Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1527: : Blood Corpse Talisman

It’s no wonder that this person is not afraid of True Monarch Shifu. He has enough confidence in his own strength. What a freak is this. In just a few decades, he has gone from Jitu to Dao Yuanying, and his strength is still so high. , Comparing with Qing Yang, they felt that their cultivation was simply a turtle speed.

As for Zhenjun Shifu, he was even more surprised. Although he married Fairy Duanqing, he didn't understand Qingyang's real methods. When Qingyang killed Shi Ruyu more than sixty years ago, Fairy Duanqing should not be trapped in the Alcoholic Bumblebee. In the pollen mystery, when the mystery dissipated, Shi Ruyu was dead, so the Fairy Duanqing only knew that Shi Ruyu died at the hands of Qingyang, but he did not know how Shi Ruyu died. Later Zhenjun Shi Fu asked, she too I just told the story roughly based on guesses.

True Monarch Shifu made a test just now, thinking that Qingyang's true strength is equivalent to that of the Yuanying third-tier monk, because this is already outrageous. Could a newly promoted Yuanying monk be more powerful than the middle-stage Yuanying monk? Then he released a series of Frost Arrow Talismans, thinking how he could defeat Qing Yang, but he didn't expect that Qing Yang's sword array would be destroyed by simply adding a giant sword.

It seems that even if the strength of this kid is lower than his own, he should not be too low. He must be treated with caution. Thinking of this, Zhenjun Shi Fu sneered in his heart, and suddenly raised his right hand outwards, throwing out a golden talisman. , That Fulu was instantly aroused, transformed into a golden giant axe in the air, and with boundless power, it smashed towards Qingyang.

This talisman is metallic, and its attack power is extremely powerful. After it is released, its power is no less than that of Yuan Ying's fifth-tier cultivator struggling to strike, and the number of Stone Talisman True Monarch will not exceed the number of five fingers. It is basically his method of pressing the bottom of the box. This time, he will only use it unless he encounters an extremely difficult opponent. This time he uses it against Qing Yang, which shows how much he attaches importance to Qing Yang.

Seeing that giant axe smashed down like Mount Tai, Qing Yang couldn't help but look dignified. As expected, the fifth-tier cultivator of Yuan Ying could not be underestimated. If this was smashed, he would have become two in half in an instant. Qing Yang did not dare to neglect. Hastily summoned the last giant sword, combined with the other four giant swords, formed a five-element sword formation, and greeted the golden giant axe.

There was another loud noise, Qingyang’s Five Elements Sword Formation was broken, and the five giant swords were shaken to pieces, but the energy of the golden giant axe was almost exhausted, and it could no longer maintain its original shape. Just listen to it exploded with a bang, turning into countless golden energy and dissipating in the air.

It is actually evenly matched, and even True Monarch Inviting Yue is shocked this time, because the methods used by True Monarch Stone Talisman almost reached the limit of the fifth-tier cultivator of Yuan Ying, even if True Monarch Inviting Yue met, he had to deal with it carefully, but he did not. Thinking of Qing Yang, he just blocked it with a sword formation.

Among the friends who invited True Monarch Shi Fu, True Monarch Shi Fu was the only one who could pose a threat to him. This was also because he had previously valued Qing Yang but did not take the initiative to help speak. He was concerned about True Monarch Shi Fu's face and annoyed the Spirit Talisman. A very troublesome thing.

Unexpectedly, this Qingyang is so powerful, it abruptly blocked True Monarch Stone Talisman's method of pressing the bottom of the box, and the first level of Nascent Soul is so powerful, if it is in the middle or late stage of Nascent Soul, what kind of existence should it be? I'm afraid the entire Gufeng Continent can't find a few opponents, right? It is true that there are talents from generation to generation. After a generation, the potential of Qingyang is terrible. It is estimated that it will not take a few decades to surpass itself. From then on, it will be difficult to look forward to it.

It was shock to invite True Monarch Qingyue and True Monarch Qingliang to rejoice. Fortunately, True Monarch Shifu, not them, was the one who offended Qingyang. Otherwise, wouldn't they be dead? Judging from Qing Yang's strength, it is not always possible for the two to fight together. True Monarch Qingyue was even faintly excited, because she had said two words for Qingyang before. Although she did it just to make Zhenjun Shifu sick, it was a good destiny for Qingyang anyway.

True Monarch Liu Xu was frightened. They thought Qing Yang was a soft persimmon. They went down to please True Monarch Stone Talisman, but they kicked the iron plate all at once. If True Monarch Stone Talisman didn’t succeed, would this guy find the wrong account? Are they dead?

Of course, the most shocked was Zhenjun Shi Fu. He had already used the talisman at the bottom of the box, but he still failed to win Qing Yang. One can imagine the shock in his heart. This kid is too evil, right? Could it be that the fifth-tier cultivator of his own dignified Yuanying would lose to a newly promoted Yuanying first?

Zhenjun Shi Fu had raised Qing Yang's threat several times in his heart, but found that he still underestimated the opponent. With such a strong strength, Zhenjun Shi Fu even suspected that Qing Yang didn't really want to bring him after killing his son Shi Ruyin. He tried to escape, but deliberately slowed down, and at the same time hid his cultivation base, waiting for him to chase him, so as to wait for his own fish to get the bait.

Zhenjun Shi Fu knew that he and Qing Yang had already formed a death feud, and when the fish died or the net broke, there was no retreat. This time was the only chance he could kill Qing Yang. At the growth rate of Qing Yang, Once this opportunity is missed, even if it is only three to five years, Qing Yang's strength will advance by leaps and bounds. At that time, let alone True Monarch Shifu, even if he pulls the entire Spirit Talisman Sect, he will not be an opponent, so Qing Yang must die this time.

Thinking of this, Zhenjun Shifu gritted his teeth~www.readwn.com~ From the storage bag, he took out a palm-sized clay pot and slowly opened the lid. A strong smell of blood spread, and Qing Yang couldn't help but wrinkle. I frowned, what was inside it, and how could it make people feel extremely uncomfortable?

In Qing Yang's puzzled gaze, Zhenjun Shi Fu reached out and fished out a blood-red talisman from the clay pot, with thick blood dripping continuously. This talisman was made of nothing, it looked blood-red, and a humanoid monster was vaguely outlined on it.

Zhenjun Shi Fu shook his hand, and a ball of flame ignited from the talisman. Just as the talisman turned into ashes, a blood-red humanoid monster appeared in front of Qing Yang, exuding a ferocious and tyrannical aura. Staring at Qing Yang, as if to choose someone to eat.

Seeing the monster appearing, Zhenjun Shifu smiled coldly and said, "If you can force me to use the Blood Corpse Talisman of the Zhenzong of the Spirit Talisman, even if you are dead, you are proud of it."

Blood corpse talisman? Shi Fu Zhenjun actually used the Blood Corpse Talisman to deal with Qing Yang? Hearing this name, everyone present took a sigh of relief, even True Monarch Inviting Yueyue, because the blood corpse talisman in the spirit talisman is so powerful, it can almost be said to be invincible in the middle of the Yuan Ying, even Some cultivators in the late Yuanying stage couldn't resist, and they had big names in the surrounding area of ​​a million miles.


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