Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 139: : Lingtai Old Wine

   And this person has the cultivation base of the fifth level of the Open Vein Realm at a young age, even better than his own son. You must know that your son was born in a family of cultivators who brewed spirit wine, and he was only at the fifth level of the Open Vessel Realm under the careful training of his Qi practicing monk. This person is younger than himself, so how could he not be behind him? Force support?

The old wine seller couldn't help but fill up a lot of things on his own brain, giving Qing Yangan a strong background identity. He considered it, and said: "The first-order blue-eyed clams are indeed relatively rare, and many parts of the body are useful. But whether it’s worth ten spirit stones, we have to see it in five years before we know. We will refund more and make up less at that time. As for the two jars of spirit wine, I have not sold them for two or three years, so they are cheaper. I’ll take care of it for you, and it’s the price of ten spirit stones, but I can add two jars of ordinary Baihua wine. What do you think?"

Wine sellers often set up stalls in this market, and the spirit wine business is not very good. His Baihua wine is often not sold for ten and a half months. Nowadays, it is rare to meet a big customer like Qingyang. The old man was simply generous and gave two jars of Baihua wine for free.

   Two jars of ordinary Hundred Flower Wine are also worth six Qi-Nourishing Pills, and looking at the look of this old wine seller, it seems that he can still bargain, and Qing Yang will naturally not miss this good opportunity.

In the end, after several rounds of bargaining between the two parties, the wine seller took a step back. The price of the two jars of spirit wine remained unchanged, but it would be nearly a piece of spirit stone cheaper to pair with Qingyang Santan Baihua Wine. For low-level casual repairers, this preferential margin is already very large.

The price was quickly negotiated, but the transaction could not be carried out for the time being. The exchange of the green clam corpse for spirit wine was a temporary motive. Qing Yang did not prepare in advance. He could not take out the monster from the drunken gourd in front of others. The corpse, and five jars of wine are not easy to handle.

Qing Yang had to find an excuse to say that the monster corpse was in the inn and needed to be retrieved. The old man was not afraid of trouble, so he asked Qing Yang to go back and prepare. Then he would bring five jars of wine over, and wait for the two parties to identify the corpse of the monster. The transaction came directly to the door.

   I bought everything that should be bought, and the whole market was almost transferred, so Qing Yang told the old wine seller where he lived and ended this trip to the market.

   returned to the inn, he first took out the body of the blue-eyed clams and put them away, and then asked the inn to prepare some food, and while eating, he waited for the arrival of the old wine seller.

   After the meal, the old man who sold liquor happened to arrive and brought five jars of liquor to Qingyang's room. After Qing Yang checked the spirit wine for correctness, he took out the body of the green clam.

The wine seller surrounded the monster’s corpse for a long time, and finally nodded and said, “This is a blue-eyed vermillion clam corpse in the middle stage. The sac, tongue, eyes, animal skins, flesh and blood have not been damaged too much. If they were sold in shops in the city, they would be worth ten spiritual stones."

   "Senior thinks you can trade?" Qing Yang asked.

  The old wine seller said: "We are exchanging it privately after all. This monster corpse is completely at the price of the shop, so I'm taking too much advantage. So let me make up five more Qi Yang pills, what do you think?"

  The old wine seller has been in the world of cultivation for decades. He has rich experience in identifying the corpses of monsters and beasts, and he also knows the price changes in Jade Spirit City. Although his cultivation base was much higher than Qing Yang, he did not deliberately take advantage of Qing Yang, and finally gave a fair price.

   There are five more Qi Yang Pills. Of course Qing Yang is willing, so the two parties directly dealt. The wine seller left the five pots of spirit wine behind, and took out five more Qi-Nourishing Pills to Qing Yang, then pulled out a piece of rag from his body to wrap the body of the monster beast, and hugged it out of the inn.

   Qingyang has followed Master Songhe for nearly ten years, and has learned his good wine temperament thoroughly. If you see good wine, you must taste it. After sending away the old wine seller, Qing Yang couldn't wait to open one of the jars of Baihua wine, scooped it up with a small cup, and drank it with his head up.

The spirit wine Qing Yang drank, except for this Baihua wine, which is the rain wine obtained from the wine pool. Although Yujiu is more powerful than this Baihua wine, it seems a lot weaker because of the mixing with a lot of river water. After drinking, there was a smell of soil in his mouth, which destroyed the beauty of spirit wine.

And this Baihua wine, with the spicy aroma of spirit wine, the sweetness of honey in the aroma, and the faint floral aroma in the sweetness, the wine is steaming and has a long aftertaste. Qingyang can even I felt a trace of ancient meaning lingering in my heart.

If you drink the Baihua wine and taste it carefully, Qingyang can still judge it, and the old sellers can't completely believe it. When they make this Baihua wine, they certainly don’t use hundreds of petals and nectars~www.readwn .com~ And it should be mixed with some ordinary grains when brewing. The so-called Baihua in the name is just an approximate number.

   But this is already very good. If you really use more than a hundred kinds of petals and nectar to brew, that kind of Baihua wine will be more expensive, and you can't afford it.

   After tasting Baihua Wine, Qingyang was even more looking forward to the other two spirit wines. Wulingchun wanted to keep it for breaking through the bottleneck in the future, and he was not willing to drink it. Instead, he opened the jar of Lingtai old wine, took a small cup, and poured it directly into his mouth.

After drinking a glass of spiritual wine, Qing Yang felt that his whole body was warm, and the wine slowly diffused into his body, warming the meridians, soothing the soul, as if the whole soul was going to be drunk, Qing Yang I could feel that my spiritual thoughts had grown a bit at this moment, no wonder that five spiritual stones could be exchanged for such an altar, it really is a good thing.

   Good wine, good wine, this spirit wine is really not comparable to that in the world, Qing Yang really wants to sing a song and express the joy in his heart. The only flaw is that Master Songhe is not around, and such a good thing cannot be used to honor his old man.

   was melancholy for a while, Qing Yang left the opened altar of Baihua Wine outside, preparing to drink it slowly, and all the remaining four altars were taken into the drunk fairy gourd space. The three altars that hadn't been opened were all buried, and then he brought the old Lingtai wine into the wine pavilion with the altar.

Put the wine jar on the stone table, Qingyang just opened the lid of the wine jar, and heard a buzzing sound above her head. The six wine bees that hadn't moved for many days suddenly rushed out of the hive. Came out and danced around the wine jar on the stone table.

   Qingyang can really feel that the mood of those drunk bees suddenly has a hint of urgency and a hint of flattery, just like a group of children surrounded by adults asking for sweets.

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