Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 126: : Admission fee

   "Then which is the highest cultivation level in this Jade Spirit City?" Qing Yang asked.

Liang Chongtian said: "The highest cultivation base in Jade Spirit City is Sanren, the lord of the city, Yuling Sanren. The cultivation base is about the fifth floor of the foundation, but he is more than 150 years old and has a life span of several decades. Efficiency has gradually begun to decline. I am afraid that there is no possibility of advanced foundation construction in this life. As for the other foundation construction period monks, they are generally the treasures of the towns of major families. They often retreat for several years, usually almost Not showing up to the outside world, even I don’t know it well, I guess it won’t exceed ten fingers."

   Nuo is a big jade spirit city, with a total of forty to 50,000 monks, but no more than ten monks in the foundation building, which shows how difficult it is to cultivate to the foundation building period. It seems that being a casual cultivator outside, the difficulty of cultivating is really too high, and you must find a way to join the immortal gate.

   Liang Chongtian grew up here and is very familiar with the situation of Yuling City. As he walked and introduced, Qing Yang quickly got a general understanding of Yuling City.

The surrounding mountain range is called Yuling Mountain. The reason why Yuling City was built here is that besides the aura here is stronger than the surroundings, it is also said to be because the deep mountains here can produce a kind of heaven called Yulinglu. Caidibao, because there are so many monks who come to collect such treasures, it has gradually developed into such a large city for casual repairs.

   Jade Linglu can accelerate the growth of elixir, stimulate the activity of elixir, the elixir of the elixir, which can treat patients, and even make dead trees bloom in spring. It has a wide range of uses in elixir planting.

   This jade spirit dew has many uses. For example, you found a very important elixir in the outside world, but his age is not enough and it is not safe to continue to grow in the outside world. You must transplant it to your own cave. But the growing elixir had left his habitual living environment, and it was very likely that he would die because of inadequate water and soil. At this time, he would use Yulinglu to treat him.

However, the Jade Spirit City has been formed here for thousands of years. After years of collection, the Jade Spirit Dew is gradually depleted. Although it can produce a little more every year, the quantity is much smaller than before. Except for a few big families, It is rare for casual practitioners to collect it, so the monks in Jade Spirit City can no longer rely on this to survive.

   Liang Chongtian thought of what to say, the speaker was unwilling to listen to it intentionally, when Qing Yang heard the function of Yuling Dew, he couldn't help but have an idea. Yulinglu can actually stimulate the vitality of the spiritual plant, making the dead wood come in spring, and I don't know how effective it is for the four seeds I planted in Zuixian Gourd.

   When I get to Yuling City, I can give it a try. I just use this kind of natural treasure to water a few seeds that I don’t know how many years old, and I don’t know if it's worth it.

It didn’t take long before they arrived at the gate of Yuling City. Although it was a large city for casual repairs, it was similar to a secular city. At the gate of the tall city, there stood two rows of uniformly attired warriors, dressed in uniform black. Armor, holding the same weapon, the leader is a cultivator in the middle stage of Qi training, and the soldiers below are all in the late stage of the Open Vessel Realm.

   Even to see a city gate, you need a cultivator of the Qi Refining Period, and the cultivation base of the fifth level of the opening of the veins is not even the qualification to stand guard at the door. Qing Yang has a deeper understanding of the foundation of Jade Spirit City.

The cultivation bases of the monks entering and leaving the city gates are high or low. Some casual cultivation bases are higher than those of the warriors who watch the city gates, but no one dares to stab them casually. The immortal world, like the secular world, also has this certain order, especially where the monks gather. For those who disrupt the order, they will not be welcomed anywhere.

   Even Liang Chongtian, who was born in the Liang family of Yuling City, was no exception. With Qing Yang and Yu Mengmiao, he honestly lined up behind him.

Soon it was the turn of a casual cultivator in front of them, who was slender and wild, with dark skin, a mustache, and a mountain axe stuck in his waist. He looked like a butcher who slaughtered pigs, but This person's cultivation base is not low, he has reached the eighth level of the Open Vein Realm.

Seeing that it was his turn, the black rough muffled his sleeves and was about to step into the city, but was stopped by a warrior in front of him, and said: "What are you doing? Are you in a hurry to reincarnate? Pay the entrance fee first, and handle it. You can only enter if you have your identity certificate."

   Hei Chou Sanxiu is already at the eighth level of the Open Vein Realm, and the armored monk is only at the seventh level of the Open Vein Realm, but he is not at all polite when he speaks to the Rough Sanxiu.

   "Huh? You still have to pay when you enter a city? How can there be such a rule in the world?" the black rough Sanxiu shouted. Obviously, it was the first time he came to Yuling City, and he didn't know there were rules for charging entrance fees.

The warrior who patrolled the city gave him a blank look and said, "Do not spend money to build the Jade Spirit City? We take turns to patrol the city every day. It does not require hard work to protect the safety of the monks in the city? You think we are all idle and have nothing to do, come to the gate of the city to do it. Here comes the obligation? Don't bother, hurry up."

   Hearing what the warrior of the city said, the dark and loose repairs are relieved, yes~www.readwn.com~ Sometimes you have to pay for the entrance and exit of the secular cities, let alone this casual repair city. The warrior who patrols the city wants to protect everyone's safety, prevent monsters from attacking the city, and maintain public order in the city. Who wants to do it for nothing?

   "Let's talk about it, how much silver do you want?" That black rough monk.

The warrior patted the city, stared at him, and said angrily: "You **** teased me? Didn't you pretend to be foolish? What can the worldly silver do here? If our city patrolling warriors want to use silver , Do I need you to collect it?"

The black monk has also been living in the world, forgetting that this is Jade Spirit City, so when he said silver words, seeing that the other party was angry, he quickly said: "I'm sorry, you said that you are bald. Say what you want."

Seeing that the attitude of black and rough cultivating was okay, the warrior didn’t take the opportunity to play. He just said: "Identity for permanent entry and exit is a spiritual stone, and a short-term entry and exit certificate is a Qi-Nurturing Pill. The term is three months, and there is no one-off. of."

   "What? A permanent certificate requires a spiritual stone? A short-term certificate also requires a Qi-Nurturing Pill? Why don't you grab it?" Hei Kuan Sanxiu exclaimed.

The permanent certificate is always valid for entry and exit at any time. The short-term certificate is that you can enter and exit at will within three months, because Jade City has no restrictions on people in the city, and no one will come out after entering the city, and no one will drive you away, so many ordinary people will stay. It is precisely because of this situation that he will not go out in Jade City for a lifetime, and now Jade City has cancelled the one-time entry and exit certificate.

A piece of spiritual stone, many of the initial and mid-stage open pulse realm's total net worth can not be reached, even in the late stage of the open pulse realm, one piece of spiritual stone can make them feel distressed for several years at this price. It is more unacceptable than robbery.

  ~~~~~~Thank you for your rewards!

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