Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 138: : 5 Lingchun

Qing Yang was also a little afraid at this time. Offending a Qi training monk is not a good thing. Although there are warriors in Yuling City who are responsible for public security, if he really annoys the Qi training monk and is worried about by the other party, he will look for opportunities sooner or later. Pack your own.

The wine seller seemed to see the anxiety in Qing Yang's heart. He smiled and said, "Don’t worry, fellow Taoists, we won’t bother you. My father is withdrawn, except for making wine. He rarely interacts with people. He talks all the time. It's all like this, I hope you can understand."

   So, Qing Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief. There are tens of thousands of people in the world, and there are people who are all-faced and exquisite, and naturally there are people who can't speak. Some people talk to you like a spring breeze, obviously they are pitting you, but they make you enjoy it. Some people are obviously not malicious, but what they say is extremely blunt, and they always choke and roll their eyes as soon as they speak.

   Qingyang nodded, and said, "Are those two jars of wine not for sale?"

The young wine seller said: "These two jars of wine are not for sale, but the price is relatively high. One jar requires five spiritual stones. They have been sold for several years. There have been many people asking, but no one has ever bought it. I My father was a little impatient about it, so he spoke a little aggressively."

   An altar of five spiritual stones? Qing Yang couldn't help but gasp, and this jar of wine was just as good as the fifteen jars of Hundred Flower Wine. Five spiritual stones, not to mention open veins cultivators, even ordinary qi-refining cultivators can't get them out. What wine is so expensive? Can it break through directly after drinking it?

   "What kind of wine, the price is so high?" Qing Yang couldn't help but ask.

The wine seller said: "Our family has been making wine for generations, and it has been passed down for more than ten generations. In the past few years, when we were sorting out an abandoned wine cellar, we inadvertently found a few jars of old wine from the cellar a hundred years ago. These two jars are among them. Second, the altar on the left is called Wulingchun, and the altar on the right is the legendary Lingtai Old Wine."

   "Five Lingchun? Lingtai Old Wine?" Qing Yang asked in confusion.

   Qingyang has only been in contact with Xiuxian for more than three months, and a lot of basic knowledge is not understood, not to mention this kind of spirit wine name that is slightly unfamiliar to other cultivators.

Perhaps because of the similar age, the wine seller actively explained: "These two kinds of wine used to be spiritual wines that can only be used by monks who are above the refining period, but the brewing method has been lost, and even my father could not brew it. come out.

According to some family biography books of my family, Wulingchun, also known as Wulingye, uses five superior spirit valleys. After many fermentations, they are finally made from the essence. The effect is better than that used by Qi practitioners to improve their cultivation. Qi Gathering Pills have good effects, and they have been stored for hundreds of years. The benefits can be imagined. At the beginning, my father just drank one of the five spirit springs, and then broke through the bottleneck between the early and middle stages of his long qi training in one fell swoop. "

Then the wine seller pointed to the old Lingtai wine and said: "This old Lingtai wine is known by its name. It is an extremely rare spirit wine used to restore and nourish spiritual thoughts. The rarity is even higher than that of the five spirit springs. The method of preparation has not been verified, but the value is definitely higher than that of the five spirit springs."

  Whether it is Wulingchun or Lingtai Laojiu, they are all excellent things for Qingyang. He wants them all. Although Wulingchun is not needed now, it can be very useful for cultivation later. If you encounter any bottlenecks in the future, you may break through with a sip of spirit wine.

   As for the Lingtai old wine, it is even more powerful. There are very few things to restore and nourish spiritual consciousness, and they are very valuable. Usually, it is very difficult to buy if you have money. The drunken bees in the drunk fairy gourd were all languid, and they must have suffered a lot of mental damage. This Lingtai old wine might make them recover faster.

   The key is that this kind of spirit wine can be met but not sought. If you miss this time, when you have spirit stones in the future, you may not encounter such a good thing.

   Do you want to buy or not? If you don't buy it, you will miss a good opportunity. If you buy it, you will have five spiritual stones and one altar. There are not enough spiritual stones on your body. You can only use the corpse of the blue-eyed clam.

   If you use the blue-eyed clam corpse to trade, the only thing you need to worry about is whether Liang Chongtian will know it, and this will involve the casual repairs of the Kaiyuan Mansion. But think about it, in such a big Jade Spirit City, there are so many things that happen every day, it is impossible for the Liang family to pay attention to it. As for Liang Chongtian, it is even more impossible to specifically inquire about such trivial matters.

What's more, I traded to this old wine seller, rather than directly sold to the shop. I poured such a hand in the middle. When this old wine seller trades with others, he will definitely not casually reveal to outsiders where the monster corpse comes from. Yes, it also reduces the possibility of this matter being exposed.

After thinking about it again and again, Qing Yang decided to exchange the two jars of wine with the corpse of the blue-eyed clam. Sooner or later, the body of the blue-eyed clam would be dealt with. It would be too wasteful to stay in the drunken gourd space. I can also use it to improve my cultivation earlier~www.readwn.com~ and made up his mind, Qing Yang said, "It's all good wine, but the price is too expensive. If I buy both altars, I can still Is it cheaper?"

   "Do you really want to buy?"

   Hearing Qing Yang's words, the wine seller's eyes widened, his face was incredible. How could a monk with an open vein realm afford such an expensive spirit wine? He originally thought it was rare to meet a monk of the same age and similar cultivation level, so he gave a symbolic introduction to show off his family background, and Qing Yang would never buy it.

   He did not expect that Qing Yang not only was not scared off after hearing this, but talked about the price with him. Even the old wine seller opened his eyes, and looked up and down Qing Yang, his eyes full of incredible. This is like a beggar who suddenly broke into a store selling luxury goods, pointing to the most expensive item in the store and saying that he would pack it away, which makes people unbelievable.

  The old wine seller stared at Qing Yang for a long time before he said: "You are a small middle-stage cultivator of the Open Vein Realm, do you have so many spirit stones on your body?"

Qingyang said: "Of course I don't have a spirit stone, but I have a first-order monster beast blue-eyed vermillion clam corpse. If it is used to sell materials, it will be worth at least ten spirit stones. Exchange your two jars of spirit wine. It's more than enough. But if you don't lower the price, I won't necessarily buy it."

   The old wine seller looked at Qing Yang suspiciously, and couldn't help but wonder. The cultivator in the middle stage of the Open Vein realm certainly has no ability to kill the first-order monsters, but no one can guarantee that there is no one behind him. It is also common for low-level casual cultivators to handle high-value things. The public security in Jade Spirit City is still okay. Sometimes the Qi-training cultivator kills the monster and is too lazy to deal with it by himself, or if he wants to hide his identity, he will also find some unrelated low-level casual cultivators to help them deal with it.

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