Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1462: :Yuanying 3rd floor

Linglong Ghost King’s cold words made the Unicorn Ghost King a bit embarrassed. Even if he has lived in this world for thousands of years, he still doesn’t understand the minds of some women, he doesn’t know what the other party wants, and doesn’t understand what the other party values, he doesn’t know. Why did the other party give up a great opportunity? He would rather choose the Ghost King Fuliu who was inferior to him in all aspects, and betray him with the other party.

   The one-horned ghost king frowned and said: "This willow ghost king is your choice?"

Linglong Ghost King said without hesitation: "Yes, although he is not as high as your status and status, but he knows style and taste, although he is not as strong as you, but he has enough time to accompany me, although his character is despicable , But he has always been obedient to me. In my eyes, he is a hundred times better than you. To be with him, I will be content in this life, even if I die without regrets."

Linglong Ghost King’s words are like a knife, every sentence deeply stabs the Unicorn Ghost King. Although he doesn’t have much nostalgia for Linglong Ghost King, he is said by a woman who once said that, no one will be too reconciled, Unicorn The King of Ghosts asked: "Don't you regret it?"

   "I never regret it!" Linglong Ghost King replied directly.

Of course Linglong Ghost King had regrets, and I did not know the one who regretted it once. At that time, she betrayed the one-horned Ghost King, she was a little unable to do it, but when things reached that point, she knew very well that even if she didn't do anything, the one-horned Ghost King could not let it go. She hardened her heart under the control of the ghost king Fuliu, and then felt guilty from time to time, but it was already happening, and it was useless to regret it.

   The reason why he said this in front of the one-horned ghost king is probably because of guilt.

   The words of the Linglong Ghost King completely gave up the one-horned Ghost King and said coldly: "If this is the case, then I will do good deeds and send you directly to the road to be a mandarin duck with the same fate..."

   After finishing speaking, the unicorn ghost king and the coffin ghost king took a step forward and seemed to be about to do it soon, while Linglong ghost king closed his eyes and was ready to die. Facing the cultivator, she couldn't give birth to any thoughts of resistance, it was better to die happily.

   At this moment, Fuliu Ghost King suddenly said: "No, he is not a cultivator of God."

The words of Fuliu Ghost King shocked Linglong Ghost King's heart, and a glimmer of hope was born in her desperate heart. If that was the case, she looked carefully at the Unicorn Ghost King, but did not see any flaws. She couldn't help but say: "What have you found? Why can't I see it."

Fuliu Ghost King said: "Although this one-horned ghost king has a good cover, it can be judged from certain details that his true strength is not too high, and may even be inferior to the two of us. Perhaps his realm was once He has reached the level of God Transformation, but his current cultivation level should only be in the Nascent Soul Stage. Before, we were only preconceived and scared ourselves."

Having said this, the Ghost King Fuliu confirmed his judgment even more, and said with a smile: "Hahahaha...I should have thought about it. It has been nearly four hundred years. How could he be able to let us continue Xiaoyao so far? If he is really a god-transforming power, he will definitely do it right after he meets us. Why does it need to talk so much nonsense with us? There is no need to choose someone who is almost fighting for both of us. Just show up at that time?"

   Helping the Willow Ghost King's words not only awakened the Linglong Ghost King, but also shocked the surrounding group. In their minds, the Unicorn Ghost King could only be a cultivator of God, otherwise, how could it live to the present? Unless he also has the ability of the Ghost King with Long Eyebrows, but this is simply impossible.

Therefore, no one of them has ever doubted the cultivation of the one-horned ghost king, nor has he carefully observed the abnormality of the one-horned ghost king, nor has he considered the problems in it. Now with the help of the willow ghost king, everyone has indeed discovered it. There are many problems.

   Yes, both Fuliu Ghost King and Linglong Ghost King are the masters of the Ten Kings Palace. The goal is so obvious. If the unicorn ghost king had the ability to transform the gods, he would have troubled them a long time ago. How could it be possible to wait until now? And I also specifically found a place when everyone was almost hurt.

   Based on this, it is inferred that the reason why the one-horned ghost king exhausted his weeks is probably because he is not strong enough to defeat the ghost king Fuliu, so he endured it for so long and chose this time to come forward.

What everyone is afraid of is the one-horned ghost king with superior strength. If the one-horned ghost king is not a cultivator of the gods, and is even less powerful than the ghost king Fuliu, then the previous assumption does not exist, and whoever wins with the ghost king Fuliu will win. It's not easy to say, in the future, the Ten Kings Palace will not necessarily be the one who has the final say. Thinking of this, many people look at the one-horned ghost king a little unnaturally.

Although the monks present were skeptical, they couldn’t see through the cultivation base of the ghost king. At this time, they did not dare to make a judgment. Moreover, the influence of the ghost king was still there. Look at the situation and wait until the situation becomes clear.

Only Qingyang was not surprised by this, because he watched the ghost king gradually recover his memory and strength from a trace of remnant soul, and he couldn't be more clear about the ghost king~www.readwn.com~ Qingyang and him at the time. When the Fallen Ghost Yuan was separated, the One-horned Ghost King had not broken through the Nascent Soul Stage. Later, the One-horned Ghost King led a few others to leave the Fallen Ghost Abyss. Although he could find the reason for his enemies to resolve their grievances as soon as possible, the more important thing was the Fallen Ghost. Yuan's resources have been almost consumed by them.

From that time to now, it has only been more than 30 years. It is simply impossible to break through from the early stage of Yuanying to the power of God in one breath. One is that there is not enough time, and the other is that there is a shortage of resources, so Qingyang guessed, The one-horned ghost king's current cultivation base is at the top of the multi-element infant stage, and the reason why everyone can't see his cultivation base is just because his secret technique of hiding the cultivation base is too clever.

Among the monks present, the most concerned about this is the giant ghost king. Whether it can survive depends on the one-horned ghost king. If the opponent is not the opponent of the Fuliu ghost king, then he is unlikely to survive. He asked quickly: "One-horned ghost king. Senior Ghost King, what you...he... is true?"

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The one-horned ghost king didn't mind this, smiled slightly, then shook his body slightly, put away the secret technique to hide the cultivation base, and said: "There is nothing to hide, I did break through to the realm of **** transformation back then, but After suffering two heavy injuries in a row, only a trace of the remnant soul escaped. After more than three hundred years of cultivation, it was only the restoration of the Yuan Ying's third-tier cultivation base."

   "The third floor of Yuan Ying? This...this..." the giant ghost king opened his mouth and said, his heart suddenly sinking to the bottom of his heart, not knowing what to say.

  ~~~~~~~~ Yesterday, the company had a lot of dinner, so I should make up this chapter first.

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