Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1219: : Super defense

Stared at by six pairs of fiery eyes, the wasteland demon lizard also felt a little uncomfortable, but he did not retreat. In the simple perception of the wasteland demon lizard, the monks in front of him are piles of peerless delicacies, as long as Being able to successfully eat one of them can greatly increase his strength. If he can eat all the food in front of him, even if he can advance again, it will be a breeze. For Warcraft, Tier 9 to Tier 10 is also a huge threshold, so knowing that the food in front of him is not easy to capture, and may even be counter-killed, he still has no fear.

This is the biggest difference between Beasts and Monster Beasts. Monster Beasts possess a certain level of intelligence, which is almost the same as human monks. When they encounter problems, they will weigh the pros and cons. If the situation is not good, they will run away as soon as possible. Acting by instinct, there is more brutality and greed in their hearts, and they rarely think about their own future. Only after hitting a wall and bloodshed, they clearly know that they cannot win and their lives have been threatened. They will find a way. Flee.

Suddenly, the wasteland demon lizard moved, and saw him on all fours, his body disappeared into the sand dunes in an instant, and then he quickly pushed forward with a violent salon.

The wasteland demon lizard is amazingly fast, and it seems to have a natural ability to evade the monk’s divine mind. It is very difficult for everyone to catch the wasteland demon lizard with their divine consciousness. Fortunately, the monks present have a high level of cultivation and a pure gold. In the late Dan cultivator, except for the slight decline in strength after the ghost and leopard was injured, the other cultivators had sufficient means to deal with this situation.

There was a bright light flashing in the sky, four magic weapons rose into the sky at the same time, four attacks hit the ground from different directions, and then heard a dull cry, the violent salon stopped immediately, it was obviously the wasteland demon. The lizard was hit. However, at the same time, the entire sand dune was also affected, and suddenly burst open, and the sky was full of wind and sand. The ghost eagle, ghost jackal, ghost wolf, and ghost fox quickly retreated back, lest they were all buried by the wind and sand.

At this moment, another brown shadow flashed by, and the wasteland demon lizard sprang out from the wind and sand, and rushed to the real ghost eagle closest to him. It seems that the wasteland demon lizard was hit by everyone. , But he didn't suffer any injuries, and he was able to hide in the wind and sand and continue to attack. But think about it, the defensive power of the wasteland demon lizard is extremely powerful, and it is hidden in the sand dunes, which greatly reduces the attack power of the world. This situation is normal.

The strength of the ghost eagle is much stronger than that of the ghost leopard. Seeing the wasteland demon lizard pounce on him, he twisted his body and abruptly turned around in the air, making the wasteland demon lizard's attack missed.

However, the wasteland demon lizard did not stop there. Taking advantage of the effort of passing by the ghost eagle, the slender split tongue quickly shot out and rolled towards the other party. Before, he witnessed the injury of the ghost and the leopard. Zhenren Ying was still guarded against this, the magic weapon had already arrived behind him, a black light flashed, and the magic weapon slashed towards the blue tongue.

The wasteland demon lizard seemed to know how powerful this magic weapon was, and did not dare to touch the magic weapon. His tongue quickly retracted into his mouth, and then a huge sand ball opened his mouth to block the attack.

The sand ball ejected by the wasteland lizard is not aggressive, but its defensive ability is very strong. After a bang, the sand ball burst open, covering the real ghost eagle with a gray face. At the same time, the magic weapon of the real ghost eagle is also lost. He lost his attack power and fell behind him.

No one thought that this wasteland demon lizard should be so difficult to deal with. The attack power of earth-based monsters is nothing. This defensive ability is really too strong. It will not fall under the wind against the ninth-layer cultivator of the Golden Core. It is not easy to kill him, these thousands of underworld stones are not so profitable.

Taking advantage of the effort of being blocked by the sand, the body of the wasteland demon lizard turned one direction in the air, and it directly smashed it towards the real ghost eagle with its thick tail. The magic weapon of the ghost eagle had just been repulsed, and before he had time to sacrifice it again, the sand group just now blocked his vision and spiritual thoughts. It was difficult to avoid him in the air, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

The monsters’ close attacks are already powerful, but the wasteland demon lizard’s thick skin is strong and heavy, especially the thick and powerful tail. During the sweep, the ghost eagle would be seriously injured even if he was not dead.

Seeing that the ghost eagle real person is about to have an accident, the real person Guihe who has not taken any action before finally moved, only to see him gently waved his hand, a plow-shaped magic weapon appeared in the air, slammed towards the wasteland demon lizard, Jin Dan The consummation cultivator has amazing strength. As soon as the magic weapon appears, he has boundless power. The wasteland demon lizard sees that the situation is not good, and he dared not continue to attack the ghost eagle. The magic weapon spit out the sand group.

There was another loud bang, the sand ball burst open, and the wind and sand drifted all over the sky. One person and one beast were instantly submerged in the wind and sand. The real person of Guihe and the real person of Guiying are Jindan Consummation and the other is Jindan nine layers. It seems to be only one level worse, but in fact the strength of the two is not a little bit worse~www.readwn.com~ After breaking the sand group of the wasteland monster lizard, the plow-shaped magic weapon has not been reduced, and there is no Give the wasteland demon lizard any time to react, and directly hit him.

Then I heard the wasteland demon lizard snorted, his body fell to the ground in an instant, and then he rolled several times on the sand dunes before he got up from the ground, but when he raised his head again to look at the real person Guihe, his eyes were already faint. With a trace of fear. Ghost He’s attack was blocked by the sand group for a while, and his power was not as good as before. Coupled with the defensive power of Monsters, the Wasteland Demon lizard did not suffer any injuries this time, but he still felt the threat from Ghost He to him. It also explains from the side that it is reasonable for Youmu Zhenjun to choose Guihe to lead the team.

After being hit twice in a row, but not hunting any food, the wasteland lizard finally realized that the food in front of him was not so easy to deal with, but the cruelty and greed in the nature of Warcraft, and the delicious food for him Temptation, the wasteland lizard still did not retreat.

The wasteland demon lizard is lying on the sand dune, its belly is close to the ground, its head is slightly lifted, two eyes are looking around coldly, and in the surrounding mid-air, six people, Guihe and Guiying, are distributed around the front and back. Surrounded the wasteland demon lizard group in the middle, but the two sides did not immediately attack, the scene fell into silence for a while, it seemed that they were waiting for the opportunity of the opponent to reveal their flaws.

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