Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1458: : The Ghost King

"Who? Get out of here!" Fuliu Ghost King yelled at Qing Yang's direction.

Fuliu Ghost King's judgment is still very accurate. As soon as his voice fell, a middle-aged man showed his figure where he could see. On his left hand, he held a crystal coffin that was more than a foot long.

This iron tower strong man cultivation base is at the top of the seventh floor of Yuan Ying. It is the person who locked Qing Yang with his divine mind before. The position of invisibility is behind Qing Yang. It is no wonder that Qing Yang was prevented from leaving for the first time before, and it is probably also afraid of Qing Yang. He accidentally ran into his head and leaked his trip.

Now that this person came out, Qing Yang knew that under the glance of the surrounding gang of Yuan Ying monks, he would definitely not be able to hide, so he had to show up and stand next to the strong man obediently. The distance between the two was too great. It was near, and the other party didn't speak, Qing Yang really didn't dare to act rashly.

Seeing the appearance of the person who appeared, the ghost king Fuliu lifted his heart to relax a little, and said: "It turned out to be the ghost king of the coffin. This time the visit to the valley of the gods, the ten ghost kings of the ten kings hall have come to nine. I thought you would miss this grand meeting with the coffin ghost king, but who knew it would also come."

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   The ghost king of the coffin coffin laughed and said, "How can I be missing from such an important thing? I heard that you have chosen the next first palace master with me behind your back. This is taking me as an outsider."

Dream Soul Grass has limited time, and Fuliu Ghost King is not willing to talk so much with the other party, so he coldly said: "You can watch the excitement. You can also participate in the Ten Kings Palace, but you come forward to prevent me from killing the giant Ghost King. What is it? Meaning? Is this made up to fight me?"

   Facing the threat of the ghost king Fuliu, the ghost king supporting the coffin was not afraid, and said: "How about going against you? You are not the first palace master now, just put on airs with us?"

After hearing the words of the ghost king Fuliu, the ghost king Fuliu knew that the other party was afraid that he had made up his mind to fight against him. It seemed that if he didn't give the other party a little bit of color, this matter would definitely be difficult to deal with, so the ghost king Fuliu coldly snorted: "Well, I really didn't expect that when things have reached this point, you still dare to jump out of the coffin ghost king. Anyway, I have already given it up. You are not more than one. Taking advantage of this opportunity, you will be completely convinced. See who else dares to disrespect me any more."

Fuliu ghost king is not worried about this. If the coffin ghost king came for a while, when the long eyebrow ghost king did not change his attitude, the big belly ghost king and the Baimei ghost king did not maintain neutrality. The addition of the coffin ghost king would cause some interference to him. , Now things are a foregone conclusion, the giant ghost king and the cloth bag ghost king are already at the end of the road, and an extra coffin ghost king does not have much effect at all.

   After finishing helping the Willow Ghost King, he should greet the Huanxi Ghost King and others to do something. Who knows that the coffin ghost king smiled and said: "Follow the Willow Ghost King, I will introduce you an old friend first."

Hearing the words of the ghost king supporting the coffin, the ghost king Fuliu was suddenly shocked. If there is only the ghost king supporting the coffin, it will not have a great impact on the battle. If there are more people, things will be more variable. When the ghost king appeared just now, The ghost king Fuliu deliberately scanned it with his spiritual thoughts, and he didn't find anyone hiding around him. Could the people brought by the ghost king of the coffin be stronger than himself?

And Fuliu Ghost King is very confused about the term "old friend" mentioned by the Coffin Ghost King. In addition to their Ten Palace Ghost Kings, who else can let the Coffin Ghost King introduce so solemnly and be qualified for the entire Ten Kings Palace. Can you call it an old friend of Fuliu Ghost King? As for Qingyang next to him, he was directly ignored by the ghost king Fuliu, and the ghost king who supported the coffin couldn't be him.

The coffin ghost king didn’t sell it. He looked back, and then saw a few figures showing his figure further behind. It was an old man with long horns on his head. He couldn’t see his cultivation, but he had a wave on his body. The temperament that has been at the top for a long time, one can't help but want to worship.

Behind the one-horned old man, there were five monks, three of them ghosts, one ghost, and a zombie. The strength of this zombie is almost equivalent to that of the first-level monk of the Nascent Soul, and the strength has reached this stage. The appearance and behavior of the zombies are actually not much different from the normal ghost monks, and they only retain a small amount of zombie characteristics.

   The few people who just appeared may not be recognized by others. Qing Yang did recognize it at a glance. Isn't the one-horned old man in front of him the one-horned ghost king who has been separated for a long time? Although the appearance has changed slightly, the unique unicorn cannot be faked. As for the remaining few, the stronger ghost repairer is the entourage brought by the coffin ghost king, and the remaining is the unicorn ghost king who is falling into the ghost. The four soul-seeking ghosts, life-threatening ghosts, imperial souls, and gold armored corpses were subdued by Yuanzhong.

The last time Qing Yang returned to the Fallen Ghost Abyss from Ghost Valley, he found that the situation in Fallen Ghost Abyss had changed drastically. After inquiring about it, he realized that the unicorn ghost king took the lead in restoring the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base, and then assisted the other four to break through the Nascent Soul. He took them away from the Fallen Ghost Abyss and came to the depths of the Nether Realm.

Because of this, Qing Yang came to the Palace of Ten Kings by himself, but he hurriedly hurried, UU reading www.uukanshu.com never caught up with the one-horned ghost king, and after coming here, Qing Yang did not. After inquiring about any news about the one-horned ghost king, I didn't expect to see them in the Valley of the Gods.

The one-horned ghost king came to the Temple of Ten Kings, not looking for the Baimei ghost king who admired him, the giant ghost king who can be the master of the house, the long eyebrow ghost king with deep friendship, and the former named disciple Fuliu ghost king. , But went directly to the ghost king of the coffin, it seems that the two have a very close relationship.

Qing Yang didn’t know what kind of grievances the one-horned ghost king had with these people, or who was worthy of trust, but they chose to appear at this time, Qing Yang could easily guess that they were deeply involved in this matter. After the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, it is time to close the net.

   Seeing Qingyang looking at him, the one-horned ghost king nodded calmly as a greeting, and then turned his head in silence. This kind of occasion is indeed not suitable for reminiscence.

Qing Yang was in a different mood. He was blocked by the coffin ghost king before, and thought he could not get off completely. He didn't expect that he and the unicorn ghost king were in a gang, so there would be no worries for the future. Others are not sure. But Qing Yang has absolute confidence in the one-horned ghost king.

Perhaps the unicorn ghost king’s appearance has changed so much that no one can recognize him, perhaps he hasn’t been seen for hundreds of years, and others have forgotten him, or perhaps in the minds of these people, the unicorn ghost king has long been People who have died shouldn’t reappear in this world, so after the appearance of the one-horned ghost king, other people did not react immediately, but were stunned, but everyone’s heart was clear that it suddenly appeared like this. Many people, things are about to change again.

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