Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1526: : Spirit Talisman Means

Zhenjun Yuanyue and others don’t know how Qingyang made a successful breakthrough from foundation building to Nascent Soul in just over 60 years. They don’t know what secrets Qingyang has, but the potential has greatly exceeded them in the future. Qingyang’s achievements will only be higher than them, so it’s fine if Qingyang loses this battle. If Qingyang wins in the end, he will have to make friends with him anyway and make a good bond.

Of course, the Xiying family had the biggest reaction. They were already desperate. They thought it was bound to die. They even prepared to die with Qingyang, but they didn’t expect a big reversal. Qingyang was actually Yuan Yuan. The infant monk, in the end, life or death is not necessarily true.

Xiying and Xiao Yuhan once followed Qingyang all the way from the mainland of Kyushu to here. No one knows Qingyang better than them. They have a good temperament, a variety of means, a fast cultivation speed, and a great opportunity, but they have never Dare to think that today's Qingyang will be the Yuan Ying monk.

It has only been more than sixty years. Qingyang has grown to the point where they need them to look up. No wonder that after seeing Xi Ling'er before, Qingyang gave such a precious gift as soon as he shot it. No wonder Qingyang faced Shi Ruyin's threat. He didn't worry, but shot and killed the opponent. No wonder Qing Yang was not afraid of True Lord Shifu's challenge, and easily agreed to participate in the life and death contest. It turned out that he was already a Nascent Soul monk, and he had enough confidence that he was not afraid of a life and death battle with True Lord Shifu.

Junior Brother Qingyang is still the Junior Brother Qingyang. As long as you follow him, you won't have any worries. As long as you follow him, you can always survive from desperation. They instantly have confidence in Qingyang, even between Qingyang and True Monarch Shifu The gap between the four small realms was also forgotten by them.

Xi Ling'er's eyes are shining, and his face is full of affection. He has never seen such a strange man. If it weren't for the difference between the two sides, Xi Ling'er could not wait to agree to each other.

Let’s leave aside how the cultivators reacted in the field, knowing that Qingyang was actually the Nascent Soul cultivator, and after Zhenjun Shifu was shocked, he was actually very fortunate that this kid’s cultivation speed would be better than his own if it were a few decades later. Why is it so high? At that time, I came to trouble myself, I am afraid that the power of the entire Spirit Talisman might not be able to beat him.

Fortunately, this kid is extremely arrogant. Relying on his ability to challenge higher ranks, he just broke through Yuan Ying and came to seek revenge on himself and gave himself a chance to win. This kid is afraid that he does not know that he, as the head of the faction, There are many hidden means, even if it is not much better than the sixth-tier cultivator of Yuanying, how can he be comparable to that of the first-tier cultivator of Yuanying?

After adjusting his mentality, Shifu Zhenjun looked at Qing Yang and exclaimed: "I have grown to this point in just over sixty years. The future potential is really terrible, but this time you have no chance. I will not make the second mistake of the past. This time, I will definitely cut you off the roots this time."

"Stop talking nonsense, fight if you want to fight." Qing Yang said coldly.

Don’t look at Qing Yang’s apparent calmness, as if he was not afraid to fight against True Monarch Shifu, in fact he had no bottom in his heart. After all, the opponent was an old-fashioned Yuanying fifth-tier monk with a deep background, and he had just broken through Yuanying not long ago. How much strength can it exert. Of course, Qing Yang will not back down either. This is the first battle between him and the monks of the same rank after breaking through the Nascent Soul. The veteran opponents in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul like Shifu Zhenjun can meet and cannot ask for anything. .

"You are anxious to find death, then don't blame me for being impolite." Shifuzhenjun said.

After finishing speaking, the true monarch of stone rune had a movement, and he attacked Qingyang first, but the attack of true monarch of stone rune was not a magic weapon, but a series of runes. The spirit talisman is known for its strengths in the talisman. As the master of the spirit talisman, the true monarch of stone talisman is the highest in the use of talisman. A large number of talisman is thrown at hand, and the power of each talisman is amazing. After being inspired by the true monarch of stone talisman, Flames burst into groups and burned towards Qingyang.

Talismans are also divided into levels, just like the magical tools used by monks. The lowest-level talisman is called magic talisman. It is divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, and top-grade. Divided into low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade and top-grade, the power of the treasures is comparable to the attacks of the Yuan Ying monks, and even more powerful than some of the treasures.

At this level of attack, few monks in the entire Jiu Xian City could stop them. Seeing the flames burning towards him, Qing Yang hurriedly controlled the three giant swords to fly above his head with his spiritual thoughts, forming a giant in the air. The sword formation stood in front of the group of flames.

Then there was a loud bang, and the flames in the air burst apart, turning into fragments of energy spreading around, and Qingyang's Sanyuan Sword Array also flew back due to the huge counter-shock force.

The first trial attack on both sides was considered evenly matched. Qing Yang did not exert all his strength, but in everyone’s eyes, it was already quite remarkable, because Zhenjun Shifu was a fifth-tier cultivator of Yuanying, and the attacks he launched at will were not ordinary cultivators of Yuanying. Those who can resist, let alone others, at least True Monarch Liu Xu on the court is not sure, but he didn't expect that a newly promoted Nascent Soul cultivator in Qingyang could easily catch it. From this aspect, Qingyang's strength has already surpassed a lot. people.

Zhenjun Shi Fu felt that he had touched the details of Qing Yang, and then he sneered, waved again and spilled out a large number of Fu Lu, after being excited, it turned into dozens of ice arrows and shot at Qing Yang.

This time the Talisman is much more powerful than the previous ~www.readwn.com~ The power of the attack has also nearly doubled, dozens of ice arrows have blocked all retreats, giving the opponent no chance at all. True Monarch Qingyue and True Monarch Qingliang couldn't help but look horrified. Even if they were to deal with an attack of this level, it would be difficult for them to cope. True Monarch Stone Talisman obviously had a real fire, and he didn't know if Qing Yang could handle it.

However, Qing Yang was not afraid at all, and once again sacrificed a giant sword, combined with the previous three giant swords to form a huge sword formation, and took the initiative to face the dozens of ice arrows.

Then there was a loud bang, and the four giant swords flew upside down, and those dozens of ice arrows were also broken by the four-element sword formation, and countless pieces of ice flew around, almost freezing the entire arena, if it weren’t for there are outside the arena. Protection, maybe the Jindan monks around who watch the excitement will suffer.

No one had thought that it would be a situation of considerable enthusiasm, and Qing Yang seemed to be able to do well, and suddenly his eyes fell out of their expectations.

True Monarch Qingyue and True Monarch Qingliang are both on the fourth level of Nascent Souls. In their minds, how could Qingyang surpass them, but when they saw that Qingyang was so relaxed and blocked the attack of True Monarch Shifu, they just Knowing that Qing Yang's strength is probably higher than them.

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