Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1528: : The mighty blood corpse

The blood corpse talisman of the spirit talisman is very powerful, but it is not easy to use. Once used, it is an endless situation, because the blood corpse talisman has a strange rule that only the master of the spirit talisman can refine it, and everyone can only Refining a piece, this blood corpse talisman is connected to the mind of the person who refining it, and the broken talisman will also be damaged by the monks, just like other monks' natal magic weapons.

After the blood corpse talisman is used, the blood corpse loses its place of residence. Only when the enemy is killed and attached to the enemy's corpse can a blood corpse talisman be re-formed, which is said to be endless.

There is also a reason for the jealousy of True Monarch Inviting Moon. The talisman at the bottom of the box used by True Monarch Stone Talisman before can only make him take it seriously, and it is easy to deal with it if he is careful, but in the face of this blood corpse talisman, True Monarch Inviting Moon is not necessary. The assurance of victory may cost his life if he is not careful. This is also the reason why Zhenjun Yingyue always keeps Zhenjun Shifu and Zhenfuzong three points.

True Monarch Invite Moon is like this, not to mention other people. Seeing True Monarch Stone Talisman use Blood Corpse Talisman, people who thought Qingyang would have a good chance of winning before suddenly changed their minds. True Monarch Stone Talisman's background is really not Even Xiying and the others are worried about what is generally comparable to casual cultivators.

Zhenjun Shi Fu said that, he tilted the earthen jar in his hand forward, and the thick blood flowed onto the blood-red humanoid monster's head. The humanoid monster stretched out his tongue and licked it, giving out an extremely unpleasant burst. He chattered and laughed, and then the red shadow flashed and disappeared from the same place.

Seeing this situation, Qing Yang screamed badly, and quickly dodged to the side. At this time, a red shadow had appeared beside him. Qing Yang reacted unpleasantly, but still did not escape the attack of the humanoid monster. Hearing a stab, Qingyang's waist was cold, not only was his clothes rotten, but also a fist-sized hole was grabbed at his waist, which was soaked with blood.

As a Nascent Soul cultivator, who has practiced for more than 100 years, what kind of injury Qing Yang hasn't seen? Although the hole on the waist was painful, it was still not up to the point that he couldn't bear it, but the strength and speed displayed by the humanoid monster made Qing Yang's eyes instantly condensed.

When Qing Yang was on the ninth level of the Golden Core, he once killed the fourth-tier cultivator of the Nascent Soul in the God Infant Valley. Although it was only a ghost cultivator, his strength was not much worse than that of a human cultivator. After breaking through the bottleneck of Yuanying, Qingyang's strength has risen sharply. As for how much it has risen, Qingyang only has a rough estimate, because he has not encountered a stronger opponent before, but it is absolutely impossible to deal with the fifth-tier cultivator of Yuanying. The problem, even the sixth-tier cultivator of Yuan Ying can fight.

Because of this, Qing Yang felt that he was confident of defeating True Monarch Stone Talisman. After that, he took part in the life and death contest, but almost forgot that True Monarch Stone Talisman, as a spiritual talisman sect, had much more means to press the bottom of the box than others. This is the human monster in front of him. , The strength has almost reached the peak of the middle-stage Yuan Ying cultivator, making Qing Yang's plan to end the battle easily frustrated.

There was such a powerful humanoid monster before, and then there was the true king of stone runes who looked forward to it. A fierce battle is probably inevitable, and even defeat is possible. Before, I really underestimated the heroes of the world.

Before I had time to check the wound, the humanoid monster made a single blow and did not give Qing Yang a chance to breathe. With a flash of red shadow, the humanoid monster disappeared in the same place. It just suffered a big loss, Qing Yang didn't dare. Neglect, relying on instinct to quickly dodge towards the other side.

But I don’t know that True Monarch Stone Talisman had already gotten the position, and attacked directly in the direction of Qingyang’s dodge, ready to give him a left and right pincer. Qing Yang couldn’t handle even a single humanoid monster, let alone one enemy and two. ? If he didn't want to deal with it anymore, he was afraid that he would be injured soon. Fortunately, Qing Yang had been prepared for a long time, and with a move of spiritual thought, he sent the Iron-armed Monkey out of the Drunken Immortal Gourd.

I saw a tall figure suddenly appeared in the air and took the initiative to meet the humanoid monster. Then it was as if two huge mountains had collided with each other. The sound of a crash rang through the world, and the iron-armed monkey roared and flew back. The humanoid monster also stepped back several steps in a row.

Although the iron-armed monkey has amazing defensive strength, it is only going in and out of the golden core after all. It is not a little bit lower than that of the humanoid monster, so it suffered a bit from the previous collision, and a lot of it was caught from its chest. Huxinmao, fortunately, he has not been scratched.

However, the pain of the chest hair being pulled off completely annoyed the iron-armed monkey. He roared, took out an iron rod from his body, and slammed it at the humanoid monster headlessly. The humanoid monster naturally Not to be outdone, soon fought with the iron-armed monkey.

The sudden appearance of the iron-armed monkey temporarily blocked the humanoid monster's attack, and Qing Yang suddenly felt a lot easier, and quickly offered a five-element sword formation to resist the attack of the true monarch of stone talisman in front.

Qing Yang suddenly had another helper on the field. No one felt surprised. True Monarch Stone Rune could use the blood corpse talisman to release humanoid monsters. Others could naturally use other methods. Even True Monarch Stone Rune knew that there was a group of spirits on Qing Yang. The bee is good at arranging confused situations to trap enemies.

When Qing Yang killed Shi Ruyu, he used a group of spirit bees to temporarily trap Fairy Duanqing. Otherwise, Qingyang would kill Shi Ruyu with one enemy and two.

It’s just that Zhenjun Stone Rune didn’t expect ~www.readwn.com~ The spirit bee hadn’t appeared yet, but the other party first released a demon cultivator, and Zhenjun Stone Rune suddenly gave birth to infinite jealousy. God is too fond of this guy. Such a cultivation base, the cultivation base is high, but still powerful, and at the same time powerful, it also has many means, and thousands of pets are all in one. Does this let others live?

However, no matter how hard it is, he must be resisted this time, and the more Qing Yang behaves, the more he must be killed, otherwise there will be no way for True Monarch Stone Talisman to survive. Fortunately, the monster beast seemed to only have a cultivation base equivalent to the first level of the cultivator's Nascent Soul, which was too far from the strength of the blood corpse.

Zhenjun Shi Fu released more than a dozen talismans one after another, breaking Qingyang's five-element sword formation, and then sneered, "Your strength has greatly exceeded my expectations, and your methods are also unpredictable. If it were not for the profound background of my spirit talisman, This time I really might be tricked by you, but at this point, you should also be out of skill, right?"

Speaking of this, Stone Rune Zhenjun paused slightly and continued, "Of course, I know that you still have a group of spirit bees, and the leader is a seventh-order bee queen, who is good at arranging confused states to trap the enemy, but the seventh-order queen bee sets the confused states. It has no effect on my blood corpse, and it is impossible to trap me, the fifth-tier cultivator of Nascent Soul, boy, this time you are dead."


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