Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1545: : Scared to death

The leading blood-clothed man still had some doubts, but after listening to Qing Yang's words, he was relieved. For more than a hundred years, Mu Fei at the front end was just a Qi-refining monk. A person who knew Duan Mu Fei well a hundred years ago, his strength can be as high as that. Where to go? If you are in the top of the sky, you will be a foundation-building monk. You can build a foundation and complete the foundation yourself. Do you have to worry about an ordinary foundation-building monk? Thinking of this, the leader in blood said: "You are actually an acquaintance of the Duanmu family, so you will not be able to save your life. Third brother and fourth brother, the three of us will go together. We will solve this kid as soon as possible. Let's enjoy these. A woman." Genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese mx/8/1/z/wc/o/m/ first published https://(www)https://m/.x81zw./com/

The leader in the blood-clothed man gave an order, and the other two attacked Qing Yang together. Knowing that Qing Yang was the foundation building monk, and had made up their minds to make a quick battle, they all resorted to their own pressure on the bottom of the box. Means, one left and one right flicked towards Qingyang.

The two cooperated tacitly, and they both did their best. An attack of this level would make the foundation building ninth-floor cultivator frantic when they encounter it, but Qing Yang has been acting unhurriedly, as if he didn't even know that the danger was approaching. Generally, several juniors in the Duanmu family couldn't help but get scared, and finally caught a life-saving straw, but they couldn't just be gone.

Facing the attack of the two, Qing Yang didn't even bother to sacrifice the magic weapon, and swiped his right hand forward at the same time, the surrounding aura immediately gathered together, forming a huge palm, and patted the two blood-clothed men. , Qing Yang's movements seemed very slow, but the huge palm in the air came first. He heard two bangs, and the two figures flew out screaming.

The two figures that flew out were naturally the two blood-clothed men who attacked Qingyang. After flew out, it was like two rag bags dropped on the ground. There was no movement for a long time, and there was no sound. Already dead. After this move, the palm of the air condensed with aura dissipated, and Qing Yang stood there quietly, as if he had never made a move at all.

   In Duanmu Fei's mind, no matter how outstanding Qing Yang is, it should be. Can the man he likes be a simple character? But in the eyes of the other juniors in the Duanmu family, it would be too shocking. One move killed two foundation building six-layer monks in a second. I am afraid that only Jindan monks can do it, right? It seems that our Duanmu family is not without background. But, grandmother aunt, since your old man knows such a powerful person, why didn't you move out sooner? Wouldn't the Duanmu family be saved, and everyone wouldn't have to go through these **** things?

As for the leading blood-clothed man, he was already stunned by Qingyang's Thunderbolt method. He planned to use the method of pressing the bottom of the box to kill his opponent in seconds after the two brothers took the shot. This brother was first killed by the enemy with a move. He is a consummate cultivator who has built a foundation, and his experience is naturally not comparable to those of the Duanmu family's juniors. The means Qingyang used just now is not something that ordinary Jindan cultivators can do, at least it must be in the late Jindan stage.

In the late Jindan period, it was comparable to the existence of the Patriarch of the Yang family, the power behind him. This strength of my own was simply not enough. I thought this was a trip to a fat man, but I did not expect to encounter such a strong figure. This person is Duanmu Fei. Friend of, and he almost destroyed the Duanmu family, wouldn't he be dead? Thinking of this, the leading blood-clothed man couldn't help but pale, his legs fought, as if he was strangling his neck, his heart was full of horror, but he couldn't make a sound for a long time.

   It took a long time to come here, before he said bitterly: "You...you are actually a late Jindan monk?"

   Qingyang smiled meaningfully at him: "What is the cultivator in the late Jindan period?"

  The late Jindan monks are not much? Isn’t that...Is... Thinking of this, the leading blood-clothed man suddenly dilated his pupils, and his lower body suddenly became incontinent. At this time, Qingyang’s aura was all released, and he felt the Yuan Ying’s aura of Yuan Ying, then The blood-clothed man suddenly yelled and died, and the dignified foundation of the consummate cultivator was actually scared to death by Qing Yang.

   Qingyang did not expect that this person should be so unintimidated. This saved him from doing it on his own. After observing it with his mind, he confirmed that the other party was dead, and then turned to look at several people in the Duanmu family.

Seeing Qing Yang looking over, several juniors in Duanmu's family suddenly fell silent. Before they thought Qing Yang was a friend of his aunt. Although his seniority is high, his cultivation is only a realm higher than them. You can still get close to them when you are okay. , Now I heard that Qing Yang is actually the legendary Yuan Ying monk, and they saw that Qing Sun was scared to death by frightening monk Zhuji. When they looked at Qing Yang again, it was as if they looked like a peerless demon. I don't dare to have any strange thoughts.

As for Duanmu Fei, the situation is not much better. He knows that Qingyang is very powerful, but he did not expect to be so powerful. After living in Zhongsha Region for a lifetime, the Yuanying monk is like a **** in her mind. It’s not something ordinary people can come into contact with. I didn’t expect that one day, in my heart, he could become a god-like Yuanying monk~www.readwn.com~ If Qingyang is just a foundation-building monk, even Jindan monk, she You can also hope for a moment if there will be a chance to renew the front line. Now that she knows that Qingyang is the Nascent Soul monk, she already understands that the gap between the two parties is too big, and there is no possibility at all.

   After a long time, Duanmu Fei adjusted his mentality and slowly said: "I knew that Senior Qingyang was extraordinary, and the future achievements are limitless. Today, they are all fulfilled."

Now that the real cultivation base has been revealed, there is no need to hide it anymore, Qing Yang said: "No matter how extraordinary, I am also a friend of Miss Duanmu. I also benefited a lot from the days in Duanmu City. Without you, Duanmu With the help of the family, today’s achievements can be greatly reduced."

Qingyang’s words are true. Although Qingyang saved the Duanmu family and spent five years in the Duanmu family, the Duanmu family actually paid for it, which is an equivalent exchange. Later, Qingyang won thousands of hands on behalf of the Duanmu family. The inheritance of King Dan's inheritance was completely taking advantage of Duanmu's family. Qingyang took away all the benefits, and King Dan's guild lost its meaning, and it was regarded as breaking the roots of Wucheng Island.

If it hadn’t been promoted during the period of the Duanmu family's alchemy, Qingyang would not be able to obtain the inheritance of the thousand-handed alchemy king. Without the support of the thousand-handed alchemy king’s inheritance, Qingyang would not be able to rely on the alchemy to mix in Qingyan city. The wind engenders the water, and it is even impossible to rely on the superb alchemy to make the golden pill, and finally achieve the Nascent Soul.

After speaking, Qing Yang took out a healing pill from Qiankun Gourd, and sent it into Duanmu Fei's mouth with a flick of his fingers. Although Duanmu Fei's injury was serious, it was nothing to Qing Yang, as a superb pill. For the emperor's pill, a single pill is enough to heal Duanmu Fei's injury.

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