Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1220: : Active attack

Soon, someone broke the silent scene, and it was the real ghost Leopard who shot him. If in normal times, the real ghost Leopard would not be so uncomfortable. Not only did he belong to the lower cultivation level among these people, but he was also injured. Just follow behind others and shoot.

Only this time he was attacked by the wasteland demon lizard and lost an arm. Although he can slowly recover after taking the pill after returning, the resources and cultivation base that can be consumed are huge. The lizard's resentment is hard to calm, and it is quick to eliminate it.

The real Ghost Leopard took the lead. With him taking the lead, the other four people also launched attacks on the wasteland demon lizard. Numerous sandstorms were blown up on the ground at a time. Only the real ghost Guihe was self-sufficient and did not take action with everyone. This level of attack, with the defensive power of the Wasteland Demon Lizard, can only withstand one at a time. If it is hit by more than two at the same time, it will definitely be injured.

The Wasteland Demon Lizard knows how powerful it is, and he dare not fight hard against the monks. It can only take advantage of the geographical advantage to avoid it. If occasional opportunities are caught, the Wasteland Demon Lizard will also counterattack. , Coupled with the powerful ghost ghost sitting next to him, the wasteland demon lizard could hardly find any chance of hurting the enemy.

However, the wasteland demon lizard occupies an absolute geographical advantage. It can constantly use the sand below to evade and ambush. Coupled with his strong defense, it is very difficult for the monks to hurt him. They only hear the rumbling on the field. The rumbling sound continued, and the sky full of sandstorms never had a chance to fall. The cultivators and the wasteland demon lizard fell into a bitter battle.

Outside the battlefield, Qingyang, Guixia, and Guique stood in the distance, quietly watching other people fighting the wasteland demon lizard. Although the three of them were two or three miles away from the battle center, they were still affected by the battle. A lot of sand and dust fell on the head and body.

Seeing the battle on the field getting more and more fierce, the real person Guixia felt itchy for a while, she wanted to go up and try her skills, but was stopped by the real ghost next to her. The Wasteland Demon Lizard was a Tier 9 demon, and even the Ghost Leopard on the seventh floor of the Golden Core was injured. She couldn't guarantee that only the Ghost on the fourth floor of the Golden Core would be injured because of carelessness during the battle.

Real person Guixia had no choice but to give up this plan. It was still a long time, and there was always a chance in the future. Then Real person Guixia shook lightly, and all the dust on her body fell to the ground, she looked at Qingyang Dao. : "Unexpectedly, a Tier 9 monster is so difficult to deal with."

When he was in the Yinfengjihuo Grotto, Qingyang once faced a ninth-order beast alone, but at that time, his cultivation was only in the foundation stage, and he didn't dare to meet with a ninth-order beast. He still got it from a sloppy Taoist. One of the treasures killed the Warcraft.

Now that I have closely observed the battle of Tier 9 monsters, and personally felt the strength of Tier 9 monsters, Qing Yang realized how lucky he was to win at the beginning. If he did not have the talisman presented by the sloppy Taoist, if the time to shoot himself was early then Soon or so later, it would be impossible for him to kill the ninth-order beast, nor would it be possible to rescue Yu Mengmiao and Fairy Duanqing from the hands of the beast, let alone a series of things that would happen afterwards.

Regardless of the fact that Qingyang cultivation base has reached the middle stage of the golden core, the comprehensive strength is comparable to the nine-tier golden core cultivator. Last time, he blocked the three real masters of Guiyun with his own power, but faced this ninth-order beast. At that time, Qing Yang still didn't have much confidence in defeating the opponent.

Hearing the words of the real person Guixia, Qing Yang said: "God is fair, the monsters are lacking in intelligence, and they will naturally be compensated in terms of strength. Moreover, this wasteland monster also has a geographical advantage. Tier 9 monsters are all over. Bao, you can get tens of thousands of spirit stones with all the things in your body. If it were so easy to kill, wouldn't the monks in the world have already made a fortune?"

Real Guixia nodded: "That's true. Tier 9 beasts are extremely rare, that is, this ruin can only be encountered if no one has come for a long time. If you are outside, it is really not so easy to find such a Tier 9 beast. I encountered one occasionally, and because of the high strength of Monsters, it required a lot of people to work together to kill it. It is impossible to make a fortune from this."

The ghost ghost next to him said: "However, no matter how powerful a Tier 9 monster is, it will not last long to face the siege of our group of late Jindan monks. Now the speed of this wasteland demon lizard has been greatly reduced than before, there will be at most one more. By the hour, this demon lizard will die."

Guixia and Qingyang are only slightly lower in strength, their true combat power is not bad, and their eyesight is also first-class, and the two of them can naturally see what the ghost can see. Although the wasteland demon lizard occupies a geographical advantage, he is lonely after all, and lacks in intelligence. Under the siege of six late Jindan cultivators, he could barely hold on at first, but it began to fall after a long time. Downwind, was hit by magic weapons many times in a row.

The defensive power of the wasteland demon lizard is indeed strong. It can withstand the magic weapon attack of the ordinary Jindan late cultivator with its body alone, but it can't do it once or twice, or three or five times. Isn't it ten times eight times? After being hit by the monk's magic weapon in the same place two or three times in a row, the Wasteland Demon's lizard finally suffered injuries, and the injuries were not light.

On the side of the wasteland demon lizard's abdomen, a hole was smashed out of the scale armor, and the flesh and blood inside ~www.readwn.com~ had rotted into a mass of fleshy flesh, and flesh and blood were constantly falling out. Obviously, such a serious injury was not formed by this. It should have caused his internal injury when the magic weapon hit the wasteland demon lizard before, but it was invisible on the surface, which made people mistakenly believe that it was unbreakable.

Seeing this situation, the cultivators were overjoyed. This battle finally came to the harvest time. As long as the wasteland demon lizard was killed, thousands of underworld stones would be available, so everyone became more and more courageous and used their own guards. Ability to launch a frenzied attack on the monster lizard.

On the contrary, the wasteland lizard retreated step by step, with a retreat in his heart. He already understood that the group of food in front of him was not something he could overcome, especially the terrifying wound on his body that reminded him all the time. I'm afraid I'll lose my life here if I stay here. If I can't even save my life, what's the use of more food?

Seeing that the two magic weapons were attacking at the same time, the wasteland demon lizard did not dare to hold on, and could only open a sand ball to face the magic weapons, and at the same time retreat sharply.

At this point in the battle, the strength of the wasteland lizards has dropped a lot, and the sand group that it sprayed is also much smaller than before, and its power is not as good as before. With a boom, the sand group exploded, but the two magic weapons were not affected too much. The speed continued to kill the wasteland demon lizard.

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