Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1459: : The Back Road and the Deadly Road

It’s just that the characteristics of the one-horned ghost king are too obvious. Everyone has discussed about him just now. The Fuliu ghost king even considers himself a disciple of the one-horned ghost king. So after a while of silence, Baimei ghost king tentatively asked: "You ......You are the one-horned ghost king?"

   The one-horned ghost king smiled, and said: "The little girl guessed right. It is this king. I can't imagine that my one-horned ghost king has disappeared for hundreds of years, and there are still people in the ten kings who can remember me."

Upon hearing the one-horned ghost king's confirmation, Baimei ghost king suddenly opened his eyes and smiled. This is her idol when she was pregnant with spring, and she hasn't forgotten even after hundreds of years. It was only because Qingyang resembled the one-horned ghost king at the beginning, she could ignore the misfortune. On the one hand, let alone the deity's personal visit?

Baimei Ghost King was a little bit incoherent in surprise, and said: "Are you really a one-horned Ghost King? Are you dead? No... I didn't curse you, but because the outside world is spreading it like this. No, you are now. The good news here is that those rumors are all false, and it is impossible for the Nascent Soul monk to live to the present, that is to say, you succeeded in breaking through the God of Transformation?"

   It may be a long story, or it may be that the one-horned ghost king feels that there is no need to explain, but just nodded and looked at other people on the court. He appeared at this time, naturally to solve the previous grievances.

During the conversation of the Baimei Ghost King, everyone else on the field also confirmed the identity of the one-horned Ghost King. This was the first hall of the Ten Kings Hall hundreds of years ago. He was the old predecessor in their ghost repairs, and also a legend. The power of transforming gods in China, such a person suddenly appeared in front of them, how could their hearts not be shocked? For a time, everyone on the field showed different actions.

   The giant ghost king took the lead and bowed deeply at the one-horned ghost king, and said, "Thank you, the predecessor of the one-horned ghost king, for his rescue. If it weren't for you, our Ten Kings Palace would be completely finished."

If it weren’t for the coffin ghost king to take action in time, the giant ghost king would die, and the coffin ghost king and the one-horned ghost king were obviously respected by the one-horned ghost king, which is equivalent to the one-horned ghost king who saved him. Thank you very much, not to mention that the other party is still his old predecessor.

And just now, Fuliu Ghost King kept saying that he was a disciple of the one-horned Ghost King, and his relationship was closer than himself. However, judging from the fact that the other party is willing to save himself, he should not be a short-term protector. Don't be too partial.

After seeing the one-horned ghost king next to him, he blushed at first, but he quickly recovered to his nature. He laughed and said, "The one-horned ghost king hasn't been seen for a long time. Going, it can make old friends miss it so hard."

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   The one-horned ghost king glanced across the faces of the giant ghost king and the long eyebrow ghost king, and did not speak to each other, but from his gaze, he seemed to be very cold towards the two of them. Indeed, under the leadership of the one-horned ghost king, the Palace of Ten Kings was in full swing. It has only been a few hundred years before it has become the way it is now, and these two leaders can hardly shirk the blame.

Huanxi ghost king met the gaze of the one-horned ghost king, showing neither humble nor overbearing. He did not think that the one-horned ghost king rescued the giant ghost king, so he would definitely make trouble for them. Everyone is a descendant of the ten kings palace. Fuliu Ghost King is still his disciple.

The one-horned ghost king's gaze did not stop on the face of the Huanxi ghost king, but continued to turn to the big belly ghost king, the Baimei ghost king, and the cloth bag ghost king. He did not know these three. They should be the rising stars of the Ten Kings Palace, from where they are. From the perspective of the position, there is still some bottom line.

In the end, the one-horned ghost king turned his gaze on the Fuliu ghost king, and said with relief: "Unexpectedly, you have not seen it for more than three hundred years, you have cultivated all the way from the first Yuan Ying to the eighth floor of the Yuan Ying. This potential is no better than the original. How bad Wang was back then, it seems that my vision is good."

Whether it is the eyes of the one-horned ghost king, or the tone of his speech, it is like an elder is complimenting a younger person who has not seen him for many years. It seems that the ghost king Fuliu did not pretend before. They've heard of how amazing the Horned Ghost King is, but they didn't expect that the other party's eyesight is so good, and the named disciples who are collected casually have so much potential.

   Seeing this situation, the giant ghost king's heart sank fiercely. The relationship between the two is so good, how can you be an outsider to get good fruit? The giant ghost king felt that the future was gloomy for a while, and was about to completely admit defeat. He saw the Fuliu ghost king in front of him shaking his body, and began to tremble. There were fine beads of sweat on his forehead, his eyes were full of panic, and he almost stood unsteadily. Fell to the ground.

   The giant ghost king couldn't help being surprised. Isn't the two of them a teacher-student relationship? Seeing that the one-horned ghost king had a very good attitude towards him just now, why did the ghost king help the willow look so desperate, it seems that the person in front of him is not his master, but a peerless demon, is there hidden feelings in it?

Not only him, but the other ghost kings are also puzzled. Only Qingyang knows that the one-horned ghost king returned to the Palace of Ten Kings this time to solve the grievances of the year~www.readwn.com~Look at the appearance of the ghost king Fuliu, Did he do things? But back then, the one-horned ghost king had already broken through the transformation of gods. At that time, the Fuliu ghost king was just a newcomer to Yuan Ying. How did he harm the one-horned ghost king with only a trace of remnant soul?

Seeing Fuliu Ghost King did not speak, the one-horned Ghost King slowly said, "I almost forgot. Not only did you have a good aptitude, you also obtained a large number of treasures that I left behind. In more than three hundred years, you can have the current achievements. It’s not uncommon. Now that you see me, there is nothing you want to say?"

If the opponent is just the cultivator of the soul, Fuliu Ghost King can still think of a way to resist, even if he can't fight it, he can escape, but the person in front of him is the legendary cultivator of God, the cultivator of the soul There is no possibility of survival, so from the moment he saw the one-horned ghost king appear, Fuliu ghost king was desperate, and he didn't even plan to resist.

   Helping the willow ghost king is also a bachelor, knowing that there is no way to survive, but let go: "What is there to say? The winner and the loser, since it has fallen into your hands, you must kill you if you want to kill it."

   At this time, the Linglong Ghost King next to him also said: "Unicorn Ghost King, what do you want?"

The words of the ghost king Fuliu and the ghost king Linglong evoked many memories of the one-horned ghost king. At the beginning, the two people caused only a trace of the remnant soul. But looking at them, it seems that they are the perpetrators. This Linglong The ghost king is particularly hateful. The one-horned ghost king looked at her coldly and said: "Oh, I almost forgot, and you, you two, one is my concubine, the other is my named disciple, which should have been my best The people I’m close to are the back road I left for myself, but I didn’t expect the back road to become a dead end, and the people closest to me hurt myself instead.”

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