Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1461: : Wonderful Argument

Everyone did not expect that the ghost king Fuliu and the ghost king Linglong were both related to the one-horned ghost king, and the relationship was still so close. One was a close concubine, and the other was a disciple. The two actually colluded with each other to harm the one-horned ghost. Ghost King. They have never mentioned this relationship over the years, and even deliberately avoiding contact between the two, I am afraid there is some guilt and regret in it.

Let’s leave aside what the people present think about, the unicorn ghost king paused for a while, his face suddenly changed, and then looked at the Linglong ghost king and said: "You are a ghost cultivator who has followed me since childhood. After giving more guidance, it can be regarded as knowing the roots and knowing the bottom. After you have no intention of rewarding me, I will accept you as a concubine. During this period, I have not had any force on you, nor have I ever treated you. There is no ill-treatment, can you admit that?"

Linglong Ghost King did not speak, but looked at the Unicorn Ghost King blankly, seeming to have already acquiesced to this.

"In that case, why are you betraying me?" the one-horned ghost king asked.

Linglong Ghost King was still expressionless, did not answer the question of the Unicorn Ghost King, and did not know whether he could not find a proper reason to explain, or he did not want to talk to the Unicorn Ghost King more.

The one-horned ghost king didn't wait much, and looked back at the Fuliu ghost king, and said: "Before I met me, you were just a precarious casual cultivator. I saw that you are excellent in aptitude, so I will accept you as a named disciple for more guidance, and then again. I help you to break through the golden core and Nasal Infant. It can be said to be as kind as a mountain, but how did you repay me? I have never seen such an ungrateful person!"

The ghost king Fuliu seemed to be going to break the jar, and said angrily: "You do have some kindness to me, but all of this is voluntary, and it is not me who begs you to accept me as a disciple. Why should I repay you? Since you accept me as a disciple, you should carefully teach, why am I only a registered disciple of yours? Why don’t you pass me your mantle? And you let me out as the lord of the first hall of the Ten Kings Palace. Have you ever considered how I feel?"

Hearing Fuliu Ghost King’s words, the one-horned Ghost King almost got angry and laughed. He had never heard of such a bizarre argument, and ungrateful could speak so arrogantly. He really didn’t expect Fuliu Ghost King to repay, but his This theory is really speechless.

In those years, the one-horned ghost king had no intention of accepting disciples, and teaching the willow ghost king was only a temporary intention, so it was a bit random to make him a named disciple, but for a precarious casual cultivator, the favor of the one-horned ghost king is A matter of smoking from an ancestral grave, how dare you ask for something else? As for the lord of the first hall, the one-horned ghost king was completely out of public heart and passed on to the ghost king who was superior in strength and qualifications at the time. The ghost king Fuliu was only a monk in the early Yuan Ying period. How could he be qualified to compete for the first A palace master? The one-horned ghost king never considered it.

Not to mention the one-horned ghost king, even the big-bellied ghost king can’t stand it anymore, saying: "Fuliu ghost king, although my generation of ghost cultivators has never been a teacher and a father for life, but the single-horned ghost king is kind to you after all. , Even if you are not ready to retaliate, you shouldn’t take the opportunity to take revenge."

The giant ghost king was even more indignant and said: "Originally thought that you helped the willow ghost king just couldn't withstand the temptation of the pregnant fruit, so you temporarily set out to trick everyone, and now you know that you are a perfidious villain from the root. I have never seen a shameless person like you, deceiving my master, betraying my ancestors, betraying my ancestors, and doing all the bad things. And you, the exquisite ghost king, the one-horned ghost king, pity you and let you be a concubine, who knows you live a good life. , Even colluding with outsiders to murder the master, is there anyone in the world who is such a lowly you? You two come together, you are worthy of the same raccoon."

During the period when the one-horned ghost king appeared, the giant ghost king’s heart has been holding, and now it is finally confirmed that although the other party is the master of Fuliu ghost king, he is also his enemy. The one-horned ghost king has a common stand, and the legendary transformation of gods can stand with him, and even if he wants to die this time, it is not easy.

With the return of the one-horned ghost king, his old man must have the final say in the Ten Kings Palace in the future. Whether it is for the immediate situation or his future status in the Ten Kings Palace, he must perform well.

The long-browed ghost king walked a few steps next to the one-horned ghost king, and then said: "Fuliu ghost king, you were the heir to the first hall of the ten kings hall, I just decided to avoid the ten kings hall from falling apart. I'm helping you, but I didn't expect your character to be so inferior. As an old friend of the one-horned ghost king who has been with him for many years, I naturally want to ask for justice for him. To blame, I can only blame you for doing things beyond the bottom line of my brothers. , So much so that the people betrayed their relatives and left."

The people present are not fools. Everyone can tell that the ghost king with long eyebrows and the ghost king Fuliu draw a clear line ~ www.readwn.com~ is not as noble as he said, the one-horned ghost king is likely to be a god. There is only a dead end to follow Fuliu Ghost King, so he didn't hesitate to change his position.

It’s just that the long-browed ghost king changed his position too frequently, which made people feel a little disgusted. At first, he was with the giant ghost king. Seeing that Fuliu ghost king had the upper hand, he betrayed the giant ghost king without hesitation. For a long time, he left the Fuliu Ghost King and stood with the one-horned Ghost King, and every time he could find a suitable excuse for himself, this skill is extraordinary. No wonder this old fox has been able to stay in the Palace of Ten Kings all these years. Take a place.

But at this time, no one was in the mood to laugh at the Ghost King Long Eyebrows, because not only he, but even the Ghost King Huanxi quietly stepped back. Although he didn't speak, anyone could tell that he was going to talk to the Ghost King Fuliu. Keep your distance, not everyone dares to face the power of God.

In a blink of an eye, the ghost king Fuliu was already betrayed by the relatives. After a few words from the one-horned ghost king, the great situation suddenly fell apart, and only the Linglong ghost king remained. It was not that the Linglong ghost king and his wife had a deep affection, but she knew very well in her heart. The one-horned ghost king is absolutely impossible to let her go.

Seeing that both he and Fuliu Ghost King will not escape death, and others are also condemning the two in a straightforward manner. All this is because of the one-horned ghost king, Lingling Ghost King also gave up, glaring at the one-horned ghost king, and said coldly: "You Didn’t you just ask me why I betrayed you? Now I’ll tell you, everyone knows that your one-horned ghost king is amazing, and is a once-in-a-millennium wizard in the Palace of Ten Kings, but in my eyes, you are nothing but a It’s just practice without style. The reason why I was your concubine at the beginning was not how good you were, because I didn’t have too many choices at that time. Once I met a better choice, I would definitely leave you without hesitation. "

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