Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1438: : Disappointed

Although the Thousand Hands Ghost King was finally rescued and successfully passed through the Red Smoke Valley, the situation was very miserable. The whole body was burnt and black, and there was almost no good place. Only two to three percent of the original strength was left. The situation of the golden core monk was a little better.

Seeing that the loss of personnel was so heavy, even the existence of the Lord of the Ghost King almost died here, many people regretted in their hearts, regretted that they should not be greedy for the ethereal pregnant fruit, and regret that they should not come to this muddy water. , Become the lord of one hall in the Ten Kings Hall at ease, why do you have to come to join in this excitement? Is it because the previous days were too easy?

But even if many people regret it, no one immediately turned around and left. Think about it during this period of time, everyone has suffered so much, passed so many levels, paid so much price, and finally came to where it is now. , Is about to arrive at the place where the pregnant fruit grows, and seeing that the effort will be rewarded, wouldn't it be a waste of work if you quit now?

Today, they have become red-eye gamblers. In order to win this one, they have already pressed everything on their own. It is impossible to give up without seeing the final result.

It was precisely because everyone had this idea that after crossing the Red Smoke Valley, they thought that all five levels had been passed, and the Orchard of the God of Pregnancy should be behind them, so everyone did not stay in place to repair and recover, even Even the seriously injured Thousand Hands Ghost King couldn't wait to urge everyone to continue on the road, wanting to go to the legendary pregnant **** orchard as soon as possible.

They soon encountered the protective formation outside the Pregnancy God Orchard. None of the thirteen people had hidden their own personalities. They each exerted their best abilities and worked together to crack the formation. Seeing that they were one step closer to Pregnancy Shenguo, the thirteen people ignored fatigue and injuries, and kept their spirits moving forward. It only took more than an hour to arrive at a dilapidated garden.

This garden is very large, with a radius of hundreds of miles, and there are mountains, rivers, barren forests, deep valleys, waste grasslands, and a lot of building ruins. The terrain looks very complicated. Anyway, with their abilities, It takes at least one or two days to search the entire garden. As for where does the **** of pregnancy grow? Also look for it slowly.

The entire garden is extremely dilapidated, with weeds and bushes overgrown. It can be barely seen from the remaining ruins of the building. It should have been divided into regions, but it has been abandoned for too long. The building has long been dilapidated and the original boundaries are also It's already indistinguishable.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but feel disappointed. Originally thought that this place should be a neat and tidy medicine garden. Once they got to the place, they could pick them as much as they wanted. How could they have thought it would be in such a desolate state now? Even if there was a pregnant fruit tree before, it would have died long ago, right?

But think about it again, this situation seems to be normal now. This Infant Garden of God is recorded in the classical books on the Palace of Ten Kings. It is a legendary place. From ancient times to the present, it has been abandoned for many years. , There is nothing wrong with being like this.

Could it be said that everyone has spent so much energy and paid such a big price, and finally came to this pregnant **** orchard, but in the end it was just a basket of water for nothing?

Thinking of this, many people are not calm, and everyone can't help but turn their attention to the giant ghost king. This matter was initiated by him, and I must give everyone an explanation. The giant ghost king was not overly disappointed. He had expected such a result a long time ago, and said calmly: "The legendary God Infant Garden has arrived. If everyone is not hurrying to find the God of Pregnancy, what are they looking at me for? Now this scene Everyone must have thought about it in their hearts, but they just don't want to admit it."

The long eyebrow ghost king frowned and said: "The giant ghost king, we two had an agreement at the beginning. You helped me get the pregnant fruit, and I will exchange the long eyebrows with you. If I don’t get the pregnant fruit in the end, this is a deal. Just void, don’t blame me in the future."

Fuliu Ghost King snorted coldly: "Giant Ghost King, you said at the beginning, this Shenying Valley is the back garden of the ancient sect. It is covered with rare and exotic grasses, and there are also large tracts of pregnant fruit trees. It’s a paradise for the cultivators of the Nascent Soul, full of pregnant fruits, but when I got here, I only saw a piece of ruins. I can’t even see the hairs of the rare and exotic grasses. How can there be a paradise?"

"Yeah, who would have thought that the situation in this Valley of the Gods is so complicated. The few people I brought this time were all cronies who had cultivated for many years, and they all lost in the Valley of the Gods. If there is no gain at all, they will suffer. It's a big deal." The Big Belly Ghost King complained.

The Qianshou Ghost King next to him curled his lips and said, "You're pretty good, and you've eaten a lot of good things along the way. During this period of time, have you improved your cultivation base? Not only one of the people I brought is left~www.readwn .com~I almost lost my life here, isn't it more to you than you."

Seeing everyone complaining, the giant ghost king said: "You are afraid that you have forgotten what I said at the beginning. At that time, I was not even sure whether this was Shen Yinggu, and I couldn't guarantee the others. Over the years, the Shenying Garden must have been abandoned. If luck is good enough, it would be good to find one or two pregnant fruits. How can everyone have a share?"

After hearing these few words, everyone suddenly remembered that the giant ghost king did say so, but at that time they were all lost by the news of the pregnant fruit, so they didn’t take it seriously. Maybe some people also remembered it. Lived, but didn't take these words to heart.

Fuliu Ghost King still seemed to be a little unconvinced, and whispered: "But you said that you and the Longbrow Ghost King only need to be pregnant, and you won’t get anything else no matter how high it is in value. You will be paid for this. There is only danger on the road. How can there be any other gains? If it weren’t for our fate, we wouldn’t necessarily stick to it until now. We can’t let everyone work in vain in the end, right?"

This Fuliu ghost king questioned himself many times, and the giant ghost king was very upset, saying: "You come to God Infant Valley all voluntarily. I didn't persecute you. What's the point of saying this now? This garden is indeed deserted, but no one can do it. I dare not say that I don’t have any good things. Instead of complaining here, I’d better look for it in the garden. Maybe I’ll get something.”

What the giant ghost king said is true. When everyone heard about the pregnancy **** fruit, they wanted to follow along with them to see and see. Everyone came voluntarily. You can't blame the giant ghost king. Moreover, in this situation, it is useless to complain. , Although this garden is a little deserted, if you search it carefully, it is really possible that something good will be left behind.

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