Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1506: : The perfect Yuanying

This Nasal Infant is like a reduced version of Qingyang, with extremely coordinated mind, body, and limbs. The eyebrows, mouth, nose, and ears are beautifully born. Although the head is small, it looks more delicate than Qingyang itself.

Qing Yang had seen Yuan Ying. Others’ Yuan Ying was almost always a vague little person, with ugly appearance and uncoordinated limbs, just like an ugly puppet, and occasionally there was someone with a slightly clearer face. Qingyang's difference was far, originally Qingyang thought that Yuanying was like this, but now only after seeing his own Yuanying that it was not the case, the problem lies in the spiritual roots.

Before in Wulongtan, Qingyang heard from the ancestor of the Zhou family that the ancients divided everything in the universe into five basic substances: gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the five elements. This is the basis of everything. If it is subdivided, there are ice, wind, thunder, and Rare attributes of light, darkness, space, time, etc.

These five elements are indispensable for the first birth of anything. A person has the five elements to produce a complete five zang-organs, heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. Only when the five elements are complete can the thoughts of happiness, anger, sadness and fear be generated, and the five elements have to be able to generate the complete five zang spirits, and the five elements are not a complete person, and the five elements cannot produce a complete Yuan Ying.

Qingyang has the five element spiritual roots innate, so it is not difficult to break through the Nascent Infant. The resulting Nasal Infant is the complete Nasal Infant with the five elements. And because he fills up the three acquired spiritual roots of Ice Wind Thunder before forming the infant, he becomes The Na Ying is more complete and looks so beautiful.

Other monks do not have the roots of the five elements. Breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm is based on pill or coincidence. Therefore, although their Nascent Infant is barely formed, the five elements are not complete, which also represents the five internal organs, five bodies, The five sense organs, five records, and five zang are also incomplete, and can only be compensated by other means. Because of this, their Yuan Ying looks so awkward.

The reason why Qingyang’s Yuanying was born so beautiful, and in the eyes of others like the bottleneck of the sky, was able to break through so quickly, it is entirely the credit of Qingyang’s eight spiritual roots, and it is not only now, in the future road of immortality. Qingyang will also benefit a lot from this.

With the end of the pain in the primordial spirit, Qingyang completely completed the breakthrough from the golden pill to the primordial infant. Not only did the pill break into an infant, but the realm was also improved, and he truly stepped into the threshold of cultivation.

The first is the substantial increase in life span. After breaking through the Yuan Ying, Qing Yang's life span has increased from 400 years ago to a thousand years. With more time to practice, Qing Yang is now only over a hundred years old, and there are still eight years left. With a life span of more than a hundred years, it seems that the realm of God Transformation can also fight.

The second is the substantial increase in Qingyang's strength. Compared with the Jindan period, the Nascent Soul Stage is almost a world away. The former Qingyang had a hard time dealing with the fourth-tier monks of the Nascent Soul. Even the fifth-tier cultivator of Yuan Ying should be able to deal with it easily.

Qing Yang's spiritual thoughts have also increased significantly, and now he can explore the surrounding area of ​​thousands of meters. Qing Yang drives his life magic weapon, and can even attack targets thousands of meters away.

Qing Yang carefully felt the difference between the current Nascent Soul Realm and the previous Golden Core Realm, and the Nascent Soul in his dantian was like a child who had just moved to a new home. He was full of curiosity around him. Go, look there, as if you want to keep everything around in your own heart, after a long time, that Yuan Ying sat cross-legged in the center of the Purple Mansion.

At this moment, Qing Yang suddenly had a large amount of spiritual energy gathering on top of his head, as if there was a huge spiritual gathering array beside him, attracting countless spiritual energy, forming a large cloud of spiritual energy on the top of his head.

Qingyang has experienced this kind of thing several times, knowing that it was because of his breakthrough in cultivation, and the drunk celestial gourd was upgraded, but Qingyang didn’t understand it. It was clearly in the Netherworld, and Dujiao City was built in an excellent location. Above the Yin veins, I don't know where so many auras come from.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the reason, Qing Yang knows very well that this drunken gourd is his biggest support, and the critical moment of the treasure upgrade must not be delayed, so he relaxes and guides the aura from the outside into the body, and then from the body. Transfer to the drunk fairy gourd.

From the opening stage to the refining stage, from the refining stage to the foundation building stage, and from the foundation building stage to the golden core stage, every time the drunk fairy gourd upgrades, the required aura is greatly increased than before. Now Qingyang has broken through the Yuan Ying During the period, the spiritual energy needed has been increased many times, and it can be seen from the spiritual cloud above Qingyang’s head, covering hundreds of miles around it, just like a huge gathering of spiritual formations, invisible to those around you. Even the spiritual energy hidden in the ground gathered.

Such a big movement has already alarmed the other monks in the city lord’s mansion. They craned their necks one by one, wanting to see what happened. When they saw that these movements were all coming from the Qingyang mansion, they suddenly It was relieved. At the beginning, in the sky above the city lord’s mansion, many people saw that only the golden core cultivation base Qingyang killed the second-tier cultivator of Yuan Ying. If he had no ability, how could he be so valued by the city lord’s one-horned ghost king? How could the movement of the breakthrough be small?

This movement attracted even the one-horned ghost king~www.readwn.com~ He stopped practicing, looking at the sky above Qingyang Mansion and fell into contemplation. The one-horned ghost king was very knowledgeable, and he had spent time in the fairyland with Qingyang. For a long time, I naturally knew that this could not be the movement made by the Nascent Soul cultivator's breakthrough. Thinking about the peculiarities of Qing Yang's body, it was most likely the space where he had been.

The more he comes into contact with Qingyang, the more mysterious the one-horned ghost king thinks this kid is. He has broken through the realm of Nascent Soul at just over a hundred years old, and he is even more powerful than he was in the past. At that time, I can give him a lot of benefits by just pointing him a few times. After a long time, I am already a Nascent Soul monk, and only a big realm away from the transformation of God. After a while, I am afraid that I will point myself in reverse. I really don't know where he can grow in the future.

Although Qingyang’s disturbances were big, they were all in the city lord’s mansion of Dujiao City. This place was a forbidden place for other monks, and there was the special care of the Dujiao Ghost King. No one dared to disturb Qingyang. Qingyang was quiet. Sitting in the quiet room to gather spiritual energy, the whole process went smoothly.

The previous few drunk fairy gourd upgrades, the duration was relatively short, even when Qingyang broke through the golden core, it lasted only half an hour, but this time, it lasted for a whole day, and even Qingyang was a little numb. I wonder if there is something wrong with Zui Xian Hu, or there is a leak in some place, so that I can't stop it all the time.

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