Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1544: :1 for 0 years

Duanmu Fei looked at the four Duanmu juniors who had been caught in a pot, and felt like a knife, but there was no way at all. Now she can't even protect herself, how can she save others? As for the threat from the other party, she knew better in her heart that she might still be alive if she didn't give it up, and there was only a dead end when she gave it up.

The blood-clothed man saw that Duanmu Fei hadn’t spoken for a long time and was indifferent to his threat. He immediately became angry and said: “I don’t know what’s good or bad, do you think what I just said was just scaring people? Since you’re toasting and not eating fine wine, then Don't blame me for being impolite."

Speaking of this, the blood-clothed man showed a fierce look on his face, and when his hands were wrong, he broke the arm of one of the younger generations from the Duanmu family. How could that young man suffer such a crime? He let out a scream, and wailed and rolled on the ground holding the broken arm. The blood-clothed man said coldly: "If you still don't explain, next time it won't be as simple as breaking one arm."

Seeing them suffer so much, Duanmu Fei's heart is broken. Although these juniors are very ineffective, but after all she watched them grow up, how can she bear to watch them suffer this torture? Nothing, nothing, anyway, the Duanmu family is over, and keeping that wealth is of no use, it is better to give it to them, at least it can make these younger children suffer a little less before they die.

Thinking of this, Duanmu Fei smiled miserably: "Everyone, wait a minute, I can surrender the wealth of the Duanmu family. I only hope that you can let the five of us die happily and suffer less torture."

The blood-clothed man was noncommittal and said, "You can talk about it first."

Nowadays, I am a fish, not to mention it, Duanmu Fei said: "Knowing that something happened to the Duanmu family, I was worried that it would have been unpredictable, so I hid the gift symbol on my body in an abandoned village thirty miles away. The wealth of the Duanmu family is all in that content talisman."

In an abandoned village thirty miles away from Duanmu's house, with this goal, they can easily find the sacred talisman by using their divine consciousness. Forgive her for not daring to deceive herself, the blood-clothed man's face showed a trace of successful strategy. With a smile, he said: "Yes, yes, for the sake of your honest explanation, I won't torture them, but these two chicks look good, it would be a pity to kill them directly, so I might as well try it first. The prince’s mind."

The prince’s method of mind, just by hearing the name, you know that this is an evil technique for yin and yang tonic. Duanmu Fei didn’t expect that he had confessed the place where the talisman was hidden, but these people still didn’t plan to let them go, and suddenly said angrily: "You don’t Keep your word, just now you clearly agreed to give us a happy one."

The three blood-clothed men looked at each other and smiled, and said, "Tell us blood-clothed people for credit? You are really naive. Besides, how do you know that our maiden mind cannot give you pleasure?"

The blood-clothed man who completed the foundation construction even said: "The three women and our three brothers happen to be one person. I, the eldest brother, will suffer a bit, and this old woman will belong to me."

Seeing the three blood-clothed men walking towards her and the other two women, Duanmu Fei was already heartbroken. She didn't expect that the Duanmu family's destruction would not be the worst. The worst thing was that they paid back before the door was destroyed. To suffer such a serious insult, Duanmu Fei had nothing to do with this situation. Her tears had already drained and she could only close her eyes in despair.

Seeing that the blood-clothed man had already pounced, Qing Yang knew that he wouldn't be able to make a move. Originally, he was not going to show his face in the Middle Sands. The people and things here are already in the past. There is no need to stay here too much. Knowing that it was so coincidental, it happened that an accident happened to the Duanmu Fei family. Seeing that the deceased is suffering, it is indeed inappropriate not to take action. In this case, he simply stayed in the Middle Sands for a while, and by the way, also looked for the bad luck of the blood-clothed man, and helped Liu Wei avenge the murder.

Thinking of this, Qing Yang put aside his breath decision and walked towards the blood-clothed man. When he saw someone appearing suddenly, the three blood-clothed men were stunned. He didn't expect that there was a monk hiding beside him. What happened just now? Not all have been seen by the other party, and they must be killed.

The leading blood-clothed man tried to test Qing Yang's cultivation base with his divine mind, but he didn't see anything. In this case, either the other party used the technique of hiding the cultivation base, or the other party's cultivation base exceeded his own. At the great realm, he has already built the foundation to perfection. It is beyond his great realm, that is the Golden Core Consummation or the Nascent Soul Stage. Of course, this is impossible. There are countless cultivators of the Golden Core Consummation in the entire Zhongsha Region, but I have not heard of them. For such a young man, it must be because the other party knew that his cultivation level was not high, and deliberately used the technique of hiding his cultivation level, in order to scare them away.

Thinking of this, the leading blood-clothed humanity said: "Who are you who dare to peek at our blood-clothed people doing things. I'm really impatient to live, so I can't stop them quickly?"

These blood-clothed men do not know Qing Yang, but Duan Mu Fei does. Although the two sides have not seen each other for more than 100 years, Qing Yang has changed a lot from before~www.readwn.com~, but she still recognized it at a glance. Qingyang, because in these years, Duanmu Fei had thought of this figure countless times in his dream.

At the beginning of Wucheng Island, Duanmu Fei had an admiration for Qingyang, but she knew very well in her heart that Qingyang could not stay, and she could not leave with Qingyang. There was no possibility between the two, so she She can only bury this feeling in her heart, and because she has someone in her heart, she no longer looks down on the men of the same age around her, so she has remained single all these years.

This figure Duanmu Fei has thought about it countless times, but there is more regret in her heart, because she wants to know that the two sides are unlikely to meet again, but she never expected to see him again one day, let alone when she was most desperate. , This figure reappeared again.

Duanmu Fei couldn't help crying with joy, mainly because he saw Qingyang again, a man who was thinking about it. Of course, Duanmu's imminent salvation was also one of the reasons. Qingyang was already in the middle of the foundation building when the two sides split more than 100 years ago. A cultivator can even slay the Murong Bamboo who built the fifth floor with a single sword. After more than a hundred years, his cultivation base has improved by seven levels. This Qingyang's cultivation base is at least complete, right? Dealing with these blood-clothed people is definitely not a problem.

Qing Yang ignored the threat of the blood-clothed man, but looked at Duanmu Fei and said, "Miss Duanmu, we have been on Wucheng Island for a hundred years, and I didn't expect that we could see each other again."

Duanmu Fei looked at Qing Yang ignorantly, and did not speak for a long time, but the younger Duanmu family next to him could see that this senior seemed to know his aunt. Isn't this the Duanmu family saved? They hurriedly said: "Senior, help, please hurry up and save our Duanmu family."

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