Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1667: : Tier 12 Warcraft

Lei Yu Demon King led the way, and he said as he walked: "This Myriad Spirits Secret Realm is at least one million li in radius. It is impossible to walk all through it in 60 years, although my Ten Thousand Demon Valley has been there for generations. The predecessors have entered this secret realm of all souls, but the situation inside has changed almost every time, there is no place to refer to, so we can only move in one direction based on feelings, as to whether there is a harvest, or whether there is The danger is all luck."

The Purple Cicada Demon King said: "Thunder Feather Demon King does not need to be like this. Since we have chosen you as our captain, we will obey unconditionally no matter what choice you make. We are not lucky, and we will never blame you."

Others also said one after another: "Although Lei Yu Demon King will lead the way, we have no opinion."

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Lei Yu Demon King said: "If this is the case, the matter is settled. Let's go all the way along this direction. When encountering danger, everyone should deal with it together. When the moment is extremely critical, we can't run away privately. , Only when I confirm that there is indeed a danger of group destruction, everyone can do their best to escape. As for the gains from this trip, forget the low-value materials they find on the way, the value is higher than a thousand spirit stones, Temporarily leave it to me for unified custody. After it is safe, it will be converted into spiritual stones, and then distributed according to their respective contributions."

This distribution method is very reasonable. Generally, high-ranking cultivators follow this principle when they act in teams. Of course, everyone will not have any opinions, so the six people use their own methods to fly forward.

In the following period of time, the six of them went all the way and looked forward in one direction. Because they didn’t know the previous situation, the speed was not very fast, and occasionally they could encounter danger, but it was not like what was said outside. There are dangers like that, and it is not difficult for the Yuan Ying monks to deal with.

As for the harvest, it’s too much. This Secret Realm of All Souls is worthy of being a place where even the cultivators of the spiritual world have to come to experience. Not only does it have better cultivation conditions, but the type, level and year of the spiritual creatures are also much better than those of the Ancient Wind Continent. Times, many of them can be regarded as particularly rare spiritual objects, they can be easily found here, and there are still a lot of them, which is an eye-opener.

So in the end, Qingyang and his team didn't bother to spend time picking some low-age spiritual grass or materials, because there are too many, and picking these things is purely a waste of energy. It is better to look for other rarer and higher grades. A taller, longer lingering creature.

In a blink of an eye, a year has passed, and they have harvested a lot of good things. The total value of various materials and spiritual objects is more than one million spiritual stones. It is distributed to everyone, and there are nearly 200,000. This harvest But it's not small. Calculating the time they have to spend 60 years in this Myriad Souls Secret Realm, if they can make this kind of income in the future, their net worth will definitely not be low when they leave in the future.

In this kind of environment with sufficient spiritual energy, even if everyone did not practice much, everyone's cultivation base has improved slightly. At this rate, all spirits will end in 60 years, and each will improve. The first level of cultivation is definitely not difficult, and Qing Yang's original cultivation based on the impregnation fruit forcibly ascended has been completely stabilized, and the meridian injuries have been completely healed.

The only fly in the ointment is that they have not harvested anything that is eye-catching so far. Although many of them are rare and relatively high in value, they seem to be quite satisfactory and have a relatively ordinary effect on the monks. The legendary spirits will come in and out.

But this is also normal, gains and risks are directly proportional. They have not experienced too much risk during this period, and it is normal that they have not encountered too good things. It may be that they have entered the Secret Realm of All Souls for too short a time. I didn't go deep into the hinterland, and I didn't encounter any good things.

They are all veteran Yuan Ying monks who have been cultivating for a long time. They naturally understand this truth, and they won’t be impetuous because of this. Anyway, the rest of the time will be long, not to mention that they have gained a lot during this period of time. It's a worthwhile trip for the rest to be so.

Maybe God sensed their voices, or maybe it was the time when they had accumulated a lot of hair. They were flying forward on this day. Suddenly, a roar of monsters came in front of them, and the nearby area suddenly exploded, and countless low-ranking ones. Fleeing outward, as if the end of the world.

Hearing this voice, Zhenjun Zhumo couldn't help but change the color on his face, saying: "No, this is the voice of a twelfth-order beast. The cultivation base is comparable to the ninth-layer cultivator of Yuan Ying. I am afraid we are not opponents."

They are a group of six people. The highest cultivation bases are the Leiyu Demon King and Fushan Demon King on the fifth floor of the Nascent Soul, followed by the Purple Cicada Demon King, the Phoenix Spirit Demon King, and the True Monarch Zhumo on the fourth floor of the Nascent Soul, as well as the lowest cultivation base. Qingyang, if six people are united, they can fight against the eighth-layer cultivator of Yuanying. It is comparable to the nine-layer monsters of Yuanying, and the strength is slightly worse than that of the Golden Scale Demon King in Ten Thousand Demon Valley. It is the ruler of a superpower, but it is not something that ordinary people can easily deal with.

What's more, they are only a temporary team, just like the situation when Qing Yang used to pre-select the third level in Wan Linghui to deal with the three people teaming up, no matter how tacit cooperation, they can always find loopholes. If you don't pay attention, you will be defeated by each. If they trust each other enough, can work together, and cooperate tacitly, they may be able to display their super-level strength.

Fukuyama Demon King listened with his ears sideways, and then said, "Don’t panic~www.readwn.com~ Listening to the sound, the monster is still far away from us, and it’s not directed at us. I won’t be able to get here for a while. It should only be annoyed by something to get angry. It has nothing to do with us."

During this year’s cooperation, everyone knows that the Fukuyama Demon King’s perception is significantly better than others, and he is extremely good at inquiring about news. Since he has said so, it seems that there is no danger for the time being, not to mention that there are so many of them. When people are together, even if the twelfth-tier monster comes, they may not be able to fight, but it can still be done to save lives from the opponent's mouth.

The Purple Cicada Demon King said: "Since we entered the Myriad Souls Secret Realm, we have rarely encountered any dangers along the way. The strongest opponent is only in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and can be easily dealt with. This time, the Ninth Stage of Nascent Soul suddenly appeared. World of Warcraft, do you think there are any good things here?"

Feng Ling Demon King said: "Generally, where there are monsters guarding, there must be heavy treasures. This monster is powerful, maybe there is something good here. We have been in the Ten Thousand Spirits Secret Realm for almost a year, but we still haven't found any heavy treasures. It's not as good as before. Go and explore, there may be unexpected gains."

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