Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1505: : Dan Po Cheng Ying

Spirit wine enters the stomach, and a warm current flows from the mouth to the stomach and intestines, and then disperses into the meridians throughout the body. When the warm flow passes through, the blood is high, and the whole body is full of strength, and the meridians also seem to be nourished. It seems to be tougher than before. In the end, a part of the energy is left, all of which are incorporated into the dantian and become true essence and stored in the dantian.

After tasting a bite, Qing Yang no longer had any scruples and drank the spirit wine in the altar. Such a large jar almost filled Qing Yang's entire stomach. He hadn't had time to feel the spirit wine. Taste, there is a huge amount of energy rushed into the body meridians.

Taking a small amount of this spirit wine is nourishing and repairing the meridians, but taking such a large amount of it will destroy the meridians. Massive energy rages in the meridians of Qingyang, tearing some weak meridians constantly, and constantly treating him The damage is nourishing and repairing, and the pain, soreness, itching, and all kinds of pain are intertwined, and most people really can't bear it.

However, Qing Yang has experienced this kind of scene countless times since he embarked on the road of cultivating immortals, and he has been psychologically prepared for this, and he is now at a critical moment of breakthrough, even if it is unbearable, he has to find a way. Hold it back, otherwise you may lose the opportunity to break through.

Qingyang endured the pain of the meridians and ran the exercises, constantly mobilizing the true essence in his body to rush into the golden core, and hit the bottleneck of the golden core to the Yuan Ying. In the past six months, Qing Yang has already compressed the true essence in the golden core to the extreme, but now in order to break through the realm, he needs to continue to condense and compress the true essence inside so that more true essence can be stored in the golden core. It's like compressing the water filled in a container continuously, and then pour more water into it, the difficulty can be imagined.

Qing Yang was hitting his own bottleneck while carefully savoring the insights of other Yuanying monks he had collected before breaking through. At the same time, he tirelessly used his true essence to attack his golden core, constantly searching for what the Yuanying realm should have. That kind of feeling, leaving everything behind, Qingyang with eight spiritual roots, the bottleneck of Yuan Ying is not particularly strong, the realm of Yuan Ying seems to be right in front of his eyes, almost within reach, but it is always So little can not move forward.

Unknowingly, a month has passed, Qingyang still has not broken through, and the energy of the spirit wine has not been consumed much. It seems that his golden core has indeed been filled, and he can no longer hold a trace of energy. This is almost done for nearly a month. It's all useless. However, Qing Yang was not impatient. He knew that the process was very long. Before the Iron-armed Monkey advanced, it took several years to prepare, and then it took almost a year to wait for the catastrophe, showing the difficulty of the breakthrough. How high.

From the ninth to the tenth level, the iron-armed monkey has to go through the evolution from a monster to a monster. This is an essential change. After going through the transformation, the monster is separated from the category of lower animals and becomes compatible with The demon cultivator, who sits on the same level as the human monk, has been sublimated from the inside to the outside.

And the monk’s change from Golden Core to Nascent Soul is not as big as the monster beast, but it is also a great metamorphosis. After the advanced Nascent Soul, the life span directly increases from 400 years to 1,000 years. This is the previous realm. It's incomparable, so strictly speaking, a monk can only truly step into the threshold of cultivating immortality only when he has advanced Nascent Soul Realm. This is a qualitative leap.

At the same time, this is also a new birth process. The monk's golden core is like the fetus in a pregnant woman. From nothing, from small to big, after the previous stages of gestation, the golden core is now complete, just like the fetus has grown. It's time for the melon to ripen.

Pill breaking into an infant is a process of giving life to the Nascent Infant, allowing the monk's vitality to continue, free from the shackles of ordinary people, and obtain a life span of thousands of years. In the future, even if it encounters a temporary setback and is destroyed by others, as long as it can escape the Nascent Soul, it is possible to continue to survive. Of course, the premise is to find a suitable body to seize the house.

Qing Yang suddenly understood the true meaning of the Yuan Ying stage, and had a little understanding of the future, and the whole person suddenly became enlightened, and even the true essence in his body began to boil as if he was out of control.

The boiling true essence swelled and rolled in the Dantian, hitting the golden core, and the golden core seemed to have life, and it began to tremble slowly, as if there was a new life inside, breathing, rolling, and shaking . I don't know how long it took, Qing Yang suddenly heard a very slight clicking sound in the Dantian, and then a slight crack appeared on the Jin Dan.

Qing Yang's heart trembled first, and it was over. His Dantian was broken by himself. The golden core was the root of the monk's cultivation. If the golden core was broken, wouldn't the whole person be ruined?

But soon Qing Yang reacted. This crack was not a crack caused by external damage, but a sign that the life inside the golden core wanted to come out. It was also an inevitable process when the golden core cultivator broke through the Nasal Infant, that is, Said that he was about to become a Yuanying monk soon.

Although he was excited, Qing Yang didn't dare to be distracted, because the entire breakthrough process had just begun, and the real test was still to come. There could not be the slightest mistake, and it would be a tragedy in case of a mistake.

No matter what you do, the first step is very difficult~www.readwn.com~ So the first crack was very difficult, but after the first crack appeared, the speed of the latter appeared faster and faster, in a blink of an eye In the meantime, Qingyang's entire golden pill was already covered with irregular cracks, and the pill was right in front of him.

Sure enough, before Qing Yang was ready, there was a faint popping sound in his Dan Tian, ​​and the Jin Dan suddenly shattered into countless fragments, revealing a thin baby inside.

The baby was about an inch in size, bald all over, and looked very similar to Qingfeng. Sitting in the dantian with closed eyes, he looked slightly thin, as if malnourished.

Although the baby in the pubic area is thin and weak, but has clear facial features, handsome appearance, and very beautiful appearance, this should be his original infant, right? Qing Yang tried to feel that the Nascent Soul was like a part of his own body, or another body of his own, which could be controlled by himself. The Nascent Soul is an energy body, but it seems to be omnipotent. Qing Yang feels that he can put the consciousness, soul, spirit tools, and everything else in the Nascent Soul, and then abandon it when encountering danger. The body of the main body quickly fled.

After a while, the Yuan Ying in Qingyang slowly opened his eyes, stood up and moved a little, then picked up the golden core fragments scattered around and sent them all into her belly. There are these golden core fragments. With the addition of crumbs, the baby's face finally became more rounded.

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