Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1439: : Pregnancy God Fruit Tree

In the situation just now, everyone was too disappointed with the situation here, so that they were a little out of balance. At first, I heard that this Valley of the Gods is a paradise for the monks of the Yuan Ying, covered with rare and exotic plants and fruit trees. As a result, everyone paid. For a huge price, I came here after all my hardships, only to find that there is a paradise, just a garden that has been abandoned for countless years. It is completely different from what I imagined. Anyone who encounters this situation will be extremely disappointed.

After waiting for this psychological barrier, everyone resumed their basic judgments. No matter what, they have already arrived here, and they have to look for them. There are so many things in the world of immortality, who knows such a large deserted garden. Doesn't it hide good things that surprise everyone?

Thinking of this, everyone is no longer lost, but organized to explore the whole garden together. The thirteen people did not act separately. First, they encountered too many dangers before and worried that there would be problems here. It is not safe to separate. The second is that the giant ghost king and the long eyebrow ghost king are worried that after they are separated, some people find that the pregnant fruit will be hidden in private. The biggest purpose of the two of them is the pregnant fruit. For this reason, they don’t hesitate to pay any price, so naturally they can’t give it to others. Take the opportunity.

All the monks present were highly capable monks, and the twelve were all Nascent Soul monks. Although the remaining one was a golden core monk, his strength should not be underestimated. He was a senior golden core consummate monk, and possessed some special methods. , The true strength is not much lower than that of the ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator, but it is also normal. Without a certain strength, ordinary people can't stick to the end just by luck.

A group of people like the giant ghost king and the others are very efficient in searching. The spiritual mind of the Yuan Ying monk can cover at least a thousand meters. The 13 people can cover a range of tens of miles. It only needs to go back and forth twice. , You can search the entire yard again.

Of course, this is only theoretical. If divine consciousness is in a state of extreme for a long time, it will be a huge test for monks’ divine consciousness, and most people can’t stand it, and the recovery of divine consciousness is very slow, and the pill to restore divine consciousness is also relatively rare. Therefore, when monks usually use divine consciousness, they will save as much as possible when they can save, and try not to use them when they can not be used. Because of this, even though monks possess magical divine consciousness, they will sometimes be attacked carelessly.

The cultivators present all understood this principle and did not completely let go of their spiritual thoughts. Everyone covered the surrounding area of ​​two to three hundred meters with their spiritual thoughts. Thirteen people were only about 20 miles away, and they lined up to search forward. , So that they can see each other, no one should be able to do tricks.

This is the most stupid method, but it is also the most thorough. It will not miss any corner. The efficiency is a little low. It takes two days to search the entire garden, but there are no outsiders in the Valley of Gods and Infants. It's also worth the extra time.

Perhaps it was their luck that suddenly burst, or perhaps it was less than an hour when they came to the end of their hardships, they just walked forward for more than half an hour, and they heard the Baimei Ghost King suddenly shouted: "Here, this is this, the giant ghost king. , Do you think this is a pregnant fruit tree?"

Pregnancy fruit tree? Bai Mei Gui Wang found the God of Pregnancy Fruit Tree so quickly? Isn't it a mistake? Everyone looked unbelievable. Just now everyone was still questioning the giant ghost king, thinking that this trip might outweigh the gains. Was you slapped in the face in a blink of an eye?

But Baimei Guiwang is not the kind of person who likes to make jokes. Since he said so, he must be sure of it. Although none of the people present has seen the God of Pregnancy Fruit Tree, they have all seen relevant records. The appearance is very detailed, and everyone has discussed it many times on the way here. Baimei Ghost King shouldn't make such a low-level mistake, admitting the error of the pregnant fruit tree. 62

In this case, it is really possible that it is the fruit tree of the pregnant god. Thinking of this, everyone was overjoyed and ran towards the position of the Baimei ghost king. The giant ghost king and the long eyebrow ghost king were even more in the lead. They rushed and said: "You really Found the God of Pregnancy Fruit Tree? Let me have a look."

The giant ghost king and the long eyebrow ghost king were so fast that they came to Baimei ghost king in a blink of an eye and looked around. What disappointed them was, where are there any pregnant fruit trees in the surrounding area? There was not even a taller sapling, the giant ghost king suddenly became angry and said: "Baimei ghost king, are you still kidding us at this time? Where is the pregnant fruit tree you mentioned?"

The ghost king with long eyebrows also said with a calm face: "Hundred Mei Ghost King, the ten masters of the Ten Kings Palace, you are the youngest, and you are also a female cultivator. Usually everyone will give you three copies. Don't be spoiled and spoiled."

At this time, other people also rushed over, and they all looked angry when they saw this. They were very dissatisfied with Baimei Ghost King's behavior of joking at the airport regardless of time~www.readwn.com~Only Fuliu Ghost King had a solemn face, not looking at it. From a distance: "I'm afraid everyone is wrong to blame Baimei Ghost King, there really is a pregnant fruit tree."

The Big Belly Ghost King hadn't reacted yet, and said: "Fuliu Ghost King, what are you driving..."

The big belly ghost king hadn’t finished speaking. At this time, many people had discovered the abnormality. The giant ghost king hurried forward and took out a piece of wood that was almost decaying from under the weeds at the position where the ghost king Fuliu had just looked at. , Looked at it carefully for a while, and said: "It is exactly the same as the record on the book. It seems that we have wrongly blamed the Baimei Ghost King. This is really a pregnant fruit tree."

Looking at the half of the wood in the hands of the giant ghost king, everyone reacted at this time. It turned out that what Baimei ghost king found was not the living pregnant fruit tree, but found a section of the trunk of a decaying pregnant fruit tree. When you are excited, you will be wrong.

After the giant ghost king finished reading it, he handed half of the wood in his hand to the long eyebrow ghost king, and everyone circulated it to further confirm that this was indeed a trunk of a pregnant fruit tree. Although no living fruit tree of the God of Pregnancy was found, this is good news. At least it proves that the legendary news is true. This is really the paradise of the Yuan Ying monks once, and the fruit tree of the God of Pregnancy has grown.

The pregnant fruit tree also has a lifespan. It cannot grow indefinitely. After a certain year, it will gradually age until it dies, and then slowly decay. Because it is a high-level spiritual tree, the pregnant fruit tree decays very slowly. , It may take hundreds or even thousands of years, so it is not uncommon to find a trunk of a pregnant fruit tree that has not decayed here.

I don’t know how many years have passed since the martial art in this god’s baby garden. The fruit trees that were planted before cannot survive until now. However, no one has picked them for a long time. After the fruit fell on the ground and rotted, the seeds left behind were coincidentally. In the case of sprouting unearthed.

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