Among them, nearly 90% are low-level cultivators in the Open Vein Realm, and only about 10% of them are in the Qi Refining Stage. Pie is incomparable."

This is quite normal. Those who can cultivate to a higher level are generally people with better aptitudes. Such people will definitely join the cultivating sect with richer cultivation resources instead of slowly struggling in this jade spirit city. Waste your time.

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